区块链工程学什么课程及毕业薪酬岗位去向 就业前景怎么样?下面小编就具体说一下区块链工程在大学期间主要学习课程有哪些。区块链工程毕业的工资及岗位因地区、经验、技能水平、工作单位等因素而异。一般来说,应届毕业生月薪在5331元。就业岗位有:计算机硬件、销售业务、生产工艺、电子/电器通用技术、集成电路等岗位,同时,随着工作年限的增加和技能的提升,工资水平也会有不同程度的提高。
What are the courses in block-chain engineering and what are the career prospects for graduate-paying jobs? What are the main courses in block-chain engineering at the university level?
序号 | 课程名称 |
1 | 程序设计 |
2 | 数据结构 |
3 | 操作系统原理 |
4 | 计算机网络 |
5 | 数据库原理及应用 |
6 | 区块链原理 |
7 | 数据挖掘与分析 |
8 | 密码学基础原理 |
9 | 信息安全与数字身份 |
10 | 共识机制与算法 |
11 | P2P网络技术 |
12 | 区块链技术与应用 |
13 | 分布式计算与存储 |
14 | 脚本与智能合约 |
15 | 区块链应用开发实践 |
16 | 区块链金融 |
17 | 区块链与数字经济 |
In general, the first-grader’s salary will be around $5331, the second year of graduation will be about $997 per month, and the fifth year of graduation will be about $13,097 per month, which will increase as the number of years of work and experience increases.
序号 | 岗位名称 | 占比 |
1 | 计算机硬件 | 5.8% |
2 | 销售业务 | 8.2% |
3 | 生产工艺 | 10.7% |
4 | 电子/电器通用技术 | 6.3% |
5 | 集成电路 | 8.2% |
In short, block-chain engineering is a broad area where graduates have many opportunities for employment and development directions and need to make choices based on their own interests and expertise.
In general, the employment prospects for block-chain graduates are very optimistic. But to remain competitive and develop themselves, block-chain graduates should develop their knowledge and skills and possess a combination of qualities to meet the challenges of future career development.
注:这里的区块链工程学什么课程及毕业薪酬岗位去向 就业前景怎么样只是一部分,想要了解更多的区块链工程信息请下载《蝶变志愿app》。
Note: What is the course of block chain engineering here and what kind of post-graduation jobs go to? What is the future of employment? If you want more information about block chain engineering, please download Voluntary App.
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