
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:56 评论:0



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Editor by: Source: Enterprise State.


Before the Central Political Office’s collective learning of the block chain, market dynamics began to rise, the silting currency circle began to move again, and there was a tendency to cut up a new wave of vegetables. In sum, the market’s short-term appearance of highs, strangulations, worries, and confusion made the chain even more difficult to understand.


But in the context of the gradual release of information during this period, future developments in block chain technology, especially digital currency based on block chain technology, are becoming clearer.


digital currencies are becoming clearer


More recently, information on digital money has been growing, and the most recent news is that on November 6th, China’s network published the Directory of Guidance on Industrial Restructuring (2019 editions). A “virtual money mining” that was in the phase-out industry in the draft was not shown in the officially published catalogue, compared to the previous consultation draft.
The virtual currency mining is no longer on the list.


On 2 January 2018, the Head Group of the Specialized Internet Financial Risk Management Service issued a document requesting that enterprises in China should be directed out of the “mining” business in an orderly manner and should report regularly on the progress of the work. After the Board’s comments on the report, which listed it as a phase-out of the industry, the site began to be cleared.


This policy update on virtual currency mining has once again triggered the heat of the “mining” industry. But mining here is not a concept as compared to previous bitcoin mining, and although the technical means are basically the same, the results and utility are quite different.


supports mining, taking into account the development of the entire block chain and providing upstream arithmetic assurance for the operation of the block chain.


Others, such as the creation by the Ministry of Trade and Communications of a system of block chain standards to facilitate the establishment of a technical standardization committee for block chains and distributional bookkeeping; the signing of a contract by the Central Bank's Digital Monetary Institute; the issuance by the Hong Kong Censorship Council of rules governing the virtual asset exchange; and the opening of the “horse race” model by the central bank's digital currency, all of which indicate that China's digital currency is fast approaching us.


At the same time, it shows that, with regard to block chains and digital currencies, China has a clear vision of development and implementation logic and has begun to focus on implementation.


These measures, issued within a short period of time after learning by the Political Bureau, can also be seen as a concrete division of labour and implementation by the various government departments following a detailed study of the political bureau's block chain of collective learning and the development of a vision of the block chain.

数字是数字 货币是货币

The number


Also on 6 November, the People's Bank of China issued a message stating that the People's Bank's Digital Monetary Institute and representatives of the Hong Kong Trade Finance Platform Limited had signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Trade and Finance Platforms in Hong Kong with a view to docking the Trade and Finance Platform of the People's Bank of China with the Hong Kong “Trade Linking” platform.


This cooperation will also be seen as an important measure to accelerate the landing of China's digital currency.


The block chain is an information technology, not a means of production. Digital money based on block chain technology is a technical and financial complex. Pure technological environments produce just a bunch of codes, and currencies have their own attributes. That is, numbers are numbers, currencies are currencies, digital currencies are digital, but they are not decided by numbers. Digital currencies are ultimately, as a currency, bound to have their official attributes.

实际上,人民银行早在2014年开始研究和打造属于自己的数字货币DCEP(Digital Currency Electronic Payment)。2017年,央行成立了数字货币研究所,直到 2019 年 10 月 28 日中国央行数字货币DCEP 正式提出,央行针对数字货币已经申请了 74 项专利。可以说,对于数字货币,中国央行已是运筹良久。

Indeed, the People’s Bank started researching and building its own digital currency DCEP as early as 2014. In 2017, the Central Bank established the Digital Monetary Institute until October 28, 2019.


In recent days, Fan Yi Fei, the vice-president of central banks who pays settlements and digital money, has signed with China, a clear sign of the future of digital money. Digital money must be dominated by mobile payments, while at mobile terminals and database levels, China has a great advantage, and once the legal digital currency is issued, it may support digital money wallets in the first place.


In the future, the overall top-level database of China’s digital currency is necessarily at the central bank level. By working with China, the central bank has paved the way for future banks to issue digital money directly.


, at the same time as the central bank signed an agreement with China, let's say that “the block chain is worthless in terms of quantum calculations.” At first glance, it seems to be a demeaning of the block chain, but in fact it is precisely the attributes of the future digital currency.


The logic is that the block chain is just a technology that enables digital money to function. But as a technology, it can easily be broken in the face of quantum computing. So the block chain, digital money as a monetary function, depends most fundamentally on the credit of the state, on the law, not on the technology itself.


In recent statements by central banks about digital currencies, central banks now very much hope that China’s official digital currency will be introduced as soon as possible. At the same time, it is also foreseeable that, in the course of issuing future national digital currencies, the runners will take a significant lead in the market.


Chinese digital currency wants


Block chains are, simply speaking, a decentralised distributed book database as new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc.


Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted digital currency in the form of a P2P, and a virtual currency, represented by bitcoin, is only a specific application of block chain technology. One of its fundamental advantages is to move away from the traditional bank account system and have the advantage of currency stability. Digital currency based on block chain technology will become the dominant form of internationalized digital currency because it is characterized by high security, rapid payments, and resolution of mutual trust.


As for Facebook's digital currency, Libra, it can be seen as a potential world-class currency change. But Libra can't be a pure block chain. It's based on a centralized structure. Only the final settlement of that layer is a block chain technology.


At the same time, it is difficult for Libra to achieve currency stability. For Libra to succeed as a stable currency, it means that Libra’s founding association, while playing the role of the central bank of Libra, will evolve into a private International Monetary Fund, even more influential than the International Monetary Fund.


Moreover, Libra claims to be inclusive finance for the benefit of the population of a vulnerable currency country. For a vulnerable currency country, if the population converts the currency to Libra in large quantities, it will push the currency into devaluation, thereby exacerbating the poverty of people who have only assets in this currency, instead of achieving what they call inclusive finance.


As a potential world-class monetary reform, Libra is therefore likely to be a huge risk if the changes are not addressed.


At the same time, central banks can not even rely on the network, and payments do not require any bank account to be tied, allowing off-line payments and off-line collections.


In short, the central bank digital currency DCEP, which is supported by central bank issues, State credit, is fundamentally different from statutory paper and coins, and fully legalized digital currencies, such as the digital currency and non-sovereign digital money currently traded on the market, such as Libra.


If you have any questions, contact editor@cyzone.cn.




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