知足天地宽 贪得宇宙隘 ♪ I know the sky and the earth ♪ ♪ I know the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ I know the sky and the sky ♪ ♪ ♪ I know the sky and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I know the sky and the sky ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ strong ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ strong ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and the universe ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ strong ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 当下社会,虽然一改以往对古董贩子的排斥态度,却产生了另一个误解“凡是玩古董的一定是有钱人”,很多圈外人每天被各种自媒体网络充斥着的类似于“某某某祖上留下的银元卖了多少钱”、“某某某院里挖出的古钱币卖了多少钱”、“某某某手里的纪念币和分币涨了几千倍”等新闻忽悠的五迷三道,稀里糊涂也入了圈,当然作为门槛较低的钱币圈吸纳了这些人的大多数,但等他们真正进入这个圈子之后才发现全然不是那回事,究其原因大概是他们没有弄清一个逻辑:你不是因为玩钱币而变得更有钱,而是因为你有钱才会有更多的古钱币。 The current society, while changing its rejection of antique traffickers in the past, has created another misperception that news such as /span'span are rife with a variety of media networks, like 1 一夜暴富梦 1 nbsp; 升官发财,娶妻生子是每个人的高光时刻,尤其是当下市场经济时代,钱的重要性不言而喻,正如古人留下的那句话“人无外财不富,马无夜草不肥”,很多人都想在主业之外开辟出副业,实现自己的发财梦。由于现在的鉴宝节目盛行,网络虚假拍卖泛滥,钱币圈便成了他们的第一站,很多人就带着捡漏暴富的梦想一猛子扎了进来了。 The importance of money is self-evident, especially in the current market economy, when the ancients say that “the strongs are rich and rich and the horses are not fat” and that many want to do their side business outside the main business and realize their own dreams of financial gain. As a result of the prevalence of the treasure show now, the network of false auctions has become their first stop, and many people have come in with their wild dreams. /span > 在钱币圈,暴富的有没有?“有,但绝对是极少数”,你能听到的那些故事基本上也是传诵很久的了。笔者身边捡漏最大的就是有位山东的好友告诉笔者的,他的一个朋友花了两三千块钱,买了一枚大珍(具体叫什么名字忘了),转手卖了70多万,这便是笔者玩钱币六年多以来听过的最大的漏,而且还是道听途说,其真实性有待研究。小漏当然就更多一些,前段时间,一位好友在本地花了20块钱买了一枚乾隆,转手入盒子评定为母钱,价值翻个三四百倍问题不是很大,这样的漏应该说每天都有发生。就连笔者前几天都在宋散钱里挑出了四级币-元代供养钱至治通宝。 The most important story you can hear is that a friend of Shandong's told me that a friend of mine spent two or three thousand dollars, bought a treasure, sold more than 700,000 dollars, the biggest leak he's ever heard in six years or so, and heard that the trueness of the coin has yet to be studied. More than that, a friend of mine spent 20 dollars on a haystack in the area and turned the box for his mother's money. It's not a big problem. It should be said that every day the leaks happen. 但是从概率事件角度出发,笔者一年过手一二百万的货,将近7年也才换来了这么一个漏,可能有些运气好的一年能遇到一两次也算好的了,就算一年遇到十次收入也就增加个十来万,和普通的工薪阶层没什么区别,像上面提及的花几千买,转手卖几十万的,除非你货源特别好,自己又有非常丰富的泉识,除此之外,恐怕十年八年也轮不到你头上。这就是赤裸裸的现实,相反,带着满满喜悦进来,被割韭菜割到伤心,最后亏得血本无归,心灰意冷倒是大多数人的真实写照,所以说一夜暴富只是概率事件,脚踏实地才是人生常态。 But from a probabilistic point of view, I've spent 12 million dollars a year, and for almost seven years I've had one or two slips, and it may be good to have a lucky year or two. Even 10 times a year with income, it's like 100,000 more than ordinary wage earners, like the thousands I mentioned, selling hundreds of thousands of dollars, unless you have a very good source and a very rich source of knowledge, and it's probably not for ten or eight years. That's a naked reality, on the contrary, full of joy, cut off by cutting vegetables, with no blood loss, most people actually write about it, so one night's richness is just a probability event, and it's just life on the ground. 2 别人家的好钱 2. 昨天闲来无事,看了一位老板的直播,还是比较熟悉的好友,平时去他那也看不到什么好钱,结果一直播好钱就出来了,什么道光天下太平,咸丰大钱,嘉道母钱,南宋母钱更是一把把的,我们所痴迷的朱砂结晶,爆蓝爆绿锈南宋年号钱币更是随意的放在旁边的袋子里。在我们眼里认为非常高端的八年大头在他们那里成了上不了台面的存在。如果你有心,去观察下圈里大佬的钱币圈,看看他们的藏品,如果身边没有大佬就去快手直播看看大佬们的作品,一对比就会发现自己的藏品有多么不济。我们在看他们的藏品的时候,总会不自觉地去计算藏品的价值,在他们那里一百万基本也就是一二十枚藏品的价格,所以不由得发出感慨“为什么好钱都在别人那里?”随即盲目猜想他们的藏品是靠玩钱币赚的钱买来的,然后幻想着自己终有那么一天成为像他们一样的大佬。 When we look at their treasures, we don't want to compute the value of their treasures, and the price of a million or 20 of their treasures is the same as the money they want to buy. 再加上圈里有些泉友们之间开玩笑,说什么靠玩钱币买车、买房,使得很多泉友动心,开始努力实现他们的发财梦。但是很多人往往只看到了表面,首先在钱币圈能赚到大钱的永远是那些原本就很有钱的人,你指望卖个顺康雍能赚多少钱?一枚顺治赚30就算很高的利润率,卖一千枚顺治也就是3万元,康熙更不用说了,你也不能保证不吃药或者每一枚都赚钱啊。记得小时候看到的一个笑话“有位彩民中了500万彩票,在领奖的时候,另一位彩民无比羡慕的去问他是如何做到的,这位中奖人云淡风轻的说,我买彩票之前是千万富翁”,玩钱币也是一样的道理。 But many people often only see the surface, first of all those who are rich, how much do you expect to earn from selling a symphony? A smoothie earns a lot of money 3 /span /span > /span /span > /span /span > / /span > /span > >, not to mention, Kang-hee, you can't guarantee that you won't take any medicine or every one of them. Remember when I was a kid, the joke, "Strong has 5 million lottery tickets in a colored man, and in winning the prize, another colored man asks how he does it, and the winner says that I'm a millionaire before buying a lottery ticket /strong" / /s / /s / /s / / / / / / /s / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 去年笔者写过一篇文章,拜会了山东的一位老藏家,第一次过手1000枚银元,但是你们不知道的是这位老藏家自己做了二十多年厂子,一年营收200多万,住着大别墅;今年和一位大佬聊天,问他的藏品怎么这么丰富,他告诉笔者,他玩钱币也不过五六年时间,就一直买极美品咸丰大钱,从不往外卖,典型的貔貅藏家,如今他的藏品估计能卖一千多万,前提是他投入了就有八百来万。对普通小玩家来说,笔者微信圈泉友有6000多位,泉色泉香500人的群有5个,每天除了上班时间,其余时间基本耗费在钱币上,就这样拼命六年多也就留下40来万藏品,所以说,能赚到钱的人,不是因为他玩钱币才赚到的钱,而是因为他原本就有钱所以才能有优质的钱币,最后实现躺赢。这个逻辑关系要缕清。 Last year, the author wrote an article about an old hideout in Shandong, who had spent 1,000 silver dollars for the first time, but you didn't know that the old hideout had worked for himself for more than 20 years, collected more than 2 million dollars a year, and lived in a villa; this year, he talked to a big man and asked how he was rich in his treasures. He told me that he had not spent more than five or six years on coins and that he had spent more than 400,000 pieces of money on his life for six years, so he said that he could earn money, not only because he had spent more than eight million dollars on his coins, but because he had already had enough money, so he could finally win the relationship. 3 别去攀比,做好自己 3 nbsp; andnbsp; 老师和父母从小就教育我们不要盲目攀比,爱慕虚荣,每个人的起点不一样,家庭经济状况不一样,所以生活条件自然会有区别。在钱币圈更是用金钱开道的一个时代,以前凭借眼力尚能在有钱人手里截胡,抢点好品,自从评级公司和微拍群的出现,现金流早已经把眼力的影响力逐步削弱,现在的市场是,只要你有钱,就没有买不到的钱币。 Teachers and parents have taught us not to race blindly since we were young, to love vanity, to start from different points of view, and to have different family economics, so living conditions naturally differ. In an era when money is more money-based, it used to be able to cut off in the hands of rich people, grab good things, cash flows have gradually weakened their influence since rating companies and microcosms, and now the market is that there are no coins that can be bought as long as you have money. 现在的钱币圈就像一个没有硝烟的战场,而且还都喜欢集中火力往一个点猛攻,银元热,就都跑银元那去,咸丰大钱热,就又都省吃俭用的去买大咸丰,在这种态势之下,高兴的自然是那些庄家。三十六计里有一计“上屋抽梯”,等一大波人上了屋顶了,梯子一下就撤了,你想下来也想不来了,遇到心狠的,断腿求生,一横心跳下来,也得落个终身残疾。听说银元的低迷都影响到军阀币了,有的人一个币亏几十上百万,那些高峰期1600接通货大头的,100块就得亏三四万,大头尚且如此,那些玩三剑客的境遇又能好到哪里去? It's like a smoke-free battlefield, and it's all about concentrating fire on a little bit, silver heat, running for silver dollars, salty money heat, and saving money for a lot of money to buy a lot of money. In this state of affairs, it's natural to be happy with the estates. Thirty-six of them have a "strong" on the roof, and the ladder's gone, and you can't come down, you can't come down, you can't meet a heart, you can't have a leg, you can't jump off, you can't lose a lifetime of disability. They say the silver bank's lows are affecting the warlords, they're down to a few million dollars, they're up to a high height of 1600, they're down to thirty thousand, they're down to the top, and they're like that. 这个世界就是这样,收益从来都是与风险成正比的:收益越大,风险也就越大,对于大佬们来说亏赚十万八万,甚至百万都伤不了元气,对于广大小玩家来说可能十万块钱就是一年的收入了,亏损了这些,那么剩下的日子就只有靠意念坚持了。所以说当你的收入不足以覆盖你未来可预见到的风险时,退避三舍才是最明智的选择。 That's what the world is all about, and the returns are always proportional to the risks: the greater the returns, the greater the risks, the more the loss of $180,000 or even a million won won't hurt the big guys, the more $100,000 for a lot of small players, the loss of a year, so the rest of the days will be held up. So when your income is not enough to cover the risks you can foresee in the future, it's the wisest option to turn back. 综上所述,想在钱币圈有一个好心态,首先必须缕清的一个逻辑关系就是“不是因为玩钱币而变得更有钱,而是因为有钱才会有更多的古钱币。”这样你就不会在看到那些大佬的精品钱币时心理不平衡,我们暂时称之为钱币圈的阿Q精神吧。当然也不排除有些人因为玩钱币而发财致富,但那毕竟是极少数,我们可以把他们当成努力的方向,只是切莫在努力奔跑的过程中失去了理智,让自己变的痛苦不堪,切记。 In summary, to have a good mindset in the currency circles, one of the logical relationships that must first be clear is that “not only does
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