Within the encryption circle, there is a widespread pattern of highly variable and long-standing encryption frauds – brick-shifting frauds, smart contracts by fraudsters claiming that they can be returned over and above the ETH, the price of which is arbitrage. But the actual contract is returned in counterfeit currency, which cannot be exchanged in the exchange, and the victims often find out two or three times after the loss, but it is too late to repent.
Since the beginning of the year, the Bitrace team has received help from more than 100 victims. Unlawful elements have pretended to be exchange guests on a social platform, actively identified victims, verbally introduced them to an ETH pledge, overpaid BNB property, and induced victims to send money to fraudulent contracts.
According to the information submitted by the victims, most of the damages caused by the scheme are between 1ETH-120ETH and more than 2000ETH has been reported.
图片来自币追Bitrace数据分析平台 已作脱敏处理
After a chain-to-trace analysis of the currency involved, the currency-to-bit team finds that fraudsters tend to launder money quickly and hide it. For example, a group of highly associated addresses are used to launder fraud contracts that are automatically returned to the money hoarding address and split, and eventually moved to a monetized platform or centralised agency.
Given the differences in money-laundering techniques, propaganda, and address connections, we realize that there are clearly a number of different groups of fraudsters operating independently. So the black product has been industrialized, and this is not good news for a wide range of crypto-currency adopters.
Virtual currency frauds are often packaged into so-called “brick-lifting arbitrage”, “mobility mining”, “lending” and other seemingly harmless, high-yielding, low-risk property items, but often hide behind them, with investors at great risk of losing their principal.
Based on the extensive industry experience of the Bitrace team, the following features of this type of encryption fraud are summarized:
- 高收益低风险。以诱人的高回报率配合投资人贪小便宜的心理,达到诈骗的目的。
- 多次返利,徐徐引诱。犯罪分子为获得更大金额的款项,让受害人逐步建立信任,最终完成狩猎。
- 以优质标的为诱饵。本案中超额返利的BNB是知名头部交易所发布的代币,对受害者而言看似风险更低,也因此更容易交出信任。
As in the financial domain of encryption, if you are involved in a DeFi agreement without knowing where the proceeds come from, then you are the provider of the proceeds.
The iterative evolution of fraud on the chain is accelerating, and even the same kind of fraud is more complex than ever before. As encryption currency adopters grow, wider losses are inevitable, and if you have an unfortunate loss, you can contact us at any time to get help.
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