排名 |
币种名 | 美元价格$ | 24H涨跌幅 |
流通市值$ |
初始发行价 |
24h最高价 |
24h最低价 |
1 |
BTC 比特币 |
$65,889.96 | -1.13% | 12950.7亿 | $0.0025 | $66,943.64 | $65,606.67 |
交易所 | 交易对 | 平台价 |
24H涨跌幅 |
24H交易量 |
24H最高价 |
24H最低价 |
/ | $0.00000 | 0% | $0 | |||
A A |
/ | $0.00000 | 0% | $0 | A | A |
HKEx.one |
/ | $0.00000 | 0% | $0 |
9月3日凌晨,比特币短线暴跌逾10%,一度跌破10000美元关口,最低跌至9960美元,刷新7月27日以来新低,24h跌幅为9.98% 。与此同时,加密货币集体走低,市值前十的热门币种,除稳定币之外,多数下跌幅度超过10%。而导致比特币价格下跌的原因,主要源自这三个关键因素:矿工资金流出、美元走强以及主要阻力。
In the early morning hours of 3 September, bitcoin fell by more than 10%, once breaking the $10,000 threshold, down to $9960, freshly down since 27 July, with a 24h drop of 9.98%.
In recent days, as reported earlier today, the number of BTCs sent to the exchange by large ponds has exceeded normal levels.
数据显示,矿工正准备出售所持比特币,这给市场增加了抛售压力。CryptoQuant首席执行官Ki Young Ju写道:“矿商定期向交易所发送一定数量的BTC,因此他们已经在交易所中拥有大量BTC。无论何时他们决定出售,似乎都会将相当数量的BTC转移到其他钱包中,其中一些将用于交换。”
The data show that miners are preparing to sell the bitcoin they hold, which puts pressure on the market to dump. CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju writes: "Mines regularly send a certain amount of BTC to the exchange, so they already have a lot of BTC in the exchange. Whenever they decide to sell, it seems that a significant amount of BTC will be transferred to other wallets, some of which will be exchanged."
The miners represent one of the two sources of external sales pressure other than the exchange in the Bitcoin market.
Over the past three days, the United States dollar has been rising against other reserve currencies. The United States dollar has shown particularly strong momentum vis-à-vis the euro.
According to Cointeelegraph, the European Central Bank (ECB) warns that the euro has become too expensive. The ECB’s warning shook the market, leading to the sale of the euro because investors fear the imposition of restrictive measures.
As the dollar began to rebound from support areas for many years, both bitcoin and gold fell sharply.
From $12,000 to $1.25 million has been a strong resistance zone in Bitcoin since 2018.
Bitcoin prices have been tested for a fourth time for $12,000 in a relatively short period of time. This may trigger a vendor’s reaction, leading to a fall in bitcoin.
但在各大交易所,比特币的价格跌至10625美元。知名交易商Salsa Tekila表示,这是高位的主要支撑位,暗示近期可能出现反弹。
But the price of Bitcoin has fallen to $10625 in major exchanges. Salsa Tekila, a well-known dealer, says that this is the main support for the high position, implying a possible rebound in the near future.
In the short term, traders are generally expected to rebound to $11,200. The decline from $11,200 will confirm the level as a strong resistance zone, and the recovery will mark a continuation of the increase.
对此,加密货币交易员斯科特?梅尔克(Scott Melker)表示,理想的情况是小幅下跌,然后是强劲复苏。
In response, the crypto-currency dealer Scott Melker stated that the ideal scenario was a small drop, followed by a strong recovery.