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在硅谷,对于 Web3 最热情的科技大佬,排第一的是 Twitter 的创始人杰克·多西,后者不仅曾经尝试在 Twitter 内部打造一个去中心化小队,而且直接将自己的电子支付公司 Square 改名为 Block;另一个则是「邪恶中立」的伊隆·马斯克,几天前将 Twitter 的小蓝鸟 Logo 改成柴犬,让自己一直玩的「狗狗币」价格暴涨。

In Silicon Valley, for the most passionate tech guy in Web3 the top line is Jack & Middot, the founder of Twitter; Dossy, who not only tried to build a de-centralized team inside Twitter, but also changed his electronic payment company, Square, to Block; and Iron & Middot, the evil neutral; and Mask, who changed his little blue bird from Twitter to a wooddog a few days ago, so that the price of the "dog's coin" that he had been playing with would soar.

如果说上面两位都是 Web3 明面上的玩家,另一巨头——苹果公司——很可能是整个科技圈隐藏最深的 Web3 大佬。

If the two above are both bright-faced Web3 players, the other giant, Apple, is probably the deepest web3 in the whole tech circle.

几天前,国外博主在解决打印机故障时,偶然发现苹果的 MacOS 系统中,自 2018 年的 Mojave 更新以来,每一个版本中都隐藏了区块链领域的「圣经」——中本聪于 2008 年发布的比特币「白皮书」。

A few days ago, foreign bloggers accidentally discovered the Apple's MacOS system while resolving printer failures, every version of which, since the Mojave update in 2018, has hidden the “Bible” in the area of the block chain — the White Paper of Bitcoin, which was released by the Chinese stunner in 2008.

这一切只是巧合,还是某个员工自己的「致敬」行为,又或者,这是苹果在 Web3 领域的「一盘大棋」?

It's just a coincidence, or is it an employee's own "honest" act, or is it, like, an apple's "a big game" in the Web3 field?

01 Mac「藏币」

01 Mac 'Store'

事情是这样的,几天前,这个「彩蛋」被独立博主 Andy Baio 在试图解决打印机的故障时偶然发现。

The thing is, a few days ago, this egg was discovered by independent blogger Andy Baio while trying to solve the printer's malfunction.

在和其他十几个 Mac 用户确认后,他在 4 月 5 日用他的 Waxy 博客报道了这件事,而这天恰巧也是中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)48 岁生日。

After confirmation by dozens of other Mac users, he reported on 5 April on his Waxy blog, which happened to be the 48th birthday of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Baio 在博客上写道,「今天在试图修复我的打印机时,我发现苹果似乎在 2018 年 Mojave 以来的每一个 macOS 副本中,都隐藏了比特币原始的加密宣言。」此外,他还给苹果用户分享了如何在自己的电脑上找到这个文件。

Baio writes on his blog: "Today, while trying to fix my printer, I found that apples appear to have hidden the original encrypt declaration of Bitcoin in every macos from Mojave in 2018." In addition, he shared with apple users how to find it on his computer.

其实,这个发现并不完全是新的;早在 2020 年,设计师 Joshua Dickens 就发现了苹果电脑里比特币的白皮书,还为此发了推文。

In fact, this discovery is not entirely new; as early as 2020, designer Joshua Dickens discovered the White Paper of the Apple Computer's Bitcoin and sent a tweet for it.

设计师 Joshua Dickens 的推文

设计师 Joshua Dickens 的推文

但是,这个发现当时在网上并没有获得多少关注,2021 年 4 月苹果社区才出现相关的问询帖。

The discovery, however, did not receive much attention online, and the Apple Community only showed up in April 2021.



而更令人震惊的是,这个「彩蛋」早在 2018 年就被放进了苹果电脑,从 Mojave(10.14.0)到目前的 Ventura(13.3),每个版本的 macOS 都有这个「彩蛋」,但 High Sierra(10.13)或更早的版本中没有。

And even more alarming is the fact that this egg was placed on an apple computer as early as 2018, from Mojave (10.14.0) to the current Ventura (13.3), each version of the macos has this egg, but not High Sierra (10.13) or earlier.

而且,任何拥有运行 macOS Mojave 或更高版本的 Mac 的人,都可以通过在终端输入以下命令,亲眼看到这个 PDF:

Furthermore, anyone with a running macos Mojave or higher version of Mac can see this PDF by entering the following command at the terminal:

如果你使用的是 macOS 10.14 或更高版本,比特币白皮书的 PDF 副本就会立即在预览中打开。

If you use macos 10.14 or more, a copy of the PDF of the Bitcoin White Paper will be opened immediately in the preview.

该文件也可以通过 Finder 找到:导航到 Macintosh HD -> System -> Library -> Image Capture -> Devices,然后打开 Contents -> Resources 文件夹。题为 "simpledoc.pdf "的白皮书应该在那里。

This document can also be found through Finder: Navigating to Macintosh HD-> System-> Library-> Image Capture-> Devices, then opening the Contents-> Resources folders. White papers entitled &quat; simpledoc.pdf & Quot; should be there.

simpledoc.pdf "是一个包含九页比特币白皮书全文的 PDF 文件。

simpledoc.pdf &quat; a PDF file containing the full text of the nine-page Bitcoin White Paper.

它似乎是作为几个样本文件之一放在那里的,包括另一个名为 "numbers.pdf "的 PDF 文件,这个文件里面只有四个数字,字体非常大,还有一个名为 "cover.jpg "的神秘图片,是一张 2,634×3,916 的 JPEG 照片,似乎是在旧金山湾的金银岛拍摄的标志。

It appears to have been placed there as one of several sample documents, including another PDF document called &quat; Numbers.pdf & & Quot, which contains only four figures, very large fonts and a mysterious picture called &quat; cover.jpg & Quot; a picture of 2,634× and 3,916 JPEG, which appears to be the logo taken at Silver Island in San Francisco Bay.

在图像捕捉工具(Image Capture)中,选择 一个名为 "虚拟扫描仪 II(Virtual Scanner II)的设备的样本文件,在 Details 中,将 Media 设为 "Document",Media DPI 设为 "72 DPI"。你应该看到比特币纸张的第一页的预览。

In the image capture tool (Image Capture), select a sample file for a device called & Quot; Virtual Scanner II, setting Media as & Quot; Document & quot; Media DPI as & Quot; 72 DPI & quot;. You should see a preview of the first page of the Bitcoin paper.

值得一提的是,虚拟扫描仪 II(Virtual Scanner II),这个设备在默认情况下是被隐藏的,也不会为所有人自动安装。目前还不清楚为什么它是隐藏的,或者它到底是用来做什么的,虽然有可能是为苹果的「导入功能」提供动力的。

It is worth mentioning that Virtual Scanner II, a device that is hidden by default and will not be automatically installed for all. It is not clear why it is hidden, or what it is used to do, although it may provide an incentive for Apple's import function.


02 "A big game"?

文件遍地都是,苹果为什么会特意选择将比特币白皮书纳入 MacOS?

Why does Apple choose to include the Bitcoin White Paper in MacOS?

一个可能的解释是,负责提供一些样本文件的苹果工程师,选择了比特币白皮书和神秘的图片,只是为了好玩。正如它的文件名是「simpledoc.pdf」,它只有 184KB。也许这只是一个方便、轻量级的多页 PDF,用于测试目的,从来没有想过要让终端用户看到。

One possible explanation is that the Apple engineer, who was responsible for providing some sample files, selected the bitcoin white paper and the mysterious picture for fun. Just as its file name is simpledoc.pdf, it has only 184 kB. Perhaps it is a convenient, lightweight, multipage PDF for testing purposes, never thought to be seen by end-users.


Despite this, the "conspiracy theory" has gone unscathed.


Is there a mysterious Big Bitcoin working for Apple, or is there a secret order from Apple Top about Bitcoin?

而这些「阴谋论」也绝不仅仅是空穴来风,比如,就在公开发声后,Baio 收到了一位苹果员工的匿名举报,他透露内部有人几乎在一年前就报告了这个问题。但是,据说这个问题被报告给了当初将比特币白皮书 PDF 放在那里的那个工程师,而那个人此后什么也没做,也没有发表意见。

And these “conspiracy theories” are far from empty, for example, when Baio received an anonymous report from an apple employee who revealed that someone inside had reported on the issue almost a year ago. However, it is said that the issue was reported to the engineer who had placed the bitcoin white paper PDF there, who has not done anything since then and has not made a comment.

而最骇人听闻的「阴谋论」莫过于从未被确认的神秘的比特币发明者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)可能是史蒂夫·乔布斯,这位已故的苹果公司联合创始人和科技远见者。

And the most appalling "conspiracy theory" is that Satoshi Nakamoto, the unacknowledged and mysterious inventor of Bitcoin, could be Steve & Middot; and Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple and a scientific and technological visionary.

拥有 110 万粉丝的比特币投资者和博客作者拉克·戴维斯在 Twitter 上问道,「史蒂夫·乔布斯实际上是比特币的创造者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)吗?中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在 2010 年 12 月消失,然后乔布斯在 2011 年 10 月去世。时间线符合...」他甚至还发起了投票。其他用户在 Twitter 上留言,有些人表示同意,有些人则保持怀疑。

Bitcoin investors and bloggers with 1.1 million fans, Lak & Middot; Davis on Twitter asked, "Steve & Middot; Jobs is actually Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin? Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared in December 2010 and Jobs died in October 2011. Timelines match..."

虽然多数人都在为白皮书出现在苹果电脑上的原因而绞尽脑汁,但也还有人在为此感到气愤,他就是计算机科学家 Craig Wright,他曾多次声称,他是比特币的创造者,也就是传说中的中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)。

While most people are strung out of their minds for the reason that the white paper appeared on the apple computer, others are outraged by the fact that he is a computer scientist, Craig Wright, who has repeatedly claimed that he is the creator of Bitcoin, the legendary Satosh Nakamoto.

在 4 月 6 日的一条推文中,Wright 对一个问他是否认为苹果公司违反了版权的问题,回答说「是」。这个回答受到了加密货币社区的冷嘲热讽,敦促他起诉这家巨型科技公司。

In a tweet dated April 6, Wright answered "Yes" to a question asking him whether he believed Apple had violated copyright. The answer was cynically scorned by the encoded money community, urging him to sue the giant technology company.

03 苹果与 Web3「相爱相杀」

03 Apples and Web3 "Death to Kill"


In fact, Apple has never publicly supported Bitcoin or any other encrypted currency, and has been very cautious about the block chain.

但值得一提的是,苹果公司 CEO 库克曾在在 2021 年 11 月,作为比特币的支持者出席活动。当被问及他是否拥有比特币或以太坊(Ethereum)时,这家世界第二大公司的 CEO 回答了「是」。他还透露,他已经投资加密货币有一段时间了,持有一个「多样化的投资组合」是合理的。

But it is worth mentioning that Apple CEO Cook was present in November 2021 as a supporter of Bitcoin. When asked whether he owned bitcoin or Etheeum, the CEO of the second largest company in the world answered "Yes." He also revealed that he had invested in encrypted money for some time, and that it was reasonable to hold a "diversified portfolio".


It was asked that, while Apple’s attitude towards Bitcoin had been widely acknowledged by Cook as something that the company was “concerning”, Apple had nothing to say about the encrypt currency, and even denied the possibility that Apple would follow other companies, such as Tesla or MicroStrategy, to invest in Bitcoin in the future.


In fact, the relationship between Apple and the crypto-currency industry is highly volatile.

最早在 2014 年 2 月,苹果 App Store 就对多个数字货币交易平台和应用 App 出手管制,打击甚至下架了各种违反其准则的加密货币应用程序,包括 Coinbase、Coinjar、Blockchain.info 等多个应用,称其存在「无法解决的问题」。此后,苹果还设定了与「挖掘」数字加密货币相关的行为准则。

As early as February 2014, Apple App Store took control of several digital currency trading platforms and the application of App, striking down and even setting up a variety of encrypted currency applications that violated its guidelines, including Coinbase, Coinjar, Blockchain.info, which described its existence as "unsolvable." After that, apples also set a code of conduct relating to the "digging" of digital encrypted currencies.

正如前苹果应用商店主管 Phillip Shoemaker 在一次采访中说,「苹果公司多年来一直对加密货币有很大的限制和敌意,并认为这是一个庞氏骗局。」他还说,「苹果商店的规则是被精心设计成不透明的,这使苹果有能力作为一种守门人发挥作用,但这也使苹果能够对加密货币和 NFTs 保持任意严厉的立场。」Shoemaker 的这一观点还得到了商务部的认可。

As Phillip Shoemaker, former head of Apple Applications, said in an interview, “Apple has for many years been very restrictive and hostile to encrypted money and considers it to be a Ponzi scheme.” He added that “the Apple Shop’s rules were carefully designed to be opaque, which enabled Apple to play its role as a gatekeeper, but which also enabled Apple to maintain an arbitrary and rigid position on encrypted money and NFTs.” Shoemaker’s view was also endorsed by the Department of Commerce.

然而几个月后,2014 年 7 月底,苹果又重新上架了数字货币钱包应用,不再像以往那样对比特币以及其他数字货币持抵制态度,即使上架的只是少量应用,仅接纳比特币、以太坊(Ethereum)、DAO、瑞波币、狗狗币和莱特币。

A few months later, however, at the end of July 2014, apples re-arranged digital currency wallets and ceased to be resistant to bitcoins and other digital currencies as they had in the past, even though they had only a small number of applications, with only bitcoins, Ethereum, DAO, Ripon, Dogcoins and Lettco.

2018 年 6 月,苹果公司更新了其开发者行为准则,明确禁止使用 iOS 设备「挖掘」比特币等加密数字货币。

In June 2018, Apple updated its developers' code of conduct to explicitly prohibit the use of iOS devices to " excavate" encrypted digital currencies such as bitcoin.

2022 年,苹果公司为了 NFTs(non-fungible tokens)这个独特的区块链代币,再次更新了其应用程序商店审查规则。新规定允许了 NFTs 通过其 App Store 上列出的应用进行买卖。此举旨在使应用程序开发人员能够在应用程序中销售 NFT,并使新应用程序能够在其中安装代币。

In 2022, Apple updated its application shop review rules for NFTs (non-fundible tokens), a unique block chain token. The new regulations allowed NFTs to buy and sell through applications listed on its App Store. The aim was to enable application developers to sell NFTs in applications and to enable new applications to install tokens in them.


Apple regulates digital currency applications at the end of its product, perhaps as a prelude to its involvement in the block chain.


In fact, apples have been quietly accumulating technology in the area of block chains.

早在 2017 年 12 月,苹果公司便递交了一份新的专利申请,为一项能够通过将区块链技术与公共密钥基础设施 (PKI) 工具相结合来认证时间戳的程序申请了专利。这个程序的作用何在呢?专利中这样解释,若有黑客入侵单个节点,基于区块链创建和存储的时间戳就可以保护一个安全元件(Secure Element,简称 SE),例如,存储机密信息的 SIM 或 microSD 卡。

As early as December 2017, Apple submitted a new patent application for a procedure that would validate a time stamp by combining block chain technology with a public key infrastructure (PKI) tool. What is the role of this program? The patent explains that if a hacker invades a single node, a time stamp based on a block chain is created and stored to protect a secure component (Secure Regulation, short SE), such as an SIM or microSD card that stores classified information.

2019 年 2 月 15 日,苹果公司又向美国证券交易委员会提交了一份「神秘文件」,文件标题为《苹果对负责人采购的承诺摘要》,详细阐述了这家科技巨头在全球供应商网络中维护人权的承诺,更是透露了它巨头布局区块链行业的很多细节。

On February 15, 2019, Apple further submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission a “mystery paper”, entitled “Summary of Apple's Commitment to Chief Procurement”, detailing the commitment of this tech giant to upholding human rights in a global network of suppliers, and revealing much of the details of its giant block chain industry.

由此看来,苹果和加密货币以及区块链的相爱相杀是有历史因素的,这次被二次曝光的「彩蛋」,未必能证明公司在 Web3 领域的布局。毕竟,库克现在还在为即将推出的 MR 头显而闹心,同时谷歌、微软又因为 ChatGPT 而重新焕发战斗活力,这些挑战都比 Web3 更为急迫。

From this point of view, there is a historical element in the killing of apples and encrypted money, as well as the love of the block chain, and the re-explored "bundling egg" this time does not necessarily prove the company’s layout in the Web3. After all, Cook is still in the mood for the forthcoming MR, while Google, Microsoft, and ChatGPT are re-emerging, and these challenges are even more pressing than Web3.




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