In response to this crash, market analysis suggests that despite the huge fall in the US share of technology, the main reason is that Bitcoin has risen by more than $1,000 over the last 30 days, and that a lot of people have decided to make a profit.
On June 11, the price of Bitcoin broke down at the top of the $3,000 threshold; on the same day, the gunnet showed that Bitcoin was on the ground for the first time at $20602. And yesterday, dramatic changes occurred, with Bitcoin falling sharply by 14.5 per cent, to $2526.4, the largest since January 2015.
Update: Bitcoin's up and down
For almost half a month now, Bitcoin prices have been innovatively high, rising by nearly 60%, and have become a wonder of the capital market since this year. It has even increased by more than 300% since this year. Last week, Bitcoins/dollars prices again created a historic high, breaking 3,000 dollars for the first time, to $3012.05. Bitcoins fell by 14.5% yesterday, to $2526.4, the largest decline since January 2015. As young Beijing reporters published, the Arsenal Network showed that the price of each bitcoins was collapsing below 20,000 yuan.
对于此次暴跌,市场分析认为,虽然有美国科技股大跌助力,主因还是比特币在过去30天内大涨超过1000 美元,不少人决定获利了结。比特币价格重挫之际,币行网12 日有数百万美元的多头部位被人平仓。由于交易量过大,Coinbase 等一部分比特币交易所不堪负荷,12 日一度中断服务。另一家交易所“BTC-e”则声称受到分散式阻断服务攻击,网站一度瘫痪,一小时左右后恢复。
In response to this collapse, market analysis suggests that despite the huge fall in the US share in science and technology, Bitcoin had risen by more than $1,000 over the last 30 days, and that a number of people had decided to pay for it. As Bitcoin prices regressed, several millions of dollars of headlines had been levelled off on the currency’s 12th day. Part of the Bitcoin exchange, such as Coinbase, was overstretched, 12 days out of service. Another exchange, BTC-e, claimed that it had suffered a fragmented service disruption, and the website had been paralysed for a time, recovering about an hour or so after.
Visit: The main cause of the surge was mainstream financial involvement in the market
According to the mainstream view of the market , the driving force behind this dramatic increase in Bitcoin was mainly the Japanese Mrs. Watanabe and South Korean diaspora investors. It is understood that Japan and Korea currently account for 50-60% of the world’s transactions in bitcoin, which is enough to influence the price of bitcoins worldwide. According to media reports, many Japanese Watanabe wives are using leverage to buy bitcoins, i.e. 50-100 times the leverage to invest in bitcoins, but basically closing the deal on the same day without spending the currency overnight, leading to a significant increase in bitcoins in Japan.
In response to the continuing surge in bitcoin, the chief researcher Shaw of the Golden Wallet said, first of all, that digital money is now receiving a lot of attention from investors as a result of the development and application of global block-chain technology, and that some mainstream investment market funds have begun to intervene in this area. Second, the main domestic trading platforms have started to raise their currency in recent times, before receiving central bank regulations calling for the suspension of their bills, and domestic demand has been active since they began to do so. Moreover, China’s stock market weakness has also led to some capital inflows into bitcoin, and the Chinese market is beginning to become active with some expected stimulus to the global market.
Trends: Short lines are likely to burst and fall
Most analysts remind investors of the need for prudent investment in this very rare surge.
According to Dundee, Chairman of the Chinese Centre for the Applied Studies of the Block Chain, because of the virtuality of Bitcoin, there is no “backstage” of any authority, and its price stems mainly from expectations. Dundee claims that Bitcoin itself relies on mining and that there are no real assets behind it, so its price is determined by expectations. In this case, Bitcoin price volatility is very high.
OkCoin Currency Analyst reminds investors that the relative short-cycle movement of less than four hours is less pronounced, and short-line traders should be more risk-aware and less likely to be involved.
According to Shaw, many of the domestic markets are quantitatively traded, which can easily lead to a sharp ups and downs. The biggest uncertainty about Bitcoin prices today is the central bank’s regulatory policy, because the domestic regulatory logic is so simple that it cannot overheat the market, and once it is overheated, measures will be taken, with a greater probability of a sharp fall in prices if future policies are tempered. He also pointed out that, in the long run, bitcoin prices are affected by global markets, and that it is difficult for China to have a price-fixing capacity, and that the first wave was driven mainly by Japan and South Korea, so that the price of bitcoins could not fall temporarily if more countries were to participate in the market.
The Central Bank has previously disclosed that the central bank's two regulatory approaches to Bitcoin are moving forward: one on the Bitcoin trading platform and the other on anti-money-laundering regulations for the Bitcoin platform. It is understood that the regulatory approach will be available in the near future.
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