zero-knowledge proof,中文名为零知识证明,是零币(Zcoin)使用的共识算法,由S.Goldwasser、S.Micali及C.Rackoff在20世纪80年代初提出的。它指的是证明者能够在不向验证者提供任何有用的信息的情况下,使验证者相信某个论断是正确的。
Zero-knowledge proof, a Chinese-named zero-knowledge certificate, is the consensus algorithm used by Zcoin, proposed by S. Goldwasser, S. Micali and C. Rackoff in the early 1980s. It refers to the ability of the certifying officer to convince the certifying authority that a certain assertion is correct without providing any useful information to the certifying officer.
The proof of zero knowledge is in essence an agreement involving two or more parties, i.e. a series of steps that two or more parties need to take to complete a mission. The certifying person proves to the certifying party that he or she knows or owns a certain information, but the certification process does not disclose to the certifying party any information about the proven information.
At the end of the 1980s, Blum et al. further developed the concept of “non-interactive zero knowledge” by replacing the interactive process with a short random string and achieving zero knowledge. An important application of non-interactive zero knowledge is the large network that requires the implementation of a large number of password protocols.
In a zero knowledge certificate, a person (or device) can prove that he knows the secret without disclosing any secret. If the zero knowledge certificate can be used for verification, many problems can be solved effectively.
In other words, proof of zero knowledge is proof of probability rather than certainty. But there is also technology to reduce errors to negligible values.
A formal definition of zero knowledge must use a number of computational models, most commonly those of Turing machines.
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