
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:107 评论:0



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On 3 March, a second phase of recruitment was opened to the Lions Chain Camp. This period, the Lions Mountain Camp is aimed at sector chain fans with more than three years of work experience, including, but not limited to, agro-forestry and fisheries, smart manufacturing, petrochemicals, transport, finance, information technology, electronic communications, as well as government agency staff and university scholars, recruiting no more than 30 participants to conduct systematic training around the basic concepts, technical principles, applications, etc. The chain of blocks, including Dr. Shao Feng, and senior expert scholars from related industries, have been instrumental in developing innovative entrepreneurship chains.


The training will take place from 26 March to 26 June and will be free of charge throughout the course of the course at the University of Susun, located in the Sioux High District.



"It's a great honor to be the first student at the block chain `Hang Poon Military School'. Five months of training exchange, meeting with all the best students, was a very interesting experience in life, and, more importantly, changing a lot of my knowledge!" The graduate of the Lion Mountain Camp #1 said, "The Lion Mountain Camp, there's nothing wrong with it!"


The Lion Hill Camp, referred to by the participants as the "Hang Poon Military School" of the block chain, is a fully free systematic training course on the block chain, initiated by Dr. Shao Fung, Vice-President and Executive Director of the "Hong Kong stock chain" and Director-General of the "Hong Kong block chain" of the People's Republic of China, with the aim of developing an integrated talent in the block chain with a broad vision and a sense of commercial smell and pragmatism, and a prosperous sector chain industry ecology.


一期已于2021年12月25日正式结课,30名来自金融、投资、物联网、人工智能、通信、汽车等各行业的学员顺利拿到毕业证。一期课程设置贴合当前行业现状,内容涵盖区块链基础技术知识、区块链与关联技术的融合创新、区块链在各领域的应用案例解析、区块链未来发展趋势、区块链及元宇宙等板块,以便学员快速掌握并能在实际业务中应用区块链技术。而每个板块的课程,均匹配了相关领域内的专业导师,包括万向区块链董事长兼总经理肖风博士、万向区块链执行总裁王允臻、万向区块链首席经济学家邹传伟博士、中国信息通信研究院华东分院智慧城市事业部主任孙丽、江西省智慧健康研究院区块链技术首席专家冯东雷博士、通联数据首席算法专家吴凯棋、HashKey Capital董事总经理邓超、上海科学院区块链技术研究所所长戴炳荣博士等多位区块链及关联行业的大咖和行业先行者。

The course was officially completed on 25 December 2021, with 30 students from various industries, including finance, investment, material networking, artificial intelligence, communications, and automobiles, successfully receiving their diplomas. The course is tailored to the current industry and covers basic technical knowledge of the block chain, innovations in the integration of the block chain and associated technologies, the analysis of applications in various fields, trends in future development of the block chain, the block chain and meta-cosm so that participants can quickly master and apply block chain technology in actual operations.


At the same time, in order to promote the understanding of the knowledge of the participants, help them to apply block-chain technology effectively to practical operations, during the course of the course a panel discussion was held at the Lion Hill Camp phase to enable the participants to consolidate and digest the knowledge acquired in the course in a timely manner, and at the final stage of the course, a comprehensive subject assessment was set up, with the participants completing a business plan in the form of a group around the technical empowerment of the “block-chain-plus” technology. At this point, participants, taking into account their own industry experience and knowledge, gave up perfect answers and contributed to a number of innovative thinking and application cases, such as “Credible Services of Block-Linking in Industrial Networks”, “Digital orchard Retation and Digital Speculation”, “Application of Block Chains in the Automobile Industry”, and “Application Exploration of Block Chains in the metacosystem.”



In addition to block chain knowledge training and practical opportunities, the Lion Hill Camp provides participants with a seventh-million-to-block chain global summit free of charge, as well as free receptions, tea fairs, etc., which provide an excellent platform and window for participants to share and expand business resources with industry.


The second course consists of four phases, combining theory and practice.


On the basis of one phase, the second edition of the course “Sunsan Camp” will focus on the basics of the block chain, the typical applications of the block chain and the analysis of priority cases, the technical rationale of the block chain and related technologies, the latest policy interpretation of the block chain and industry trend predictions, and will build the course programme, taking into account the operational experience of the projects of well-known industrial innovation enterprises, with the objective of focusing participants on the systematic learning of block chain technology and industrial applications.


The second course combines theory and practice, setting up four different phases to provide participants with a step-by-step understanding of block chain technology, leading to a real application of block chain technology in the actual context.


Phase I (March): Basic knowledge and macro-analysis of block chains


What are the misunderstandings about block chains? What are its economic principles and governance mechanisms? What are its connections to the topical issues of digital transformation and meta-cosm?


Phase II (April): Model application scenarios and priority case analysis of block chains


This is perhaps a lesson of great interest to many: what has been done about block chains and what can be done? Through the sharing and recycling of first-line practitioners of block chains in various fields, and through a real programme to explore implementation paths, challenges and opportunities in areas such as meta-cosmism, rural revitalization, digital cities, carbon-neutrality and others.


Phase III (May): Innovative integration of block chains and associated technologies


In an era of digitalization, the economy and society of humankind have emerged as a new business and new paradigm, and this will require new demands on the bottom of the block chain of one of the new infrastructure. As the demands of the digital transformation of industries overlap, the chain of blocks has been repeatedly demonstrated in its application to solve practical problems in enterprises and industries, to lower the integration threshold for the application of the block chain and to dig deep into commercial value, and to create complete digital solutions with technological depth, such as block-linking, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and 5G digital technologies.


Phase IV (June): Focus and Policy Interpretation in the Block Chain Industry


What are the implications and opportunities for our work and life? At this stage, attention will be paid to topical topics and industry trends, and the latest regulatory policies at the national and local levels will be systematized for participants.


It is worth mentioning that the course will also be adapted to the current industry hotspots in order to improve the skills of the industry and the enterprise’s backbone in terms of integrated nutrients and business skills.


Dr. Shao Fung, as a lecturer, will engage in in-depth, face-to-face interaction with the trainees.


On-the-job recruitment, detailed disclosure of second training


1, recruitment


Time of recruitment: from now on and from 16 March: 23:59


Channel of registration: http://wxblockchain.mikecrm.com/91cjqS6


(b) Screening of participants: A screening team consisting of teaching teachers will review the candidates and screen the candidates for the interview, which will be followed by a “take-in notice” in the form of a mail/telephone and an indication of the next opening schedule.


2, training


Place of training: University of Su-Sin-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su-Su


Training time: 26 March-26 June (2 days on the 4th weekend per month, from 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 13:30 to 16:30 p.m.)


Methods of training: off-line classroom teaching, interactive sharing, business practices


About the Lion Mountain Battalion.


At the initiative of Dr. Shaw Fung, Vice-President and Executive Director, and Chairman and General Manager, Huan Hwang Hsien Hsien Hsien Hsien Hseng, China, and based in the Lion Hill Business Area (the site of the Su State Institute) in the High and New Districts of Suzhou, and aimed at young people in the long triangle and even throughout the country, who love the chain of blocks and the innovation of the distributed business model, systematic and free training is conducted after selection. The Camp is held for one year, on three days or two days a month.


The Lion Hill Camp aims to develop a genuinely professional, open-sighted, business-sniffing and pragmatic block-linker reserve to bring fresh blood and life force to innovative entrepreneurship in the sector chain industry in Suzhou and throughout the long triangle, with a focus on training business in innovative backbones and innovators. The course provides focused block-chain technology and industry applications, digital technology integration and innovation, credible data infrastructure, industry digital transformation, mechanism design, etc., and combines the project experience of well-known industrial innovation enterprises, such as block-to-block chains, matrix elements, monetized technology, connectivity data, and so forth, with full-scale training in industrial insights, technology bottoms, development applications, product solutions, business design, sector-chain entrepreneurship, etc. that is truly oriented towards upgrading the leadership of industry and enterprise backbone operations.


The Lion Hill Camp will provide career development opportunities, entrepreneurship counselling, ecological resources, and even merit-based creative support for every class of excellence, including the Angel Fund for the Creation of Ecology and the opening up of domestic and external markets, public relations, education, etc., to the rich ecological systems of the chain.




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