"P" becomes a table of contents.
POS replacing Pow is progress or decline
以太坊2.0是验证?of ?工作(验证?of ?工作,PoW)代替proof ?of ?采用利益(PoS)共识机制。这一改变的主要目的是降低能源消耗,提高交易速度,保障网络安全。
The goal of this change is to reduce energy consumption, increase the speed of trade, and secure the network.
The role of the certificationer is to authenticate the transaction and add it to the block chain. In this way, the certificationer in the network can agree and encourage them to maintain the stability and security of the network.
PoS does not need a lot of computing and energy compared to PoW. Therefore, Taicha 2.0 is expected to make the network more environmentally friendly and reduce energy costs.
It is important to note that, despite the theoretical advantages of PoS, there are still problems in its practical application. For example, how to ensure that certifiers act in accordance with community expectations, and how to prevent malicious acts from damaging the network.
DPOS - Returning to Central Hsing
In Bitcoin, there are several pit control networks with most computing power, which together amounts to 225 p, or about 50 per cent of network computing power, for example, in domestic ant ponds, fish ponds and national ponds.
In this regard, the founders of several Crypto 2.0 projects, including the Etherpau and the Bit Unit, consider the bitcoin excavations to be central.
Stan Larimer提到了比特股的DPoS机制。中文名称为股票授权证明机制(受托人机制)。通过让持有比特股的人投票产生101个代表。101个超级节点的权利将完全相等。
Stan Larimer refers to the Bit Unit's DPS mechanism. The Chinese name is the Stock Authorization Certification Mechanism (the trustee mechanism). The 101 delegates are elected by allowing those holding the Bits to vote. The rights of the 101 super-nodes will be exactly the same.
In a sense similar to the United States congressional system, when representatives fail to fulfil their responsibilities (it did not create blocks when it came to it), representatives are removed and replaced by new supernodes.
Now this coin is very popular.
In the second year, the famous Etherwood became a POS.
Publicly raised currencies are generally also POS currencies and their total amount is fixed.
Etheria is the currency in the virtual currency of the current block chain and the currency that many diggers dig.
Excavation is the basis for the development of the block chain, which is very important to exist, and must begin with the excavation of the block chain.
The use of shells for mining allows for a faster understanding of the block chain and the Ether currency. Moreover, excavation also enhances returns.
It is difficult to say that, in theory, the pow is more favourable in terms of prices.
However, it's a case? Double? For example, the Taipan plans to introduce POS.
虽然很多社区对此进行了讨论,但POS (Proof of Stake)和POW (Proof of work)似乎被认为是完全对立的两个极端。POS是现在很多硬币都在采用的手法。
Although this has been discussed in many communities, Pos (Proof of Stark) and PoW (Proof of work) seem to be considered as two extremes of total opposition. POS is the way many coins are now used.
DOS seems to have given rights back to people who hold digital currency.
But now the successful currencies are Pow. Bitcoin, decent, dog coins, and so on.
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