According to some industry executives and insiders, the United States 包括贝莱德(BlackRock)、VanEck、富兰克林坦伯顿基金集团(Franklin Templeton)和灰度投资(Grayscale Investments)在内的8家资产管理公司正在寻求SEC批准这些以太币基金。它们中的大多数公司已于今年1月份推出了现货比特币ETF,这是与监管机构长达10年的争斗的高潮。 Eight asset management companies, including 两家资管公司的高管表示,修改发行文件的过程已经进展到只需解决“小”问题。这些文件必须在ETF推出前获得批准。 The executives of the two companies state that the process of revising the distribution documents has advanced to address only “small” problems. These documents must be approved before the ETF is launched. 与其中一家发行公司合作的一位律师表示,现在只剩下“最后的润色”工作,批准“可能不会超过一两周”。 One of the lawyers who worked with one of the issuers stated that there was now only “last-painted” work and approval “may not exceed one or two weeks”. 本月早些时候,SEC主席Gary Gensler表示,现货以太坊ETF何时可以开始交易,很大程度上取决于发行人对SEC询问的回应速度。 Earlier this month, SEEC Chairman Gary Gensler stated that the speed of response to SEC queries by the issuer would depend to a large extent on when the spot ETF could start trading. 上月,SEC已经批准了纳斯达克、芝加哥期权交易所和纽交所的以太坊现货ETF上市申请。这意味着,一旦SEC工作人员在文件上签字,这些产品可能会在24小时内开始交易。 Last month, SEC approved 不要期望过大 Don't expect too much. Morningstar Direct的数据显示,1月份推出的追踪比特币现货价格的基金是ETF市场上最成功的基金之一,吸引了约80亿美元的资产。但许多ETF和加密货币分析师认为,新的现货以太坊ETF的推出将不那么令人印象深刻。 Morningstar Direct's data show that the fund launched in January to track spot prices in Bitcoin is one of the most successful funds in the ETF market, attracting about $8 billion in assets. But many ETFs and crypto-currency analysts believe that the introduction of the new ETF in Taiyo will be less impressive. Coinshares的研究主管James Butterfill表示:“以太坊的市值和交易量都不一样。” James Butterfill, the research director of Coinshares, said, “The market value and the volume of transactions are not the same as in Tai Hwan.” 以太币的价格本月下跌了11%以上,比特币的价格也下跌了9.8%。比特币的走势通常会影响以太币的价格。 The price of the tut currency fell by more than 11 per cent this month, and the price of the bitcoin fell by 9.8 per cent. 晨星ETF分析师Bryan Armour表示,鉴于这两种加密货币的市场规模和性质存在差异,当现货以太坊ETF推出时,资金流入可能会少得多。
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