When a transaction took place, two sets of information were actually generated.
Who's the payer, who's the payer, how much, what time?
Why did you give the money? How? Under what circumstances? Under what circumstances?
The content of serial number 1 is the most basic information in a transaction, and it is the account of Bitcoin in each block, which some think is enough. Think about it carefully, the content of serial number 1 is truly straightforward, and the content of serial number 2 seems to be exhaustive.
Otherwise, more of this information in serial number 2, which is hidden behind the transaction transfers, and in our lives, even the simplest shopping, contains what is in serial number 2, because I have the fruit, so I pay you in cash, and the boss says that the fruit is not sweet and the fruit is not for money, and if it is not good, then go back to the boss, even if the simplest course of the transaction contains the same logic, which we do not normally see.
比特币的记账体系中,缺少的正是序号2 中的内容,而我们今天要讲的以太坊,第一次使用智能合约的形式,完善了序号2中的信息。
What is missing from the billing system in Bitcoin is exactly what is in serial number 2, and what we are talking about today is that, for the first time, the information in serial number 2 was refined in the form of a smart contract.
The idea was put forward as early as 94, and the Etherkom, which started in 2014, used block chain technology for the first time to turn smart contracts into reality. This, in turn, allows Etherpan to leapfrog into the second largest digital encryption currency after Bitcoin.
Simply put, a smart contract is a condition attached to each transaction, such as what money is to do, whether it is to be paid immediately or in certain circumstances, whether it is to be paid, whether there is a mortgage or not. When we record a transfer, we attach this information or trigger a condition, which is automatically enforced when the conditions are met.
At the same time, as in the case of ordinary contracts, these smart contracts should have a duration, and we use what is known as fuel (Gas) for intelligent contracts, which run out of fuel after the number of times the contracts have been executed, in such a way as to specify the duration of the contracts and at the same time prevent systemic errors arising from the unlimited automatic implementation of the contracts.
In general, with the exception of highly subjective arbitrations, all the contracts that you can imagine can be concluded through smart contracts. Payment of wages, according to the validity of smart contracts, is paid periodically, and the amount of money that the company spends on paying the wages becomes apparent at all times.
Smart contracts developed through rigorous codes do not involve any subjective emotion and, once conditions trigger automatic payment, block chain technology guarantees the anti-fouling and decentralizing character of smart contracts, which will effectively prevent the destruction of contracts, fraud, concealment, debt-dealing and, at the same time, greatly improve the efficiency of our lives.
“Code is Law.”这是一句在以太坊合及智能合约信仰者群体中广泛流传的一句话,而现在来看,这话越来越不像是一句空话了。这也是为什么以太坊会提出打造一个透明、公平、效率的新世界愿景,试想一下,与智能合约相比,现行的合约体系是多么原始和可笑的产物。没有数学计算支撑的文字合约当中,包含了多少歧义,诈骗和毁约,执行也是如此无力,简直像是原始人刀耕火种的产物。
“Code is Law.” is a widely circulated phrase in the community of people who believe in etherms and smart contracts, which is now becoming less and less empty. This is why the etherms propose a new vision of a world that is transparent, fair, and efficient, and imagine how primitive and ridiculous the existing contractual system is compared to smart contracts.
Nor can it be denied that there are many shortcomings in the current intellectual contract and that an inherent effective border will remain for a long time unless the consensus is large enough and may need to reach every corner of the world before it can be broken. A new world of transparency, fairness and efficiency would probably move from a vision to a reality.
But if there is one day when a large number of competitions in Ethio will not wait to die, NEO, ADA and some other encrypted currencies have the same genius that they can't ignore, and the innovation in Ether will not be covered by smart contracts, and we will talk about it another day.
Thank you for coming here today.
If you have a good idea, you're welcome to leave a message or to get in touch with the little guys in the currency.
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