中国基金报记者 金宥智
The night the finger rose by 260 points, but the vaccine stock fell by up to 40%.
The currency circle has also been marked by a major reversal of Wal-Mart's collaboration with Lettco.
Just now, as a result of the announcement, sales continued to decline significantly in September and liquidity pressures were high.
截至收盘,道琼斯指数收涨0.76%,涨超260点,报34,869.63点。 As of closing, Dow Jones's index rose by 0.76 per cent, by 260 points, by 34,869.63 points. 但纳指和标普500指数的表现没有道指好。截至收盘,标普500指数涨0.23%,报4,468.73点;纳斯达克综合指数跌0.07%,报15,105.60点。 but the finger and the pamphlet 500 index did not perform well. By closing, the pamphlet 500 index rose by 0.23 per cent to 4,468.73 points; the NASDAQ composite index dropped by 0.07 per cent to 15,105.60 points. 而近期依然有很多分析师唱空美股,花旗首席美股策略师Tobias Levkovich预计标普500指数今年将收在4000点左右(大约有近10%的下跌空间),明年6月达到4350点。美国银行分析师Savita Subramanian则将标普500指数的年底目标价设置为4250点。 and there are still a lot of analysts in the recent past. Tobias Levkovich, the chief US-Citizen strategist, expects the PHP 500 index to be around 4,000 points this year (about 10% of the drop space) and 4350 points next June. American bank analyst Savita Subramanian set the year-end target price of the PHP 500 index at 4250 points. 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)策略师Binky Chadha也指出,美股猛烈回调的风险正在加大。高盛经济研究部门策略师Dominic Wilson也指出,美国周期性乐观情绪的顶峰可能已经过去。” Deutsche Bank strategist Binky Chadha also points out that the risk of a strong return from the United States is increasing. Dominic Wilson, strategist from Goldman Sachs Economic Research, also points out that the peak of cyclical optimism in the United States may be over.” 美股上涨之际,疫苗股表现却很惨。Moderna大跌近7%,市值蒸发120亿美元,约合774亿人民币;Biontech大跌6.31%,市值蒸发53.5亿美元,约合345亿人民币;辉瑞也跌超2%,市值蒸发57亿美元,约合368亿人民币。 As the US shares rose, the vaccine unit performed badly. Moderna fell by almost 7%, with a market value of $12 billion evaporating, about 77.4 billion yuan; Biontech fell by 6.31% and a market value of $5.35 billion evaporating, about 34.5 billion yuan; Pfizer also fell by over 2% and a market value of $5.7 billion evaporating, about 36.8 billion yuan. 三巨头市值共蒸发近1500亿人民币。 The market value of the troika evaporates close to 150 billion yuan. 此外,诺瓦瓦克斯也跌超3%,Vaxart跌近5%。 消息面上,知名医学期刊《柳叶刀》发布了一篇18名科学家联合撰写的报告,指出大多数人不需要打加强针。 该报告指出,通过增强已接种疫苗的群体的免疫力,来控制新冠病毒,这一想法很有吸引力,但任何决策都应有证据支撑,还需要考虑个体和社会的获益与风险;加强针可能适合部分个体,比如说接种疫苗后没有产生足够免疫抗体的群体。但目前的研究不明确,若要使这类群体得到保护,是需要打此前接种过的疫苗,还是换一种疫苗。 The report notes that the idea of controlling the new coronary virus by increasing the immunisation of the vaccinated population is attractive, but that any decision should be supported by evidence and also take into account individual and social benefits and risks; that the booster needle may be appropriate for some individuals, such as those who have not produced sufficient immunopathic resistance as a result of the vaccination. 当天,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)一个科学家小组也表示,疫苗接种进展表明,大多数人目前无需接种第三针新冠肺炎疫苗。 此外,还有一家法国药企因疫苗采购合同被中止而股价闪崩,收盘跌近40%。 In addition, a French pharmaceutical company experienced a stock collapse due to the suspension of its procurement contract for vaccines, which dropped by almost 40%. 据悉,当地时间周一,该公司发布公告称,已经收到英国政府有关中止购买VLA2001新冠疫苗的通知。 英国政府称Valneva违反了其在新冠疫苗供应合同要求的义务,但该公司否认这一点。 The British Government alleged that Valneva had breached its obligations under the contract for the supply of new crown vaccines, but the company denied this. 多只中概股大跌 电子烟龙头雾芯科技又重挫 9月13日美股收盘,热门中概股多数下跌, On September 13, when the US stock was closed, most of the popular stock fell by 17.45 per cent, 涨幅方面, On the increase side, China's aluminium industry increased by 8.24 per cent, China's aluminium industry by 7 per cent, China's new egg by 7.2 per cent, China's new egg by 中概新能源汽车股涨跌不一, The share of the new energy vehicle in China has increased by 1.05 per cent, the car in China by 0.52 per cent, the car in China by 0.52 per cent, and the ideal car in China by 0.02 per cent. 昨夜,加密货币市场也有大事,一则沃尔玛将开放莱特币付款的消息引爆了币圈。 Last night, there was also an event in the crypto-money market, and a Wal-Mart blew the currency circle when he opened up a payment from Leitney. 这一消息最开是由莱特币官方账号转发,后来被彭博、路透等多家外媒报道。 The message was most recently forwarded from the official account of Latcoin and later reported by a number of external agents, including Bloomberg and Reuters. 但实际上,莱特币官方账号转发的推特,是由一个名为“Walmart Inc”的账号发布的。这个账号虽然看上去像沃尔玛官方,但其实和沃尔玛公司没有任何关系。 but in fact, the Twitter relayed by the official account number of Lightcoin was published by an account named Walmart Inc. Although it looked like Walmart, it had nothing to do with Walmart. 不久后,沃尔玛发布声明称,公司与莱特币没有任何关系。沃尔玛百货发言人也表示,公司正在调查与莱特币合作的谣言。 Shortly after Wal-Mart issued a statement stating that the company had nothing to do with Lettco. The Wal-Mart spokesman also said that the company was investigating rumours of collaboration with Lettco. 与沃尔玛合作的传闻传出后,莱特币一度暴涨30%,而在这一消息被辟谣后,巨大涨幅迅速回吐。 The rumour of collaboration with Wal-Mart led to a 30% surge in Lettco, and after the rumour came out, the huge upturn quickly came back. 莱特币方面也表示,(与沃尔玛合作的)声明被错误地发布到莱特币的推特上,该推文是在“过度兴奋”的状态下发出的。 Letcoin also indicated that the statement (with Wal-Mart) was erroneously posted on Letco's Twitter and that the tweet was sent in a state of "excitedness". 莱特币创始人称,发布虚假信息事件并不只会在加密领域出现,股市中也会出现。我们这一方没有人需要对此负责。我们已经明白社交媒体的重要性,将在发布信息之前进行核实。我持有大约20枚莱特币代币,我不存在捏造虚假公告的动机。 The founder of Lettco says that publishing false information does not only occur in the field of encryption, but also in the stock market. No one on our side is responsible for it. We understand the importance of social media and will verify it before the release of the information. I have about 20 Letco decoins, and I have no motive to fabricate false announcements. 该创始人还提到,大约10万个商家接受使用莱特币。 The founder also mentioned that about 100,000 businesses accepted the use of Lettco. 莱特币价格大幅波动之际,比特币的价格也在震荡。 The price of the bitcoin is shaking at a time of high volatility. 昨晚9点47分左右,比特币价格一度触及46638美元/枚的日内高点,莱特币与沃尔玛合作消息被辟谣后,比特币价格迅速下跌,在晚上十点26分左右,其价格一度触及43465美元/枚。 Last night, at about 9.47 p.m., bitcoin prices hit the mid-day height of $46638. After rumours of Letcoin's collaboration with Wal-Mart, bitcoin prices fell rapidly, reaching $43465 at around 10.26 p.m. . 不到一个小时的时间,比特币下跌近超3300美元。 In less than an hour, bitcoin fell close to $3,300. 除比特币外,还有多个币种价格出现震荡,如以太坊、瑞波币等。 In addition to bitcoin, there are several currency prices that have been shaken, such as Etheria, Rippoon, etc. . 加密货币市场的震荡,致使爆仓数据飙升。截至今晨6点半,过去24小时内,全网共有14万人爆仓,爆仓金额超42亿人民币。 The shock of the encrypted currency market caused the explosion data to rise. As of 6:30 this morning, 140,000 people have exploded in the last 24 hours, with the explosion amounting to over 4.2 billion yuan. 作为影响美联储决策重要因素,通胀状况对美股走势也至关重要。而本周,又一最新通胀指标创下新高,有市场人士担心这有可能意味着美联储政策收紧的进程理论上将加速,这也是美股目前正面临的重要风险因素之一。 As an important factor influencing the Fed’s decision-making, inflation is also crucial for the US stock movement. This week, another recent inflation indicator has reached a new high, and marketers are concerned that this may mean that the Fed’s policy tightening process will, in theory, accelerate, which is one of the major risk factors that the US dollar is currently facing. 周一,纽约联储发布调查数据:美国8月消费者对未来三年的期通胀预期达到4.0%,较之前一个月上升0.3个百分点,创2013年有数据记录以来的历史新高。 此外,受调查消费者对未来一年的通胀预期也达到5.2% . 调查还显示,对于未来一年房价涨幅,被调查消费者的预期在8月份连续第三个月下降,但依然达5.9%。未来一年食品价格涨幅方面,消费者预期为上涨7.9%,较7月份的7.1%有所提升。未来一年租金涨幅方面,消费者预期为上涨10%,未来一年医疗价格涨幅方面,消费者预期为上涨9.7%。 Survey also shows that, for the third consecutive month of August, the forecast of surveyed consumers for an increase in housing prices for the coming year has decreased for the third consecutive month, but still stands at 5.9 per cent. Consumers are expected to rise by 7.9 per cent over the next year, compared to 7.1 per cent in July. Consumers are expected to rise by 10 per cent over the next year and 9.7 per cent over the next year's medical price increase 恒大刚刚公告 9月销售大幅下降 9月14日早间,中国恒大在港交所公告,9月通常是中国房地产行业物业合约销售高峰,然而由于对本集团的持续负面新闻报道严重影响潜在购房者信心,本公司预期9月销售持续大幅下降,导致本集团销售回款持续恶化,进一步对现金流及流动性造成巨大压力。 In the early morning of 14 September, China's Heng Da had announced that September was usually the peak of sales in China's real estate sector property contracts, yet 莆田市应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情工作指挥部第9号通告 Circular No. 9 of the Command for the Response to Pneumonia Epidemics of the New Coronary Virus in the City of Yuda 莆田市应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎 疫情工作指挥部 2021年9月13日? 9月13日,《新闻1+1》关注莆田疫情,如何再战德尔塔? On September 13, News1+1 focused on the Shidada epidemic. How can we fight Delta again? 目前核酸检测范围已扩展到仙游县全境。仙游县县长吴海端说,仙游县从明天开始进行第二轮核酸检测。专家判断,要经过三轮以上全城核酸检测,根据结果再进行判断,目前形势比较严峻。 The test for nucleic acid has now been extended to the entire territory of Sendo County. The Governor of Sendo County, Wu Haibei, said that the second test for nucleic acid will start tomorrow. 形势严峻体现在,一是病毒传播速度快,二是感染人群主要集中在小学和中老年人身上,病例最大84岁,最小5岁。重点关注三个传播链条,第一个是林某杰的家族。第二个是他太太所在工厂。第三个是他的小孩所在的学校。 One is the rapid spread of the virus, and the second is the concentration of the infected population in primary schools and middle- and middle-aged seniors, with the highest number of cases at 84 and the lowest at 5. Focus on three transmission chains, the first being the family of Lim Bongjie. The second is his wife's factory. The third is the school where his children are. 截至9月13日18时,福建厦门累计报告确诊病例12例。判定密切接触者404人,密接的密接316人。13日起,厦门同安区新民镇湖里工业园以东、同明路以西、集安路以南、集贤路以北的区域被列为高风险地区。 9月13日深夜,厦门市应对新冠肺炎疫情工作指挥部根据当前厦门市疫情防控实际情况发布通告,要求全市居民小区(村)实行闭环管理。具体内容如下: 全市居民小区(村)实行闭环管理,严格落实“测温亮码”措施,减少人员流动。封控区实行“区域封闭、足不出户、服务上门”,管控区实行“人不出区、严禁聚集”,防范区实行“强化社会面管控,严格限制人员聚集”。快递、外卖等实行“无接触”配送,物品统一放置到小区(村)指定的存放处。 全市各级党政机关、事业单位实行弹性工作制,应配备适当人员在岗在位,确保各项工作正常运转。出入办公场所严格扫码、测温、戴口罩,具备线上办公条件的提倡线上办公。 请广大市民群众密切关注疫情动态,非必要不离厦。自2021年9月14日零时起,确需离厦的,须凭健康码绿码并持有48小时内核酸检测阴性证明。 在全市范围内暂停中秋博饼、民间信仰、文艺演出等群众性活动;实行“红事”缓办、“白事”简办;暂停各类大规模群体性聚餐活动。 全市所有商场、超市、农贸市场等基本生活物资供应场所合理控制购物人员数量;暂停棋牌室、影剧院、网吧、歌厅、酒吧、台球厅、博物馆、图书馆、健身场所、培训机构等有关室内公共场所的运营活动。 落实出租房、酒店、旅店、民宿(含网约民宿)等经营者的管理主体责任,加强对承租人员的管控,如发现有发热、咳嗽等异常情况必须立刻报告所在社区(村)。 零售药店出售治疗发热、咳嗽等相关药品实行实名制登记,顾客须凭身份证实名登记和购买。 各单位、社区(村)应加强环境清洁消毒工作,强化对电梯、门厅、过道等重点公共区域消杀。 严禁恶意造谣传谣、谎报瞒报疫情、发布不实信息。 突发!本土新增22+13,厦门发现阳性,厦大第一医院紧急停诊!这些区域管控:居民只进不出!千亿车企大动作,与宁德时代签采购大单! New 22+13, positive Xiamen, emergency stoppage at Xiaogang First Hospital! These regional controls: no one can get in! 100 billion cars and sign a purchase order with the Ninder era!
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