Source: uucj.com
The first code + block chain incubator in the country was completed
At present, Shenzhen Hill is actively pursuing a major “twice-driven” opportunity to build innovative and high-quality sustainable development.
比特币比去年同期上涨120% 2020年或迎来爆炸性增长
Bitcoin rises 120% from the same period last year.
2019年第二季度,比特币启动又一次可怕的反弹,6月底涨至13700美元以上。自达到年度峰值以来,比特币价格经历一系列痛苦的回调,回落至7100美元。然而,从整体上看,比特币仍比去年同期上涨120%,这在传统市场是闻所未闻的。比特币迄今为止在2019年的表现超过股票、黄金、石油和几乎所有其他资产。随着比特币减半在即,2020 年极有可能成为比特币的又一个爆炸性年份。
In the second quarter of 2019, Bitcoin launched another terrible rebound, rising to more than $13,700 at the end of June. Since reaching its annual peak, Bitcoin prices have experienced a series of painful feedbacks, falling back to $7,100. Overall, however, Bitcoin has risen 120 per cent over the same period last year, as never seen in traditional markets. Bitcoin has outperformed equities, gold, oil, and almost all other assets so far in 2019.
中国在区块链等领域与美国旗鼓相当 甚至后来居上
China is on the same level as the United States in areas such as block chains, and even later has been on the top of
Hong Kong's weekly Asia (pre-published) article, " China-Japan Innovations are exchanging life fragments ", states that Chinese innovation is also putting pressure on Japan in areas such as 5G, artificial intelligence, block chains, cloud computing and big data, all of which are similar to, and even later in, the United States.
By the end of 2026, the global grid market for energy utilities will be more than $1.56 billion
根据《财富》商业见解发布的“ 能源公用事业中的区块链 ”报告,由于加大推动绿色能源,到2026年底,全球能源公用事业的区块链市场规模预计将达到15.664亿美元,在2018年至2026年期间的年复合增长率为37.6%。报告从份额、行业分析、产品、部署和区域预测(2019-2026年)等方面进行梳理。能源公用事业市场研究报告中的区块链涉及的主要公司是IBM公司,Greeneum,Oracle公司,微软公司,EnergiMine,埃森哲PLC,Infosys Limited等。
By the end of 2026, the grid market size of the global energy utility is expected to reach $1,566.4 million, with an annual compound growth rate of 37.6 per cent between 2018 and 2026 reporting shares, industry analyses, products, deployments and regional forecasts (2019-2026).The main companies involved in the energy utility market study are 富达或将于明年1月登陆交易所开展交易业务 Fuda or will start trading on the landing exchange next January 在最新一期的The Scoop直播播客中,富达数字资产公司总裁Tom Jessop表示,富达将在明年1月登陆第一家交易所,开展交易业务,但目前还不方便透露该交易所名字。 In the latest issue of The Scoop's live broadcaster, Tom Jessop, President of Fuda Digital Assets, said that Fuda would land on the first exchange in January next year to do business, but it was not easy to divulge the name of the exchange. 人民币中间价上调,USDT溢价率上升为0.16% RMB intermediate price up, USDT premium up to 0.16% 据数据显示,12月16日,美元指数跌势暂止,人民币中间价报6.9915,上调241点,上一交易日中间价报7.0156。在岸人民币小幅上涨后回落,现报6.9988,离岸人民币现报6.9975。USDT在火币场外最低报价为7.01,溢价率为0.16%。? According to the data, on 16 December, the United States dollar index stagnated by 6.9915, an upward adjustment of 241 points, and 7.0156 on the previous trading day. After a small rise in the offshore renminbi, 6.9988 is now reported, and the offshore renminbi is now 6.9975. 两年前的今天比特币价格创下新高,一年前的今天跌至底部 Today, two years ago, the price of Bitcoin went up, and today, a year ago, it fell to the bottom of . 加密货币分析师Rhythm今日发推称,两年前的今天,比特币创造了1.8万美元的新高;一年前的今天,比特币跌至3200美元的底部。 Encrypted currency analyst Rhythm today deduced that two years ago, Bitcoin created a new height of $18,000; a year ago today, Bitcoin fell to the bottom of $3,200. 分析师:即使比特币涨到9000美元 也仍是熊市 Analyst: Even if Bitcoin rises to $9,000, it's still Bear City. 有分析师表示,即使比特币价格升至9000美元,也不足以打破目前的熊市模式。尽管2019年开局积极,但比特币在2019年下半年一直处于持续下跌的趋势中。今年上半年,比特币涨至近14000美元,近几个月来创下一系列较低的高点。加密分析师MAGIC表示,“如果我们看到反弹,请了解BTC仍处于熊市下跌趋势。熊市也有反弹,BTC目前处于技术性熊市。除非我们看到一些更高的高点和更高的低点,趋势仍是熊市和下跌,即使我们看到9000点的反弹。” Some analysts say that even if the price of Bitcoin rises to $9,000, it will not be enough to break the current bear market pattern. Despite the positive start in 2019, Bitcoin was in a constant downward trend in the second half of 2019. In the first half of this year, Bitcoin rose to nearly $14,000, creating a series of lower heights in recent months. The encryption analyst MAGIC said, “If we see a rebound, let's know that BTC is still falling in Bear City. 华侨城集团董事:区块链等正加速中国经济转型升级 Director of the Washington, D.C. Group: block chains, etc. are accelerating China's economic transformation 12月14日-15日,2019中国旅游集团发展论坛在京举行。华侨城集团董事、总经理姚军在会上演讲表示,在5G万物互联技术的加持下,以ABCD为代表的数字技术、人工智能、区块链、大数据等正在加速驱动中国经济的转型升级,并快速渗透到各个行业,提升行业的产出和效率。 On 14-15 December, the China Tourism Group Development Forum was held in Kyoto. Yao Jun, Director and Managing Director of the Chinese Diaspora Group, addressed the meeting, stating that digital technology, artificial intelligence, block chains and big data, represented by ABCD, were accelerating the transformational upgrading of the Chinese economy and rapidly infiltrated industries to enhance their output and efficiency. 印度国会议员:印度应接受向加密货币的过渡 Member of Parliament of India: India should accept the transition to an encrypted currency 12月15日消息,印度国会议员Subramanian Swamy近日分享了他对加密货币的看法。据报道,他主张印度作为公认的软件超级大国应接受向加密货币的过渡,“加密货币是不可避免的。”立法者将在下周于联合国印度总部主持会议,讨论该国关于加密货币的问题。 On 15 December, Indian Congressman Subamanian Swamy recently shared his views on encrypted currency. He reportedly argued that India, as a recognized software super-Power, should accept the transition to encrypted currency, “encrypted currency is inevitable.” The legislator will chair the meeting next week at the United Nations headquarters in India to discuss the country's problems with encrypted currency. 分析师Magic:投机和炒作推高了比特币价格,但缺乏提升价格的基本面 Analyst Magic: Speculation and speculation pushed bitcoin prices up, but lacked basics to raise prices 加密货币分析师Magic发推称,纯粹的投机活动和多头对价格飙升的预期,推高了比特币和加密货币的价格。一旦炒作枯竭,便没有任何基础面可以提升价格。他进一步指出,比特币和Pow协议吞噬了很多电力,从长远来看这是不可持续的。他表示,比特币可能会进一步下跌,甚至可能跌破去年3500美元的低点。 Encrypted currency analyst Magic deduced that pure speculation and multi-faceted expectations for price hikes pushed up the price of bitcoins and encoded currencies. Once they dried up, there was no basis to raise the price. He further noted that the Bitcoins and Pow agreements consumed a lot of electricity, which was unsustainable in the long run. He said that bitcoins could fall further, or even fall down the $3,500 mark last year. 分析师:XRP、BAT、LINK和RVN或是2020年值得关注的山寨币 Analyst: XRP, BAT, LINK and RVN or the year 2020's worth of attention 加密货币分析师Nicholas Merten在最新一集的DataDash节目中表示,Ripple(XRP)、Basic Attention Token(BAT),Chainlink(LINK)和Ravencoin(RVN)或将成为2020年值得关注的山寨币。 In the latest episode of the DataDash program, the encrypted currency analyst Nicholas Merten stated that Ripple (XRP), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Chainlink (LINK) and Ravencoin (RVN) would be either of interest in 2020. 声明:本文由优优财经整理,转载请注明来源。 Statement: This document is composed of excellent financial records, and please indicate the source. 文章来源:优优财经:文章链接行情分析
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