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In a rapidly changing world of encrypted currencies, a silent “twilight of the currency” is playing its part. Digital asset contests, like stars in the stars, are spectacular, attracting the attention of investors around the world. But, if influence, market value and market recognition are the ten big players that remain at the center of the stage, they are the ten mainstream coins that we are about to reveal today. These are the “tops” of the monetary world, which attract not only millions of people with their unique charms, but also play a major role in the wave of innovation in financial technology.


1. 始祖地位:比特币,作为区块链技术的开山鼻祖,其诞生标志着加密货币时代的开启,被誉为“数字黄金”,在众多币种中独占鳌头。

Primacy: Bitcoin, the birth of which, as the founding father of block-chain technology, marked the dawn of the age of crypto-currency, is known as “digital gold” and dominates a large number of currencies.

2. 市值霸主:截至本文撰写时,比特币市值稳居榜首,远超其他竞争者,展现出强大的市场统治力。

2. Monopoly: At the time of writing, the market value of Bitcoin was at the top of the list, far above other competitors, showing strong market power.

3. 投资价值:尽管价格波动剧烈,但比特币因其稀缺性、去中心化特性和广泛接受度,仍被许多投资者视为抵御通胀、实现资产保值增值的理想选择。

3. Value of investments: Despite the volatility of prices, Bitcoin, because of its scarcity, de-centralized character and widespread acceptance, is considered by many investors to be the ideal option to be anti-inflationary and value-added.

1. 创新驱动:以太坊凭借其开创性的智能合约功能,将区块链从单一的货币体系拓展至分布式应用平台,为DeFi、NFT等领域的发展奠定了基石。

1. Innovation-driven: With its pioneering intellectual contract function, the Tails have expanded the block chain from a single monetary system to a distributed application platform, laying the foundation for development in areas such as DeFi, NFT and others.

2. 生态繁荣:ETH庞大的开发者社区和丰富多样的DApp生态,使其成为区块链创新项目的首选落地土壤,展现出旺盛的生命力。

2. Eco-prosperity: The vast ETH community of developers and the rich diversity of the Dapp ecology have made it the land of choice for innovative projects in the block chain, demonstrating great vitality.

3. 升级之路:以太坊正逐步从PoW转向PoS共识机制,有望通过“ETH 2.0”升级大幅提升性能与效率,未来潜力不容小觑。

The path to upgrading: The future potential of Etheria, which is gradually moving from the PoW to the PoS consensus mechanism, is expected to increase significantly its performance and efficiency through the “ETH 2.0” upgrade.

1. 平台赋能:作为全球头部交易所币安发行的代币,BNB享有丰富的应用场景,如交易手续费减免、参与IEO等,赋予其独特价值。

1. Platform enabling: As a currency issued as a currency by the global head exchange, BNB has a rich application landscape, such as trade fee relief, participation in IEO, etc., which confers unique value on it.

2. 火箭式增长:BNB自发行以来,市值一路飙升,展现出惊人的增长势头,已成为投资者眼中的“黑马”。

Rocket growth: Since its launch, BNB has seen a dramatic rise in market value, showing an alarming growth momentum and becoming a “black horse” in the eyes of investors.

3. 跨界探索:币安正积极推动BNB在支付、旅游、娱乐等领域的应用,旨在打造全方位的加密经济生态系统。

3. Transboundary exploration: Currency security is actively promoting BNB applications in the areas of payments, tourism, entertainment, etc., with the aim of creating a full-scale encrypted economic ecosystem.

1. 学术底蕴:卡尔达诺由一群学者创立,强调严谨的科学方法与哲学理念,致力于构建一个公平、透明且可自我进化的金融系统。

1. Academic background: Caldano was founded by a group of scholars, emphasizing rigorous scientific methods and philosophy, and committed to building a fair, transparent and self-evolving financial system.

2. 技术优势:采用创新的权益证明(PoS)共识机制Ouroboros,卡尔达诺在保证安全的同时,实现了高效节能的运作。

2. Technological advantages: With the introduction of the innovative PoS consensus mechanism, Ouroboros, Caldano works efficiently to save energy while ensuring safety.

3. 展望未来:随着卡尔达诺生态的逐渐丰满,尤其是其即将推出的Goguen阶段对智能合约的支持,ADA有望在DeFi领域崭露头角。

3. Looking ahead: With the increasing ecological abundance of Caldano and, in particular, its support for smart contracts in the forthcoming Goguen phase, ADA is expected to emerge in the area of DeFi.


(Follow-up omitted due to space constraints, including details of Ripocoin XRP, Leitcoin LTC, Poca Dot, Doge Dog, Solana SOL, Adaco Ada)


These 10 mainstream currencies, like the “ten flags” of the encrypt currency, each with its own unique location and advantages, stand up in a booming market. Whether Bitcoin’s position of strong dominance, its innovative leadership, or the BNB’s platform, or even the various icons of other currencies, reveal the diversity and vitality of the world of encrypted currencies.




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