When it comes to playing bitcoin #xff0c; when most people think they're just playing a spot deal xff0c; or simply buying xff0c; when currency prices fall, buying xff0c; when currency prices rise xff0c; using price differentials to make profits. But in Bear City xff0c; and when currency-coopers still want to profit from this single-line operation, they still want to make a difference.
Single-line spot transactions & #xff0c; there will also be futures transactions. Unlike traditional futures markets & #xff0c; futures transactions in digital currencies are more commonly referred to as contractual transactions.
Contracts & #xff0c; a different game as an encrypted currency market & #xff0c; and more stimulating experiences for players. A universal truth often mentioned in the stock market – “10 down” & #xff0c; also applicable in the currency circle contract market.
#xff0c immersed in currency circles for several years; mostly attracted by the infinity of the contract & #xff0c; led by ghosts into the devil's trap. Huge speculative & #xff0c; allowed old drivers who had always been steady to see money & #xff0c; stepped on the endless train.
Now #xff0c; #xff0c; #xff0c; #xff0c; as a new scholar who wants to “show” & #xff0c; most importantly, try to learn about common sense #xff0c; otherwise he won't be able to get out of the car.
01 Contract transaction risks and opportunities coexist
1/1 什么是合约交易?
1/1 What is a contractual transaction #xff1f;
Bitcoin contract transactions are the same as foreign exchange transactions xff0c; two-way transactions xff0c; either buy up xff0c; or buy down. To give an example xff1a; over a period of time xff0c; if you think bitcoin is the upward trend xff0c; then the buying operation xff0c; after the expiry of time xff0c; if the price of bitcoin is the higher xff0c; and vice versa xff0c; if you look down bitco prices xff0c; then the buying operation xff0c; if the price falls xff0c; and after the expiry of time xff0c; are equally profitable.
1/2 合约交易怎么玩?
1/2 How to play contractual transactions #xff1f;
The best known of the encrypted currency is BTC, we use BTC/USDT trading pairs as an example of xff0c; if I look at BTC, if I think that a short period of time is an upward trend xff0c; then I buy more. Take an example of xff0c; I pay 20 USDT bonds xff08; the bond is a self-set xff0c; how much xff0c; a few platforms have a limited minimum xff09; xff0c; xff08 opts for a five-fold leverage xff08; different platforms have different leverages xff09; xff0c; this is equivalent to 100 USDTs buying BTC xffoc; when it rises, then sells again xff0c; and at the same time pay back to the platform xff0c; you can earn a full BTC increase.
xff0c; if I don't look well at BTC, if I think it will be a downward trend xff0c over time; then I sell xff0c; e.g. xffff1a; I pay the platform 0.2 BTC deposits xffff08; the bond set itself xff0c; how many random xff0cs; a few platforms have a limited minimum xff09; xff0c; and a five-fold leverage xff0c; then I sell a total of BTC directly to USDTxff0c; buy BTC back to the platform #xff0c when BTC falls; and I can earn the price of all BTCs that I buy.
Ps: all of the above examples are profit & #xff0c; if losses & #xff0c; and if all of the leveraged BTC increases/decreases. & #xff0c; all of the above examples of leverage are full warehouse transactions & #xff0c; in fact, full warehouse transactions are not recommended in actual contract transactions.
1/3 市场有风险、入市须谨慎。绝不仅仅只是一句玩笑话
One third of the market is risky, and you have to be careful about entering the market. It's not just a joke.
There are many new friends who always joke about this phrase; but when you really step up and invest in it, #xff0c; always fall into the death spiral #xff0c, which “replaces an objective analysis with personal subjectivity”; and lose a chance once and for all.
As an entryist xff0c; I am like most people xff0c; xff0c after almost a year in currency circles; xff0c; xff0c xff0c xff0c
On the eve of November 2019, xff0c; I xff0c, also a strong believer in BCH; the news of the return of BCH's biggest and most committed supporter, Wu Xyun, to the Bite continent xff0c; the rise of BCH's backsliding xff0c; the market xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; or xff0c; the first contract.
It is true that xff0c; profit as expected xff0c; come xff0c as expected; I can't contain excitement xff0c; share my own profit screen xff0c in the community; and naturally lead to another phrase. The first success is also a great satisfaction of my vanity xff0c; my confidence xff0c as if I had no need to be poor; and often goes into the arena of contract trading.
#xff0c; what should you do?
Although the market for contractual transactions has high information transparency xff0c; the advantage of no one being able to manipulate market prices for long periods of time xff0c; however, the team that specializes in contractual transactions is not the same xff0c; most of our individual investors are trapped because of their limited conditions xff0c; it is impossible to know the full range of market information xff0c; less able to focus 24 hours on market changes xff0c; thus xff0c; xff0c in a real-ear deal; xff0c; often repeated explosions xff0c; xff0c;
03 arm yourself #xff0c; there's more to be done
The book has its own gold house #xff0c; an adequate stock of knowledge is a prerequisite for everything xff01; there are no unprepared battles xff0c; there is no limit to #xff01;
(a) Interpretation of basic professional terms for digital currency contract transactions xff1a;
1. Location & #xff1a; refers to ratio of real investment and actual investment funds by investor.
2. Whole warehouse xff1a; all funds are purchased in virtual currency.
3. Seized xff1a; sold part of the virtual currency xff0c; but not all.
4 Rehousing xff1a; available funds compared to virtual currency xff0c; the share of virtual currency is greater.
5- Light warehouse xff1a; available funds compared to virtual currency xff0c; the share of available funds is greater.
6. Empty warehouse & #xff1a; full sale of the virtual currency held in your hand & #xff0c; all converted to funds.
7 xff1a; xff0c after a certain return; sells the virtual currency held to keep the profit.
8 xff1a; after a certain loss xff0c; sell the held virtual currency xff0c; and prevent further loss.
9. Multiple & #xff08; More xff09; xff1a; buyer xff0c; belief that currency prices will rise in the future xff0c; purchase currency xff0c; xff0c after price increases; profit from high sales.
10, empty xff08; empty xff09; xff1a; seller xff0c; believing that currency prices will fall in the future xff0c; borrowing currency held in hand xff08; or borrowing currency from a trading platform xff09; selling xff0c; xff0c after currency prices have fallen; and profit from low purchase.
11: Warehouse & #xff1a; purchase of virtual currency.
12: Repository & #xff1a; purchase of virtual currency & #xff0c; e.g. #xff1a; purchase of 1 BTC & #xff0c; purchase of 1 BTC later.
13 Full warehouse xff1a; full purchase of all funds in virtual currency on a one-time basis.
14 xff1a ; xff0c xff0c xff0c
Overpurchase & #xff1a; currency price continuously rises to a certain height & #xff0c; buyer power is almost exhausted & #xff0c; currency price is about to fall.
16- Oversale xff1a; currency prices have continued to fall to a certain low xff0c; sellers have largely exhausted xff0c; currency prices are about to recover.
17, seduction xff1a; long-term consolidation of currency xff0c; higher probability of decline xff0c; mostly virtual currency xff0c; sudden xff0c; inducement of multiples to think that currency prices will rise xff0c; buying xff0c; resulting in empty-handed currency prices xff0c; stifling multiples.
18, xff1a; xff0c after multiple purchases of virtual currency; deliberately crushing currency prices xff0c; xff0c to make empty heads think that currency prices will fall xff0c; dropping out of xff0c; resulting in multiple traps.
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