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最近一年的大多数时间中,赵长鹏会待在新加坡一个不到 10 平方米的小房间里,以在线形式对外联系。
For most of the last year, Zhao Chang Peng will stay in a small room of less than 10 square metres in Singapore and reach out online.
在这个弹丸之国的狭窄空间,这位 44 岁的加拿大华人远程掌管着一家千亿美元估值的公司 [1]。在线上虚拟世界,赵长鹏更广为人知的身份是 CZ,全球最大的加密货币交易所币安(Binance)的创始人兼 CEO。
The 44-year-old Chinese from Canada remotely owns a multi-billion dollar value company in this narrow space of the country. On the online virtual world, Zhao Chang Peng is more widely known as the CZ, founder and CEO of the world’s largest encrypted currency exchange, Binance.
Before the outbreak, Zhao Chang Peng was in a state of migration by remote control of the currency. From Japan, Malta, and Uganda to Singapore, he travelled to countries and regions where encryption monetary policy was relatively relaxed, targeting local practitioners and government officials, such as the President of Uganda and the Prime Minister of Malta.
疫情后,他停在了新加坡,以线上会议连接着分布在全球 60 多个国家和地区的近 3000 名币安成员。他为这种新状态添置了一个 “大型设备”——一块绿幕。当有正式线上活动时,他会站到绿幕前,抹掉房间的真实环境,换上一幅带有明黄色币安 logo 的虚拟背景。
After the outbreak, he stopped in Singapore, connecting online meetings with nearly 3000 members in more than 60 countries and regions around the world. He added a “large-scale device” to this new state of affairs – a green curtain. When there was an official online event, he would stand in front of the green curtain, erase the real environment in the room, and replace it with a virtual background with a yellow-coloured logo.
There is no typical figure of entrepreneurs in this field, who have created currency security with enormous energy in the world of crypto-currency, and who are not committed believers or fanatical sermons.
他的特点是 “缺乏特点”。赵长鹏留着寸头,身材不高不矮、不胖不瘦。他的想法和行事方式也如此,在区块链行业内,他是那个走在中间的人。
He's characterized by a "lack of character." Zhao Chang Ping has his inch, is not tall, is not fat, is not skinny. And so is his idea and his way of doing things. In the block chain industry, he's the one who walks in the middle.
他最初被加密货币的自由度吸引,自从 2014 年卖掉上海的房子买了比特币后,他就逐步把大部分个人资产转移到了加密货币上。据他称,加密货币资产占他个人财富的比例现在是 99%。他再也没买过房子等固定资产,因为 “流动性太差”。
He was initially attracted to the freedom of encrypted money, and since the house that sold Shanghai in 2014 bought bitcoin, he has gradually transferred most of his personal assets to encrypted money. According to him, the share of encrypted monetary assets in his personal wealth is now 99%. He has never bought fixed assets like a house, because it's “too much liquidity”.
On the other hand, Zhao Chang Peng, who values freedom and mobility, also views positively the government’s regulation of encrypted money. He claims that he is not an extreme anarchist, and that he cannot imagine how society will function without government and police, and how people will protect themselves.
The currency created by Zhao Chang Ping is also an intermediate product.
币安不是典型的公司。它没有总部,没有办公室。分布于全球的近 3000 名成员均在家办公。一名币安员工说,他的入职手续都是飞到 HR 所在的城市,在 HR 家里办的。
It's not a typical company. It has no headquarters, no offices. Nearly 3000 members worldwide are home-based. One staff member says that his entry procedures fly to HR's city, where they work at HR's home.
但币安也不是典型的去中心化社区组织,它依然有 CEO 赵长鹏,有高管职位和汇报关系。它同时使用 OKR 和 KPI 两套任务考核体系,确定 OKR 时,赵长鹏会先定自己的 OKR,其他人再拆赵长鹏的 OKR——和多数使用 OKR 的互联网公司一样。
But it's not a typical decentralised community organization. It still has CEO Zhao Chang Peng, a senior executive and reporting relationship. It uses both the OKR and KPI task appraisal systems, and when it determines OKRs, Zhao Chang Peng will determine its own OKRs, and others will dismantle Zhao Chang Peng's OKRs, just like most Internet companies using OKRs.
Underlying the middle course and compatibility of conflicting things is the practicalism of Zhao Chang Peng. Centralization or decentralisation, firmness or swaying -- he has little regard for the evaluation dimensions of these blocks' chains. His judgment on many things is whether they are reasonable, beneficial and necessary.
比如在社交媒体上,虽然有悖于自己 “不爱出头露面” 的本性,赵长鹏却非常活跃,因为这能帮他与用户沟通。他在 Twitter 上有 260 万粉丝,比以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 还多 70 万。
In social media, for example, Zhao Chang Peng is very active because it helps him communicate with his users, although it is contrary to his own nature as “not to show his face.” On Twitter, he has 2.6 million fans, 700,000 more than the founder of Ethio Vitalik Buterin.
为了推广币安在去中心化金融(Decentralized Finance,下称 DeFi)[2] 上的关键布局 BSC (Binance Smart Chain,币安智能链,下称 BSC),赵长鹏有时甚至会故意去怼以太坊——外界认为 BSC 对标以太坊。“在 BSC 比以太坊小时,这对 BSC 有好处。”
In order to promote the key layout of the currency at Decentralized Finance, hereinafter referred to as DeFi, BSC (Binance Smart Chain, hereinafter referred to as BSC), Zhao Chang-peng may even deliberately go to Tai Tai Tai-tae, which is thought to be BSC. "In BSC hours, better for BSC than for Ether."
以合理、务实和有用的标准去行动,赵长鹏也没那么执着区块链和加密货币本身。他在 2014 年卖房买币进入行业,看起来姿态坚决。但在 2015~ 2017 年的行情低迷期,他一度离开加密货币领域,进入了当时很热门的文化品交易行业,做了一家给邮币卡(邮票、钱币和电话卡等收藏品)提供交易系统的公司。
With reasonable, practical, and useful criteria, Zhao Chang Peng is less committed to block chains and encrypted money itself. He sold his house to enter the business in 2014 and seemed determined.
According to Zhao Changping, the core competitiveness of an encrypted currency exchange and similar past products are good service users. Practical, compatible, pluralistic styles can help them serve as many global users as possible.
In the context of the new round of bovine and concussions, we spoke with Zhao Chang Poon about the behaviour and value of Bitcoin, the business transformation and organizational management of the currency, his observation of industry regulation and his own state in a complex environment.
1989 年,12 岁的赵长鹏离开出生地中国江苏,随家人移民加拿大温哥华。很多事情在当时埋下伏笔。中学时代,赵长鹏当了 4 年排球校队队长,他说自己在场上更像粘合剂——个子不是最高,攻击力不是最强,他 “不是杀球的那个人”,他负责协调全场。
In 1989, 12-year-old Zhao Chang Peng left his place of birth in Jiangsu, China, and emigrated with his family to Vancouver, Canada. A lot of things went down. In high school, Zhao Chang Peng became the captain of the volleyball team for four years, saying that he was more like a sticker in his presence — he was not the highest, he was not the most aggressive, he was “not the one who killed the ball” and he was in charge.
"bitcoin is a new technology platform and not an asset"
《晚点》:4 月中旬以来,比特币从接近 65000 美元的高点下跌,一度低至 30000 美元,你怎么看这种巨大的波动性?
赵长鹏:市场有大涨幅就会有大跌幅,很正常。我还有我周围的人都没有特别在意。 : market has a big ups and downs. It's normal. I don't care about anyone around me. 《晚点》:今年 2 月比特币价格突破 5 万美元后,你曾在 Twitter 上说:“比特币的 5 万美元是新的 1 万美元,如果现在不买就等着后悔。” 为何如此看好比特币? Later: This February, when Bitcoin went over $50,000, you said on Twitter: "The $50,000 of Bitcoin is a new $10,000, and if you don't buy it now you're gonna regret it." Why look so good at Bitcoin? 赵长鹏:我从来没有在推特上预判过比特币的价格。但现在这个行业还非常初期,全球大概只有 1%~ 2% 的人有数字货币。从这个角度看,应该还有 50 倍到 100 倍的发展空间。 : I've never prejudged the price of bitcoin on Twitter. But at this very early stage of the industry, only about 1% – 2% of the world’s population has a digital currency. From this perspective, there should be 50 to 100 times more room for development. 《晚点》:一种普遍观点是,美元超发是去年下半年启动的这轮牛市的重要推力,比特币涨不是因为自己多好,而是因为外面的世界太差了。你怎么看这轮牛市的原因? 赵长鹏:美国印钞对加密货币确实有很大贡献。42% 的美元都是去年印的,拿着美元是大大贬值,所以美国很多机构都开始买比特币了。 也有一些行业内因素,去年的 DeFi (去中心化金融)和今年的 NFT(非同质化代币) [3] 比较火,有很多创新。另外,去年比特币挖矿减半 [4] 了,新比特币出来的速度慢很多。具体哪个影响比较大,没人能 100% 说清楚。 There are also intra-industry factors, and there are a lot of innovations in last year’s DeFi (decentralized finance) and this year’s NFT (non-homogenous tokens)[3]. Also, last year’s bitcoin mine was halved [4], and the new bitcoin came out much slower. 《晚点》:2017 年的牛市以前,比特币占加密货币总市值的比例维持在 80% 以上,2018 年之后,这一数值开始在 30% 到 70% 之间震荡,目前略多于 40%。你觉得比特币的比重接下来会怎么变化? Later: Before the cattle market in 2017, Bitcoin had maintained its share of the total market value of the encrypted currency at over 80%, and after 2018 it began to shake between 30% and 70%, now slightly more than 40%. How do you think the proportion of Bitcoin will change next? 赵长鹏:长期看,比特币的比重还会降低。比特币是第一个数字货币,它有网络效应,就像数字货币里的全球储备货币。但比特币的创新速度不如新项目,迟早会有其他东西蚕食比特币的份额,但目前还没有看到是什么。 : for a long time, the weight of bitcoin will decrease. Bitcoin is the first digital currency, with a network effect, like the global reserve currency in the digital currency. But bitcoin is not as fast as the new project. Sooner or later, something else will eat bitcoin's share, but there is nothing to see. 《晚点》:包括以太坊和币安自己发行的 BNB(Binance Coin,币安发行代币的名称)吗? Late hour: Including BNB (Binance Coin, Name of Currency Issuer) issued by Tai Ho and Yuan? 赵长鹏:包括它们。以太坊以前有机会,因为比特币能做的事它都能做,并且有很多创新,社群很活跃。但以太坊很快碰到了性能瓶颈。现在的加密货币要在市值上超越比特币蛮难。比特币最去中心化,因为它的创始人不在。 《晚点》:比特币的价值很大程度上取决于人们怎么定义它。你认为比特币的实质是什么?一种货币,一种资产,还是什么别的东西? Later: The value of Bitcoin depends to a large extent on how it is defined. What do you think the essence of Bitcoin is? A currency, an asset, something else? 赵长鹏:我觉得比特币是一套新技术而不是某个东西。互联网刚出来时,人们会认为互联网是另外一种沟通渠道,我们有电话、收音机、电视,现在还有了互联网。但互联网其实是一个新技术平台,互联网上会有互联网的收音机、视频和社交媒体。社交媒体是传统没有的,电视、收音机是传统就有的。所以互联网不是在具体应用层面跟它们并行,互联网是底层架构。 But the Internet is actually a new technology platform with Internet radios, videos, and social media. Social media are traditional. Televisions, radios, and radios are traditional. So the Internet is not parallel to them at the specific application level, and the Internet is a bottom structure. 区块链和比特币也是底层架构,数字货币里会有数字货币的货币、资产、证券、债券和其他各种各样的东西,这是一个新平台而不是某个资产。很多人不理解这有多大,一个新平台出现后,上面会有新版本的传统的一切,加更多传统没有的东西。 Block chains and bitcoins are also the bottom structure, with digital currencies containing money, assets, securities, bonds and all sorts of other things, which is a new platform, not an asset. Many people don't understand how big this is. When a new platform emerges, there will be a new version of the tradition, plus more of what it does not. 《晚点》:但 “各种各样” 的东西似乎还未出现,区块链领域还没有杀手级应用,这是为什么? Later: But what's "various" does not seem to be there yet, and there are no killer-class applications in the block chain area, why? 赵长鹏:一是现在整个数字货币行业还非常小众,所以没有大众化的杀手级应用。 : is now very small in the digital money industry, so there are no popular killer applications. 第二加密货币市场内其实有做得挺好的应用,比如 2017 年的 “首次公开发币”(Initial Coin Offering)(即公开发行可交易的代币,类似发行股票),我称它为 “区块链全球融资”,这是一个杀手级应用。之前创业者是没有工具去全球融资的。假如你是一个中国小散户,你也投不进美国早期项目,比如 Uber 、特斯拉。但 “首次公开发币” 可以,它现在还在用,当然也有很多骗子。最近的 NFT 又是一个新模式,它能让艺术家或内容创造者更好地把作品变现。这些应用都是传统金融不支持的。 There are actually good applications in the second crypto-currency market, such as the first “open currency” in 2017 (i.e. the public distribution of tradable tokens, similar to the issuance of shares), which I call “global financing of block chains” – a killer-class application. Former entrepreneurs have no tools for global financing. 2 “做点事,把事做好,就可以了” 《晚点》:你是怎么从传统金融行业跨到加密货币的? Later: How did you cross the traditional financial sector to encrypt money? 赵长鹏:我大概在 2013 年年中读了比特币白皮书。了解这个技术后,我觉得它可能会 work(运转),但去中心化需要社区。这个社区存不存在,人是什么样的人,我需要见一下。于是 2013 年底,我去美国拉斯维加斯参加了一个峰会,现在行业里的大佬,包括 Vitalik 等,当时都在峰会里。 I read the Bitcoin White Paper in mid-2013. Knowing this technology, I think it might work, but decentralizing requires a community. This community exists, what people are, I need to see. So, at the end of 2013, I went to Las Vegas, the United States, to a summit, where the big players in the industry, including Vitalik and others, were at the summit. 去了之后发现这一帮小孩非常真诚,也非常努力。当时有一个人为了教我用钱包,就转了一些币给我,学会后,我说我把币转回给你吧,他说不用,你留着吧,你可以用这个币去教下一个人。我看了一下,大概就三百美元,几千块人民币,不是很多,但也不少。他们这帮人真不是出来骗钱,不是报纸上说的贩毒老大,他们就是一帮技术小孩。 When I went there, I found out that the kids were very sincere and very hard-working. One guy turned me some coins to teach me how to use my wallet, and then, when I learned, I said I'd turn the coin back to you, and he said, "No, you can keep it, you can teach the next one." I saw, like, $300, thousands of yuan, not a lot, but a lot. They didn't come out to cheat money, they weren't drug dealers, they were technical kids. 会开完在机场准备离开时,我就说我要卖房买比特币,而且要辞职,100% 加入这个行业,不管干嘛,写代码也行。 When I was ready to leave at the airport, I said I'd sell the house and buy bitcoin, and I'd quit, and I'd be 100 percent in the industry, whatever it is, write the code. 《晚点》:对一个新机会感兴趣,需要做到卖房这一步吗? Late: Is it necessary to sell a new opportunity? 赵长鹏:我那时就这么点钱,就不要再分散了,年轻,全部放在一个地方。我从不跟别人说你 all in,但我自己能承担风险。最坏的情况就是做两年,比特币归零,我再回银行工作就行了。 I don't tell anyone about you all in, but I can take the risk myself. The worst case is two years, bitcoin zero, and I'll just go back to the bank. 《晚点》:2014 买的比特币后来拿住了吗?加密货币在那之后不久就进入了熊市。 Later: Did you take the bitcoin that you bought in 2014? The encrypted currency entered Bears shortly after that. 赵长鹏:还好一直拿住了。我记得我把房子卖了后不到 1 年,上海房价就翻了一倍,比特币跌到原来三分之一,等于差了六倍。当时内心是有压力的,是所有人都错了,还是就我一个人错了?大概率是我一个人错了。但我怎么也看不懂为什么会错,因为我觉得这是未来。回头看,2001 年互联网泡沫破裂时,亚马逊、eBay,包括谷歌当时也跌了 98%。大家都经历过那个阶段。 I remember that less than a year after I sold the house, Shanghai doubled the price of the house, and Bitcoin fell to one-third, which was six times less. At the time, there was pressure, everybody was wrong, or I was wrong alone. The probability was that I was wrong. But I couldn't see why it was wrong, because I thought it was the future. Looking back, when the Internet bubble broke up in 2001, Amazon and eBay, including Google, also fell 98 per cent. Everyone went through that phase. 《晚点》:这种把区块链类比成互联网的想法,是你当时就有的还是事后总结的? Later: Is this the idea of comparing block chains to the Internet that you had at the time or that you summed up afterwards? 赵长鹏:说实话是后来想到的,人在当局是看不清的。我当时只是想,这个东西还要熬多久,五年、十年?但还好,也就熬了两年多。 : to tell the truth was later thought, and people couldn't see it in the authorities. I was just wondering how much longer, five or ten years, this thing was going to last. But it was fine, and it lasted for more than two years. 《晚点》:你现在如何配置个人资产?你有再买房子等固定资产吗 ? 赵长鹏:我基本上 99% 是加密货币,应该都在 BNB 上,只有一小部分是比特币。我现在没有买房,房子流动性太差。 I'm basically 99% of the encrypted currency, which is supposed to be on BNB, and only a fraction of it is Bitcoin. I'm not buying a house now, and the house is too mobile. 《晚点》:你 2014 年入行时的态度很坚决,但创立币安前的 2015 年到 2017 年之间,你曾离开加密货币行业,做了给邮币卡(邮票、钱币和电话卡等收藏品)提供交易系统的比捷科技,为什么中途去做这个? : You entered in 2014 with a firm attitude, but between 2015 and 2017, when you were created, you left the crypto-currency industry and did a bitier technology to provide a trading system for post-currency cards (philatelic items such as stamps, coins and telephone cards). 赵长鹏:比捷本来想自己在日本做数字货币交易所,但发现只懂技术不懂日语很难做。后面中国的邮币卡很火,就有人找上门问能不能提供,我们说你愿意付钱我们就卖。到 2017 年 5 月之前,我们都没想过做交易所。 Chiu Chang Peng: Beije wanted to be a digital currency exchange in Japan, but found it difficult to do it when he knew no Japanese. China’s post card was hot, and someone asked if it could be supplied, and we said you were willing to pay. We didn’t even want to be an exchange until May 2017. 《晚点》:2017 年 5 月发生了什么,为什么又回来了? : What happened in May 2017 and why did you come back? 赵长鹏:最直接的是觉得一波行情要来了,行业里需要这个,而且交易平台是我的擅长。 更长远地看,我觉得人类历史上,任何时候我们能提高一个东西的自由度,且不降低它的安全和易用性时,文明都有很大进步。我觉得未来几十年内,金钱的自由度会变得更高,同时安全和易用性可以保持,甚至变高,这是币安想做的。我们想为这个行业提供一些基础架构服务。 In the longer term, I think that at any time in human history we can raise the freedom of one thing and not reduce its security and ease of use, civilization has made great strides. I think that in the next few decades, the freedom of money will be higher, while safety and ease of use will be maintained and even higher, and that's what we want to do. We want to provide some basic architecture for the industry. 《晚点》:区块链技术能让金钱流动更自由、更安全的一个重要原因是它的去中心化特点。你从 2014 年入行到创立币安,都是在钱包、交易所等行业里的中心化公司,为什么不直接做基于区块链网络的去中心化项目? 赵长鹏:我觉得人要找三个东西的结合,一是自己会什么,二是自己喜欢什么,三是这个东西对别人有没有价值。不是每个人都特别懂芯片,都知道怎么挖矿,都熟悉数学算法区块链。我的经历一直在交易系统这边,对我来说最合理的就是继续做交易平台。 《晚点》:交易平台也可以做成去中心化形式的。近期你曾说,未来五到十年内,去中心化交易所会战胜中心化交易所。看起来你的想法又变了? : Trading platforms can also be decentralised. You said recently that in the next five to ten years, decentralized exchanges will prevail over centralized exchanges. Looks like you've changed your mind again? 赵长鹏:去中心化交易所确实发展很快,但直到现在,它的交易量和安全系数跟中心化交易所仍有差异,对大部分新手用户有门槛。 当然,你在水里就能感受到浪的方向。DeFi 的确给币安主站带来了压力。我比更早期时更看好去中心化方向了,我认为这是未来。 Of course, you can feel the direction of the waves in the water. DeFi does put pressure on the main station. I look closer to centralization than I did earlier, and I think it's the future. 《晚点》:区块链行业不少人有始终如一的价值观和方向选择,比如有人执着于去中心化,有人执着于把比特币用到支付上,有人看重提升效率;你似乎更偏实用主义,选择随形势变化。这会被一些人视为不够坚定,你怎么看自己的这种特点? : Many people in the block chain industry have consistent values and direction choices, such as people who insist on decentralisation, people who insist on paying bitcoins and people who value efficiency; you seem more pragmatic and opt for change. 赵长鹏:一个行业要允许不同想法、不同特质的人共存。我觉得不管选择是什么,为行业做点事,把事做好,就可以了。 : an industry that allows people with different ideas and characteristics to coexist. I think whatever the choice is, do something for the industry, do it right. 3 “如果 2018 年再继续涨,不一定有今天的币安” "If it continues to rise again in 2018, today's currency may not be safe" 《晚点》:币安从成立 6 个月后到现在,一直是全球交易量最大的加密货币交易。你认为币安的核心竞争力是什么? Late: Currency security has been the most encrypt currency transaction in the world since it was established six months later. What do you think the central competitiveness of currency security is? 赵长鹏:还是因为我们一直坚持以用户为核心吧。这体现在一些长、短期利益博弈上,例如上币时的选择和产品功能设计。 我们还拿出了所有交易费收入的 10% 放到 SAFU (Secure Asset Fund for Users,投资者保护基金)里,以保护用户利益和应对极端情况。 And we've put 10 percent of all transaction fee revenue in SAFU to protect the interests of users and respond to extreme situations. 《晚点》:现在行情剧烈波动时,币安、Coinbase 和火币等交易所仍会出现卡顿、宕机、“因流量暴增暂停提币” 等情况。一些人认为,表面的故障背后是交易所在操纵。 : At a time of high volatility, the exchange of currency, Coinbase, and coins will continue to appear in Caden, the crash, and the “suspension of notes due to surges in traffic.” Some argue that the apparent failure is behind the exchange's manipulation. 赵长鹏:以币安当今的交易量来看,手续费收益就不少了,不需要通过操纵什么挣短期的钱。聪明人会保护长期的信任。 : in terms of today's transactions, the fees are good enough to make short-term money. Smart people protect long-term trust. 《晚点》:你们不缺人和钱,为什么一直没解决宕机、卡顿等问题? 赵长鹏:这不是那么简单。对系统不太了解的普通散户经常说,你多买服务器不就解决了吗?花钱能解决的问题,我们早花钱了。 It's not that simple. It's often said by a common silo who doesn't know the system, you buy more servers. We'll pay for the problem. 传统交易所,如上交所、纽交所都是散户把订单交给券商,券商再把订单合起来给交易所,交易所只服务几百个券商。我们是全世界几百万用户直接到交易所,我觉得我们是人类有史以来最大的金融撮合市场,架构压力完全不一样。这不是平行加服务器就能解决的。我们要做到的,是把波音 838 变大十倍,但它还是单独一架飞机,还能飞,这比较难。 Traditional exchanges, such as the drop-in, the New Dealer, hand over orders to the check-outs, and the coupon-seller to the stock exchange, which serves only a few hundred. We're the world's millions of users directly to the exchange, and I think we are the largest financial broker in human history, and the structural pressure is completely different. This is not the solution. It's not the parallel with the server. We're going to do it by turning the Boeing 838 into a ten-fold bigger, but it's still a single plane, and it's harder to fly. 现阶段的成长完全超出我们 2018 年的预期,我们还在做多种优化,但继续往下涨,可能还会碰到一些磕磕碰碰。 This stage of growth is far beyond what we expected in 2018, and we're still doing a lot of optimizations, but we're going up and down, and we're probably going to have some bumps and bumps. 《晚点》:具体哪方面超出预期? Later: What's beyond expectations? 赵长鹏:主要是用户数,远远超出了预期。2017 年比特币的峰值是两万美元,前段时间到五万多美元,涨了 2.5 倍,但活跃用户数却涨了二十倍。当时已照着五倍、十倍去扩了,还是扛不住。 The number of active users rose 20 times. It was five times and ten times more than expected. In 2017, Bitcoins peaked at $20,000, and by more than 50,000 dollars, the number of active users rose 2.5 times. 《晚点》:你之前提到机构入场是这一轮牛市的特点,你们机构用户的增长情况如何?能观察到中国机构力量的入场吗? Later: You mentioned earlier that institutional entry was a feature of this cow market. What is the growth of users of your institutions? Can you see the entry of Chinese institutional power? 赵长鹏:总的机构数据是指数性增长的,特别是过去半年。在整个市场中,中国机构占比不大。美国机构大概占市场的百分之八九十,中国反过来,散户占百分之八九十,中国几个亿身家的人都是自己操作一个账号。 The overall institutional data for is exponential, especially over the past six months. Chinese institutions account for less than 80% of the market. US institutions account for 80% of the market, China accounts for 80% of the total, and hundreds of millions of Chinese households operate their own accounts. 《晚点》:你们怎么吸引机构用户? 赵长鹏:机构交易对 API 、交易速度的要求和散户完全不一样。举个例子,机构都是团队操作,有老板、组长、小团队,每个人有不同权限,我们叫子账号功能。这些功能 2017 年没几个交易所有,我们也没有,现在我们都有了。 《晚点》:什么时候开始做这些准备的? 赵长鹏:子账号是在 2018 年底左右,那时是熊市。其实当时主要就在练内功,我们那时的核心撮合比较快,但周边系统不够,2017 年成长太快,跟不上。当时就担心,如果 2018 年来一股非常牛的牛市,币安会很卡,我们反而可能丢掉领先地位。 所以 2018 年,我跟内部的沟通全部是提高性能、扩大系统,牛市会来,不用担心。我个人之前经历过熊市,当时的心理素质已非常好了。 So, in 2018, all I did was communicate with the inside to improve performance, expand the system, and the bulls will come, and don't worry. I personally went through Bears before, and my mental qualities were very good. 《晚点》:所以 2018 年初开始的熊市,对币安来说反而是一个有利外部环境? 赵长鹏:是,如果那时再继续涨,我们扛不住了,不一定有今天的币安。 《晚点》:你们对未来增长的预测是?会提前做哪些准备? Later: What are your projections of future growth? What are your plans ahead? 赵长鹏:我们完全没法预知未来。但我们判断用户量大概率还会上涨,我们至少要先准备好扩容性。有可能不发生,那我们就浪费点钱,问题不大;但是发生,我们不能浪费机会。 We can't predict the future at all, but we can judge that the number of users will probably rise, and we must be ready for expansion at least first. If it doesn't happen, then we'll waste a little money, not a lot of trouble; but if it does, we can't afford to waste an opportunity. 《晚点》:现在很多新用户涌进加密货币市场。他们的风险意识和交易技术可能都不好, 但币安、火币等交易所又能很方便地加杠杆,杠杆很容易亏钱。你们怎么处理这个问题? Later: Many new users are now rushing into the crypto-money market. Their risk awareness and trade skills may not be good, but they can leverage easily and easily. How do you deal with this? 赵长鹏:币安应该是所有数字货币交易所里唯一有 “负责交易程序” 的,我们叫 responsible trading program。第一个,如果一个散户来玩我们的期货或期权,我们会问他两个问题:第一,你觉得有多大几率会赔钱?他如果写低于 50%,我们不让他玩,你心态就不对;第二,如果赔钱了,他觉得是谁的责任?他如果觉得是别人的责任,是币安的责任,那你别玩,你去玩现货。 第二个,如果是一个新的散户,他赔钱到一定程度时,我们系统会告诉他不要再交易了,阻止他交易 48 小时。我相信我们是唯一一个阻止用户交易的交易平台。 Second, if a new slob pays him up to a certain level, we'll tell him to stop trading and stop him for 48 hours. I believe we're the only trading platform to stop the user. 《晚点》:你们一共阻止过多少人?阻止的代价是什么? Later: How many people have you stopped? What's the price of stopping? 赵长鹏:数据我倒没有,应该不少人,但这对我们的收入不会有太大损失。因为这种用户,他只会伤自己,不会特别帮我们。受伤之后,他还是会停,只是早停晚停。我们让他早停一天,他少输点钱,我们少赚几十块手续费没关系,我们保留长期用户。他学会了怎么赚钱,我们的收入会更多。 CHO Chang Peng: I don't have the data. There should be a lot of people, but that's not going to cost us much of our income. As a user, he will only hurt himself and not help us in particular. After the injury, he will stop, only sooner or later. We let him stop one day early, he'll lose a few dollars, we'll keep the long-term user. He learns how to make money, and we'll earn more. 《晚点》:交易所用户特别关心托管在你们这儿的资产是否安全。掌管 OKEx 交易所钱包秘钥的徐明星被调查时,就曾导致用户大规模恐慌逃离。你们是怎么管钱包秘钥的? : Exchange users are particularly concerned about the security of the assets held here. 赵长鹏:币安现在完全是用多重签名机制,很早就不依赖单个人了。我们最大的钱包需要 15 个人中的 7 个人签名。这些人是谁,他们互相都不知道,此外只有很少人知道全部人是谁。而且我和币安所有公开对外的人都不在签名名单里。币安提币跟我完全没关系,我想偷币都偷不走。 《晚点》:但这个机制还是需要有人在中间协调,是吗?这会不会带来一些风险? Later: But this mechanism still needs to be coordinated in the middle, right? Does it entail some risk? 赵长鹏:全部用工具。管钱包的人的软件里会弹出需要处理的任务。做运营管理的人不知道管钱包的是谁。 : has all the tools. The wallet manager's software ejects the tasks that need to be handled. The operator doesn't know who the wallet is. 《晚点》:怎么保证多重签名名单里的人相互不串联? Later: How to ensure that people on multiple signature lists are not connected? 赵长鹏:他们从币安得到的待遇相对高,我们先把他想偷的意愿去掉。而且光一个人想偷也不行,他要勾结大概 8、9 个人。他去打听其他人是谁时,非常容易泄露。如果有人出事了也没关系。软件可以把人移出,把新人加进来。 : They're relatively well treated from the currency, so let's get rid of the will they want to steal. And not just one person wants to steal, he's about eight or nine people. He's very easy to reveal when he asks who the others are. It doesn't matter if something happens. Software can move people out and bring new ones in. 我们会选有一定熟悉度,稳定可靠、有家庭有小孩的人,单身感觉不那么稳定。位置上全球分布,只要有互联网就行,但不能都在一个国家或地区,防止地震、洪水、断网。现在全球大概只有一个国家没有互联网了。 We're going to have a certain level of familiarity, a stable and reliable person with a family with a child, and it's less stable to be single. Global distribution, as long as the Internet is available, is not possible in one country or region to prevent earthquakes, floods, and offlines. There's probably only one country around the world now without the Internet. 4 “你说我抄了奔驰,但我车速比他快 10 倍” "You said I copied the Mercedes, but I was 10 times faster than him." 《晚点》:在现在的中心化交易所之外,你们的新方向是去中心化金融,这块的整体进展如何? 赵长鹏:BSC 的日交易量现在超过以太坊大概四、五倍了,有了几百个生态项目,但 BSC 才推出 9 个多月,它起来得比我们想象得还快。除了 BSC,我们还在做 DEX(Decentralized Exchange,去中心化交易所),我们也投了很多以太坊、波卡生态的项目。 The BSC now trades four or five times more daily than Etheria, with hundreds of eco-projects, but BSC only launched nine months earlier than we thought. In addition to BSC, we are also doing DEX (decisionralized Exchange, Centralized Exchange), and we have a lot of Etheria, Poca Ecology projects. 《晚点》:其实以太坊上也可以做去中心化金融,比如现在交易量最大的去中心化交易所 Uniswap 就是以太坊生态项目,你们为什么不用现成的东西,而是在去年 9 月推出了 BSC? : In fact, it's also possible to decentralize finance, such as the decentralized exchange where the biggest deal is now, Uniswap is the Etheraya Ecology Project. Why didn't you use what was available, but you launched the BSC last September? 赵长鹏:我解释一下,BSC 不是我们做的。我们之前自己做 BNB 时慢慢跟社区有很多合作。所以到 BSC 时,是社区里一帮人过来说他们要做一个智能合约链,跟以太坊接近,希望我们给一笔资金。他们愿意把 BNB 作为这个链的主币,之后这个链上的任何交易都会用到 BNB,这对币安是好事,因为我们是 BNB 的最大持有者。 I explained that the BSC was not ours. We made BNB ourselves before, and we worked with the community very slowly. So when BSC, it was a group of people from the community who came to say that they were going to make a smart contract chain, close to Etheria, hoping that we would give money. They were willing to use BNB as the main currency of the chain, and then any transaction on the chain would be used for BNB, which was good for BNB, because we were the biggest holders of BNB. 所以 BSC 我参与度很低,这是一个社区项目,只是开发者不太愿意露面,其实我啥也没做,没那个能力。 So, BSC, I'm very poorly involved, it's a community project, it's just that developers aren't willing to show up, and I didn't do anything, I don't have the power. 《晚点》:币安对 BNB 的集中持有和 BSC 宣称的去中心化社区方向没有冲突吗? 赵长鹏:这有两个部分。BNB 是不是非常集中?是的。但这是我们通过服务赚来的手续费。我们最早发行 BNB 时,给团队留了 40%,但因为币安很快就达到了盈利点,所以我们从来没花过也没卖过这部分币,并承诺之后把这部分全部销毁。这跟其他发币机制不太一样,大家可以考虑我们是不是过于中心化。 The BNB is very focused? Yes. But this is the fee we earned through our services. When we first released BNB, we left 40% for the team, but we never spent it, we never sold it, and we promised to destroy it later. This is not the same as the other money distribution mechanisms, and you can think about whether we are too central. 第二,BSC 完全去中心化后,价值才更大,整个 BNB 的市值会更高,吸引用户的网络效应也更大。所以从利益驱动上,我们想要去中心化,我们也在这么做。 Second, when the BSC is completely decentralised, it's worth a lot more, the whole BNB's market value is higher, and the network effect of attracting users is greater. So, in the interest-driven sense, we want to be centralized, and so we're doing it. 另外,如果有一个中心化组织持很多币,这不是坏事,我们不会伤害社区和砸盘,这需要巨大成本,对我们没有任何好处。 Moreover, if a centralised organization holds many coins, that is not bad. We will not harm communities and wrecks, which will cost us immensely and will not benefit us in any way. 《晚点》:有人会觉得以太坊是更理想的区块链项目状态,它比较分散,其创始人 Vitalik 也没有持有太多以太坊,这会是 BSC 想发展的方向吗? : Some would think that Ether was the ideal state of the block chain project, that it was scattered and that its founder, Vitalik, did not hold much of Etheria, would that be the direction BSC wanted to develop? 赵长鹏:我们的理解不是这样。可能很多人觉得这个币里,每个人都有一点点比较公平。但如果只有小鱼进来,没有鲸鱼进来,那可能只有一个原因,大机构不看好。 That's not how we understand it. A lot of people think that there's a little bit more justice for everyone in this coin. If only small fish come in, no whales come in, there's probably only one reason, big institutions don't look good. 大概 2017 年时,Vitalik 把一部分以太坊卖了 3000 万美元,这可能代表他特别公平,也可能代表那时他比较看重美元。 In 2017, Vitalik sold some of the 30 million dollars in Ethio, which could be particularly fair for him, or it could be that he valued the dollar more at that time. 我们为什么不愿意拿美元,愿意拿 BNB?这代表我们有信心。 Why don't we take the dollar and the BNB? That means we have confidence. 《晚点》:外界认为 BSC 是对标以太坊的,你怎么看二者的竞争? Later: What do you think of the BSC as a competition for the Python? 赵长鹏:我不觉得 BSC 跟以太坊有竞争。现在用以太坊跟用 BSC 的人群不太一样。 I don't think the BSC is competing with the Etheria. It's not the same as the BSC population. 有些人更喜欢以太坊,因为 Vitalik 拿币比较少,更去中心化等等。但他们手续费比较贵,说实话是非常贵。转一笔账要收 10 美元,用一次复杂点的合约,要上百美元。除非你一次做百万级的交易,不然没法付手续费。 Some people prefer Ether because Vitalik has less money, more centralization, etc. They pay more than they pay. They charge $10 for a transfer, $100 for a complex contract. You can't pay until you make a million-dollar deal. 而在东南亚、印度和非洲,还有很多金字塔底层的用户,他们人数很多,我们为他们提供一个更便宜的网络,可以使更多人使用和进入区块链。 In South-East Asia, India and Africa, there are also a large number of users at the bottom of the pyramid, and we provide them with a cheaper network that allows more people to use and enter the block chain. BSC 起来后,以太坊的交易量并没有变少,但也不再增长,这是因为它碰到了技术瓶颈,网络最高承载量就是每秒 15 到 20 笔。我们慢慢变多,因为我们还没碰到上限。所以不存在竞争,只是他们不能服务的用户我们现在可以服务了。 When BSC got up, there was no less, but it was not growing, because it encountered technical bottlenecks, and the top load of the network was 15 to 20 times a second. We slowly got more, because we didn't get the upper limit. So there was no competition, but the users they couldn't serve are now able to serve. 《晚点》:以太坊社区不能让技术再进化吗? Later: Can't the Etheraya community allow technology to evolve again? 赵长鹏:肯定可以,但这需要时间。他们跟 BSC 的定位不一样,它要能在几百万个账本上完全同步,同时每秒处理几百万单,这个技术门槛蛮高,几年内蛮难解决。 It's gonna take time. Unlike BSC, they're going to be able to fully synchronize with millions of books, and they're going to process millions every second. It's a very high technical threshold, and it's going to be difficult to solve in a few years. 最近我看 Vitalik 发推特比较少,他应该在闭关。我倒非常希望他能解决这个问题,这样整个行业又会变大。 I've seen less Twitter from Vitalik lately, and he should be closed. I'd very much like him to solve this problem, so the whole industry will grow again. 《晚点》:BSC 比以太坊快和便宜,是因为需要同步账本的节点少很多,是吗? 赵长鹏:这是一方面,我们有 21 个节点。另外我们的节点也比较大,机器性能比较高,在架构上也做了一些改变。 This is on the one hand, we have 21 nodes. We have bigger nodes, higher machine performances, and some structural changes. 很多人说 BSC 没有创新,只是抄了以太坊,其实性能提升几十、几百倍就是一个创新。你说我抄了奔驰,但我车速比它快十倍,那是不是一个创新 ? A lot of people say that BSC is not innovative. It's just a copy of Ether. It's actually an innovation. You say I've copied the Mercedes, but I'm ten times faster than it is. Is that an innovation? 5 “去中心化是灰度的,不是黑白的” "Going to the center is gray, not black and white" 《晚点》:近期各国政府对加密货币有一些不同表态——有的政府对加密货币很开放;有的政府偏严厉;还有政府在把加密货币纳入现有监管体系,如近日有消息称美国货币监理署(OCC)、美联储和联邦存款保险公司正考虑成立一个加密货币监管的 “跨部门小组”。你觉得各国态度会如何影响全球区块链行业格局? 赵长鹏:抱歉,我不会公开评论具体监管机构及他们的政策,但币安一定在积极与全球监管机构沟通。目前每个国家的条款都不太一样,这是好事,可以看到哪些条款更有利于发展,可以有多个参考物。 《晚点》:从你们的接触情况看,各国共同关注的内容有哪些?政府有些什么常见想法和认知? Later: What are the elements of common concern in your contacts? What are the common thoughts and perceptions of Governments? 赵长鹏:两三年前我们去沟通时,大家都问这个东西是不是恐怖分子用的。现在这么说会比较丢脸,好像没有常识。现在他们比较在意怎么防洗钱和犯罪。其实区块链上的数据是透明的,反而更好分析和跟踪。有些地方的监管反而在推这个东西,他们突然理解,区块链和加密货币不是让你更失控,而是让你控制得更细。 When we went to communicate two or three years ago, everyone asked if this thing was used by terrorists. It's more embarrassing, as if there was no common sense. Now they care more about money-laundering and crime. The data on the block chain is transparent, but better analysed and tracked. Some of the regulations are pushing this thing, and they suddenly understand that the chain and the encrypted currency do not make you more out of control, but rather make you more under control. 《晚点》:政府的合规诉求会如何影响加密货币?自由度被认为是加密货币的一个主要新价值。 Late hour: How does a government compliance claim affect encrypted currency? Freedom is considered a major new value of encrypted currency. 赵长鹏:自由度和合规有一定关系,但并不冲突。 : has a relationship to freedom and compliance, but it does not conflict. 我觉得合规还是很重要的。区块链、数字货币行业里有一帮人是极端自由主义的,他们希望不要政府,也不要警察,就一帮人自己生活。我不觉得人类可以文明到那个程度,在一个完全没有政府和警察的社会,每个人怎么自保,全部请私家保安? I think compliance is important. A group of people in the block chain, the digital money industry are ultra-liberal, who want to live without government or the police. I don't think human beings can be civilized to that extent, how can everyone protect themselves in a society with no government or police? 我们还是需要一些规矩,说白了,还是需要一些监管。 We still need some rules, let's be clear, or some regulation. 但如果等人把规矩全部定出来之后再开始做这个行业,可能也不太对,因为规矩都是先做一段时间才摸索出来的。监管需要案例,在一个还没有的行业里告诉你能做这个,不能做这个,让这个行业去发展,这不可能。 But it may not be right to wait until you have all the rules in place before you start doing it, because the rules take a while to figure it out. Regulation requires a case that tells you that you can do it in an industry that doesn't exist, that you can't do it, that you can do it, that you can do it, and that's impossible. 《晚点》:什么类型的政府对加密货币更积极,跟国家大小有关还是跟经济类型有关? Later: What type of government is more active with encrypted money, in relation to the size of the country or in relation to the type of economy? 赵长鹏:我个人感觉,前几年是小国,因为大国比较复杂。中美这种大国,如果规矩定得不够细,就有很多人钻空子。但行业初期,你又很难定得特别细。但比如百慕达,整个国家就七万人,跟上海一个小区差不多,他不需要规定,就一个案子一个案子看,他看得过来。而且小国不太需要保护自己的货币,他们不太在乎冲击,反而认为这个东西能帮他们在新领域,比如金融科技上领先。 But in the early days of the industry, it was hard for you to be very specific. But, like Bermuda, the whole country is 70,000 people, just like a small area of the sea, and he doesn't have to rule on a case, and he sees it. And small countries have little need to protect their currency, and they don't care about shocks, but they think it can help them take the lead in new areas, such as financial technology. 现在有点儿反过来了,几个大国在竞争。如果中国想让人民币变成全球基础货币,你发个央行数字货币,这个东西被接受,可能是非常有帮助的。 There is a bit of the opposite. A few big countries are competing. If China wants to turn the renminbi into a global base currency, you send a central bank digital currency, something that may be very helpful if it is accepted. 《晚点》:你觉得各国央行发行的数字货币是真正的区块链应用吗? Later: Do you think digital currencies issued by central banks are true block-chain applications? 赵长鹏:这里就非常微妙了。目前多数央行发的第一版数字货币还是相对中心化的,它有一个发行方,这个发行方可以增发,可以控制整个网络,也可以拒绝一些交易。它的确用了区块链技术,但它的多数节点没有公开。你说它是区块链,也是,你说它不是,也不是。但我觉得不用那么纠结定义。去中心化本身也是灰度的,不是黑白的。比如你特别去中心化,但手续费特别贵,这就不那么易用,这里面有很细的权衡。 It does use block chain technology, but most of its nodes are not public. You say it's a block chain, yes, it's not. But I don't think it needs to be defined. Centralization itself is gray, not black and white. For example, you go central, but the process is expensive, which is not easy to use, and there is a fine trade-off. 最后还是看是不是足够安全、易用和自由。如果这几个高,就会被很多人用;如果低,除非硬逼人用,但逼人太难了。 Finally, it depends on whether it's safe, easy to use, and free. If it's high, it's used by a lot of people; if it's low, unless it's hard to use it, it's too hard to force. 《晚点》:央行数字货币会对比特币等没有政府背书的数字货币产生什么影响? Later: What is the impact of digital currencies such as central banks that have no government endorsement? 赵长鹏:目前来看这是两个体系,相互没什么影响。不过如果未来有相互兼容的机会的话,应该会催生神奇的反应。 6 “我不是杀球的那个人” "I'm not the one who killed the ball." 《晚点》:币安没有总部,员工全部在家办公,你们怎么保证运转? Later: How do you make sure that he doesn't have a headquarters and all his staff are at home? 赵长鹏:我们现在 3000 人不到,分布在全球 60 多个国家和地区。日常会以各种办公软件远程协作,比如 Google Docs、 Google Meet 等。 : We are less than 3000 people, distributed in more than 60 countries and regions around the world. 《晚点》:有人会要求用数字货币来发工资吗? Later: Will anyone ask for a digital currency to pay their wages? 赵长鹏:最近比较多。因为今年 BNB 涨得比较高。 : has been more recent. Because this year the BNB has gone up a lot. 《晚点》:你们怎么交税? 赵长鹏:每个人付自己该付的个人所得税,然后所有公司(币安在多国有不同的注册实体)需要付公司注册地的税。如果你是一个社区,就不一定要付税,以太坊社区就没有付税的概念,但公司有。 《晚点》:描述聊币安时,你用的是 “公司” 这个词,所以你们还是个公司? 赵长鹏:我们内部基本上从来不用公司这个词,只是跟您聊时我用这个词,因为比较好理解。我们内部用的是 “组织”。我们一般也不太用员工这个词,叫团队成员。 公司的很多传统币安都没有。我们不需要总部和办公室,不需要在某一个地方注册。但是我们可以让一群人在一起做事情。我们之间有信任和奖励机制。 Many of the company's traditional currencies are missing. We don't need headquarters and offices. We don't need to register somewhere. But we can get a group of people to do things together. We have trust and incentives. 《晚点》:据我们了解,币安在同时使用 OKR 和 KPI,这是中心化公司最常用的管理手段。 : As we know, the currency is used simultaneously with OKR and KPI, which is the most common management tool used by centralized companies. 赵长鹏:有目标不代表是中心化。 : has a goal that does not mean centralization. 《晚点》:币安发展到现在,你的角色有什么变化? 赵长鹏:现在很多事情我不会自己做了,自己做效率非常低。比如以前市场活动有时会问我审批,现在 300 万美元以下的市场花费我基本不用介入。 : I don't do a lot of things on my own right now, and it's very inefficient. For example, market events used to ask me for approval, and now the market of less than $3 million costs me little to get involved. 现在我在币安最大的价值就是凝聚团队,把强的人吸住,把外部精英拉进来。所以我最近就是整天打电话,花很多时间聊天。 Now my greatest value in currency security is to rally teams, suck down strong people, pull outside elites in. So I've been calling all day and spending a lot of time talking. 《晚点》:你也花了不少时间在社交媒体上,你发 Twitter 挺频繁。 赵长鹏:推特对我来说是跟社区互动的工具。我在推特上说话会帮我们做一些推广,它还会帮我了解社区的抱怨或情绪。 其实我不太喜欢出头露面,但为了推广 BNB、BSC,有时也会怼怼以太坊的人,故意搅合一下,这种小技巧也用。他们骂回来也不一定是坏事,两人对骂围着一圈人看,BSC 比以太坊小的时候,这对我们有好处。 I don't really like to show up, but to promote the BNB, BSC, and sometimes the Etherms, it's a little trick, too. It's not necessarily bad that they come back, and it's good for us that the BSC is smaller than the Etherms. 《晚点》:你对做什么和怎么做的判断,似乎都是出于合理性和利益考虑,觉得有好处就会做。 : Your judgment on what to do and how to do seems to be based on considerations of reasonableness and interest. 赵长鹏:我有几个责任:我带领一个团队,要把工作做好,把整件事做大。这都不一定是责任,这是我的使命,我现在活着就是为了做件事。 : I have a number of responsibilities: I lead a team to do good and to do great things. This is not necessarily a responsibility. This is my mission, and I am living to do something. 虽然不是细分的每一个工作我都喜欢,但我特别喜欢这件事整体的使命感。基于这个考虑,我可以把自己抽象到一个程度,我该做什么就做什么,心情非常平静,没有特别激动的时候,也没有特别悲哀的时候。 I liked not every job that was broken down, but I particularly liked the whole sense of purpose of the matter. For that reason, I could abstract myself to a point where I could do whatever I had to do, in a very calm mood, without being particularly excited, and without being particularly sad. 《晚点》:这种平静的状态怎么形成的? Later: How does this calm develop? 赵长鹏:从比较小时候就是这样,我性格一直非常平稳,我也不知道怎么形成的。我从来没有对任何人大吼大叫过,包括某次币安被盗丢币时。 Zhao Chang Peng: This has been the case since the beginning of the comparison, and I've always been very smooth, and I don't know how. I've never yelled at anyone, including when a currency was stolen and lost. 《晚点》:在创立币安之前,你就换过很多地方,在江苏待到 12 岁,后和家人去了温哥华,在东京、纽约工作,在上海创业,这种长期迁徙的生活对你有什么影响? Later: How does a long-term migration life affect you when you're 12 years old in Jiangsu, then you go to Vancouver with your family, you work in Tokyo, New York, you start a business in Shanghai? 赵长鹏:我很喜欢很多不同文化混在一起,这对币安能够做得比较全球化有很大帮助。 : I like the fact that many cultures are mixed together, which greatly helps to make currency security more global. 我最开始被比特币吸引也和这个有关。以前我从东京工作完去纽约时,发现把钱转过去很麻烦而且手续费很贵。比特币就没有这个问题,我很容易理解,自由度变高了,费用也降低了。 I was first attracted to Bitcoin, which is also relevant. Before I went to New York from Tokyo, I found that the transfer of the money was cumbersome and expensive. Bitcoin didn't have that problem, and it was easy for me to understand that freedom was getting higher and that costs were lower. 《晚点》:在你待过的地方中,对你性格、想法影响比较大的是哪儿? Later: Where do you have a greater influence on your personality and thoughts in your place? 赵长鹏:我最重要的青春期是在加拿大。加拿大是一个移民国家,有各种民族、国籍的人。其实从大陆出去的那帮小孩一般还是跟大陆小孩一起玩,我比较例外,我当时一直在打排球,中学 5 年,有 4 年我是校队队长。校队里各种各样的人都有,我有很好的白人朋友、韩国朋友、印度朋友和黑人朋友。我有些中国朋友会抱怨种族歧视,但我从来感觉不到。 My most important adolescence is in Canada. Canada is a country of immigration, with people of all nationalities and nationalities. In fact, those kids who went out from the mainland usually play with mainland children, with the exception of me, who were playing volleyball, 5 years of high school, 4 years as head of the school team. Everyone on the school team has great white friends, Korean friends, Indian friends and black friends. Some of my Chinese friends complain about racial discrimination, but I never feel it. 《晚点》:你以前在球场上是什么风格?好胜、犀利的,还是带着大家一起打? : What was your style on the field? Winner, sharper, with everyone? 赵长鹏:其实排球队长是一个黏合剂的概念。他一般是二传,负责组织协调整个场上,并不一定是攻击力最强的人。我们团队有好几个个子比我高,长得比我壮,跳得比我高,杀球比较狠。我不是杀球的那个人。 - FIN - [1] 币安现在每天的现货交易量接近 300 亿美元,这是一个半月前上市的 Coinbase 的 5 倍多。Coinbase 当前市值接近 500 亿美元,以此推算,币安估值应已远超千亿美元。 [1] The currency is now close to $30 billion per day in spot transactions, more than five times that of Coinbase, which was listed six months ago. Coinbase currently has a market value close to $50 billion, which means that the value of the currency should be well over $100 billion. [2] DeFi,Decentralized Finance,去中心化金融,即基于去中心化的区块链网络搭建的金融应用,如去中心化交易所、去中心化借贷等等。去中心化金融的安全和信用并不由某个机构来保障,而由智能合约和社区机制保障。 [2] DeFi, Decentralized Finance, decentralised finance, i.e., financial applications based on decentralised network of blocks, such as decentralized exchanges, decentralized lending, etc. The safety and credit of decentralized finance is not guaranteed by an institution, but by smart contracts and community mechanisms. [3] NFT,non-fungible token,非同质化代币,是一种每一个代币不可分割、不可替代的数字货币,可以与画作、音乐等内容绑定。目前被用于数字资产的交易。 [3] NFT, non-fungible token, non-symmetrical token, is an indivisible and irreplaceable digital currency for every intergenerational that can be tied to paintings, music, etc. transactions are currently used for digital assets. [4] 减半,根据比特币发明人中本聪的设计,单区块挖出的比特币数量每四年减半一次,这意味着付出同等算力的回报会缩减 50 %。 [4] Halve the amount of bitcoins dug out by a single block every four years, according to the design of the benevolent bitcoin inventor, which means that 50 per cent of the return on equal value will be reduced.
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