Eight years later, Bitcoin finally became the annual key word for the global science community in 2017. From $1,000 a year ago, Bitcoin now stands firm at $15,000, and continues to test $20,000.
Behind the crazy bitcoins are crazy bitcoins and virtual currency players. In a year, countless new players come in. Some of the old players, at last, look up and buy less and sell early.
Bianews spoke to six new and old Bitcoin players, listening to their stories about themselves and Bitcoin, and let them talk about their views and perspectives on Bitcoin.
我为什么买比特币? 最大的原因是因为,比特币是这个世界上唯一可以保证自己永远不会泛滥的投资品。即使是黄金也做不到这一点,谁敢说以后就永远不会发现大金矿了? The biggest reason why I buy bitcoin is because bitcoin is the only investment in the world that can guarantee that it will never flourish. Even gold can’t do that. Who dares to say that a big gold mine will never be found? 比特币一共只有2100万枚。如果全世界都用比特币,只要我持有了一枚比特币,我就拥有了这个世界上2100万分之一的财富——2100万分之一过去的财富、2100万分之一现在的财富、2100万分之一未来的财富、2100万分之一永远的财富。 There are only 21 million bitcoins. If the world uses bitcoins, and as long as I hold a bitcoins, I own one-half of the world's 21 million pieces of wealth — one-half of the world's past wealth, one-one-half of the world's present wealth, one-half of the future wealth of 21 million, and one-half of the world's permanent wealth. 当然,前提是比特币被这个世界广泛认同。很显然,现在大家对于比特币的认同感是越来越强的。 Of course, provided that Bitcoin is widely recognized in the world. Clearly, there is now a growing sense of bitcoin. 2014年,我第一次听说比特币,那时我连比特币值多少钱都不知道。和很多人不一样的是,让我决定购入比特币的原因不是因为看到了比特币的大涨,而是看到了它的大跌。 In 2014, I first heard of bitcoin, and I didn't even know how much bitcoin was worth. Unlike many people, the reason I decided to buy bitcoin was not because I saw bitcoin up, but because I saw it fall. 2015年,我看到了比特币跌破250美元的新闻,令我震惊的是这东西当年竟然达到过8000多的价格。后来,我连续研究了半个月比特币,最终决定,买。 In 2015, I saw the news that bitcoin had fallen by $250, and I was shocked that this thing had reached more than 8,000 prices. And then I studied bitcoin for half a month and decided to buy it. 我在2015年年中第一次购入比特币,第一笔资金是卖股票换来的,后来一直坚持定投。幸运的是,那时候比特币刚刚结束熊市,基本一直再涨。和我同时买股票的人却没能保持住这种好运。2015年的A股,你懂的。 I bought Bitcoin for the first time in mid-2015, and the first money was in exchange for shares. Fortunately, Bitcoin had just ended the bear market, and it was basically rising again. 比特币玩家B(持有数量:未透露) 币圈一日,人间一年
现在新入局的很多比特币玩家们,只看到了比特币现在的大涨,却不知道币圈当年流传的这样一句话:「币圈一日,人间一年」。 Many of the new bitcoin players who are now in the game see only the current sharp rise in bitcoin, but do not know the saying that the currency ring was passed on in the same year: "The currency circle is one day, one year in the world." 比特币从年初一路涨到现在,依然出现了几次短期下跌。那些被比特币大涨忽悠进来的人们,看到各种禁令就会抛币,心甘情愿地成为了韭菜。 Bitcoin has gone up from the beginning of the year to the present, and there have been several short-term declines. Those who have been caught up in bitcoin are willing to turn into pickles when they see bans. 现在人们羡慕2013年甚至更早就拥有比特币的人们,但大家都忘记了从2013年12月开始,比特币从1000美元一路跌到100美元。 People now envy the people who owned bitcoin in 2013 even earlier, but everyone forgets that since December 2013, bitcoin has fallen from $1,000 to $100. 2013年年末,比特币曾一路暴跌,直到2015年年中才开始回升 By the end of 2013, Bitcoin had fallen all the way and did not recover until mid-2015. 那些2013年甚至更晚买入比特币的人,当年大多有过割肉的经历;那些年在比特币论坛上,因为炒币赔钱穷得吃泡面甚至倾家荡产的也不在少数。 Most of those who bought Bitcoin even later in 2013 had had experience of carving; those who spent their money at the Bitcoin Forum in those years were not few, because they were poor enough to eat their noodles and even lost their property. 今年比特币暴涨,老玩家一茬又一茬地卖币,谁都想不到一直留手里才是最好的选择。 This year Bitcoin soared and old players sold them again and again, and no one could have imagined that it would be the best option to keep it in hand. 9月4号央行下发的ICO禁令,币圈大抛币;后来关停交易所又抛了一次,真正留下来的人能有多少,谁也说不清。 The ICO ban issued by Central Bank No. 4 of September, whereby the currency was thrown in large circles, was then dropped on another occasion, and it was unclear how many people could actually remain. 我手上比特币最多的时候不到100个,按现在的价格算是1000万。但我这些年在比特币上赚的钱却连100万都不到。玩炒股的说我们玩币的才是赚大钱的,但十分讽刺的是,我房子的首付是靠炒股赚出来的,和比特币没什么关系。 I've got less than 100 bitcoins in my hand, at the current price of 10 million. I've made less than 1 million dollars on bitcoins over the years. Stock-players say that we make a lot of money, but ironically, the down payment for my house is made from stock. It has nothing to do with bitcoins. 比特币玩家C(持有数量:300+) 从买比特币的那天起,我就没觉得它是一种货币 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I don't think it's a currency since the day I bought it. 比特币的英文名字有个coin,中文名字有个币,我从买比特币的那天起,就没觉得比特币是一种货币。 The English name of Bitcoin has a coin, the Chinese name has a coin, and I haven't thought of Bitcoin as a currency since the day I bought it. 有人批评比特币,说比特币本身的通缩特性让它注定不能成为能通用的货币,但这又有什么关系呢?你真觉得有人会用比特币钱包转账这么麻烦的方式去买东西?只要它能升值就行了。 Some criticize Bitcoin, saying that the deflationary nature of Bitcoin itself meant that it was not meant to be a universal currency, but what difference does it make? Do you really think that someone would buy things in such a cumbersome way with a bitcoin wallet transfer? 比特币24小时交易,没有涨停板、跌停板,买卖T+0,没有什么比它更自由的交易品了。 Bitcoin made a round-the-clock deal, didn't stop, dropped, bought and sold T+0, and there was nothing freer than it. 不过,比特币的涨跌基本没有逻辑,赚的最多的永远是那些逢低必抄,越跌越买的人。那些试图去解释比特币涨跌的人,大多都是事后诸葛亮。 However, Bitcoin's up and down is largely unorthodox, and the most money is always made by those who go low and buy. Most of those who try to explain bitcoin's up and down are after all. 2017年,每次有媒体说要打击比特币了,我都会去抄底。只有9月15号关停交易所那次没敢买,所幸的是,我也没卖。其实那次才是触底最深的一次。 In 2017, every time the press says they're going to hit Bitcoin, I'm going to write it down. Only on September 15, when the exchange was closed, and fortunately, I didn't sell it. That was the worst hit ever. 比特币玩家D(持有数量:10+) 比特币靠黑市洗钱兜底
币圈之外有很多人都会问,比特币到底有什么意义。在我看来,比特币除了刺激矿机显卡消费,浪费电以外,真的没什么实际意义。 A lot of people outside the currency circle ask what bitcoin really means. It seems to me that bitcoin has really nothing to do with anything other than stimulating the consumption of a miner's card, wasting electricity. 当然,在各种见不得人的地方,比特币的最大作用在于洗钱。我觉得比特币的价格都是靠这些黑市商人在兜底;如果他们没有为价格兜底,至少也在为整个比特币网络本身存在的意义兜底。 Of course, the biggest effect of Bitcoin is money-laundering in all sorts of places. I think the price of Bitcoin is based on these black market traders; if they are not, at least, on the meaning of the entire Bitcoin network itself. 以前我还能在Steam上面用比特币买游戏,虽然我没买过,太麻烦了。但现在,比特币价格变化太快了,手续费的价格都要超过游戏本身了,让G胖(Steam老板)直接把比特币付款渠道关了。 I used to buy games in bitcoin on steam, which I didn't buy, which is too much trouble. But now, bitcoin prices change too fast, the fees are going to exceed the game itself, so G-fat shuts down the payment channels for bitcoin. 今年8月,比特币硬分叉,我一直觉得BCC(BitcoinCash,比特币现金)才是真正的比特币。我把手上大部分BTC都换成BCC了,现在来看亏了不少,但我一直觉得BCC更有前途。 Last August, Bitcoin splits, I always thought the BCC was the real bitcoin. I switched most of the BTCs to BCCs, and now I'm losing a lot, but I always thought the BCC was more promising. 比特币玩家E(持有数量:0.2+) 后悔没有借钱炒币 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I'm sorry I didn't borrow the money. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D} 我是今年才听说比特币的,朋友全我买,手上余钱不多,也不敢多买。上半年比特币一万左右的时候,前前后后买了大概一万多,后来陆陆续续都卖得差不多了。 I only heard about Bitcoin this year, and I bought it all, and I didn't have much left, and I didn't dare to buy it. In the first half of the year, about 10,000 bitcoins were bought, about 10,000 before and after, and then almost sold. 一共赚了两三万左右,出国玩一圈,还一下信用卡,基本上就不剩下什么钱了。 That's about 20 grand, going abroad for a round of credit cards, basically nothing left. 比特币和股票不一样的地方是,它24小时都在交易,还能一直保持大幅度变化。在买比特币之前,每次看到比特币大涨大跌的新闻都会觉得,这也太快了!但只有真正拥有比特币之后,每天盯盘时才能感受到,比特币变动真得好慢好慢…… The difference between bitcoin and stock is that it's trading 24 hours, and it keeps changing. Before buying bitcoin, every time you see bitcoin going up and down, it's too soon. But only when you really have bitcoin, you can feel it every day, and bitcoin changes so slowly and so slowly. 现在的比特币价格太吓人了,趁早出手比较好。说实话我现在看不太懂比特币的价格,以前也看不太懂这个东西。 Now the price of bitcoin is scary, and it's better to do it before it's too early. I don't really know the price of bitcoin, and I don't know it before. 现在最后悔的就是年初没有多买一点,要怪只能怪自己手上余钱不多。听说现金贷年化大多超过36%?就算利息360%,也应该借钱来买比特币。 The most regrettable thing now is not to buy more at the beginning of the year, which is to blame for the small amount of money left in your hands. I hear that cash lending is mostly over 36 per cent a year. Even if it is 36 per cent of interest, money should be borrowed to buy bitcoin. 比特币玩家F(持有数量:0) 6k买入7k卖出,我觉得我是个SB 如若转载,请注明出处:https://www.zhangzs.com/250766.html For further information, please refer to https://www.zhangzs.com/250766.html. ]