1、微软突然发声!将继续收购 TikTok 美国业务
strong >1 >, and Microsoft's sudden sound!
8 月 2 日周日晚间,微软突然在其官网发布新闻稿,表示将继续就收购 TikTok 在美业务进行讨论,商谈将不晚于 9 月 15 日完成。微软称可能邀请其他美国投资者参与 TikTok 交易。交易还可能包括 TikTok 在加拿大、新西兰和澳大利亚的业务。在此期间,微软将继续和各方,包括美国政府和特朗普保持对话。收购之前,微软将会对? TikTok 进行一次完整的安全审查。
On the evening of Sunday, 2 August, Microsoft issued a press release on its network indicating that discussions on the acquisition of TikTok’s business in the United States would continue and be completed no later than September 15. Microsoft claims that other American investors may be invited to participate in the TikTok deal. The deal may also include TikTok’s operations in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. During this period, Microsoft will continue its dialogue with all parties, including the United States Government and Trump.
此前包括路透社等在内多家媒体报道,微软收购 TikTok 北美业务的讨论基本完成,但由于尚不可确认的原因,遭到美国总统特朗普中途叫停。现在,微软宣布将会在接下来的收购洽谈中,针对特朗普的意见做出回应。
Earlier, several media outlets, including Reuters, reported that Microsoft’s discussion of the TikTok North American business had been largely completed, but had been stopped by US President Trump for reasons that were not yet confirmed. Microsoft now announced that it would respond to Trump’s comments in the forthcoming acquisition talks.
根据美国福克斯电视台 8 月 2 日的报道,微软和 TikTok 正在同白宫协商,避免特朗普全面封禁 TikTok。
According to a 2 August report by Fox Television in the United States, Microsoft and TikTok are consulting with the White House to avoid a complete ban on TikTok in Trump.
此前,据《南华早报》2日报道,相比出售给微软,字节跳动更倾向于将 TikTok 分拆独立。据知情人士透露,除了张一鸣以外,字节跳动董事会的所有人几乎都同意分拆 TikTok,“对于张一鸣来说,其实也没有其他的选择,因为如果不分拆,这个应用可能就会化为乌有。”
Previously, the South China Morning Post 2 reported that the byte beats more inclined to split TikTok than to sell it to Microsoft. According to informed sources, almost all the bytes of the board of directors agreed to split TikTok, “there is no alternative to Tsong, because if not, the application could be destroyed.”
2、推特“比特币世纪骗局”破案!嫌犯年仅 17 岁
2, twitter "bitcoin century scam" solved! Suspect 17 years old
还记得今年 7 月 15 日震惊全球的那场比特币骗局吗?事发当日,短短几分钟内马斯克、比尔·盖茨、坎耶·韦斯特、贝索斯、布隆伯格、拜登、奥巴马等数十位知名人物同时发推特表示“做善事”,任何人向他们的比特币钱包地址转账,都能收到“双倍奉还”。
Remember that bitcoin scam that shocked the world on July 15th of this year? In a few minutes on the day of the incident, dozens of prominent people, including Musk, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Bethos, Bloomberg, Biden and Obama, were tweeting at the same time about “good deeds”, and anyone who transferred money to their Bitcoin wallet address received a “double payback”.
当地时间周五(7 月 31 日),美国佛罗里达州坦帕市检察官宣布,一名 17 岁男子涉嫌策划了已经被捕,检察机关对其提出了三十多项重罪指控。
On Friday, July 31, local time, the United States prosecutor in Tampa, Florida, announced that a 17-year-old man had been arrested on suspicion of plotting and had been charged with more than 30 serious crimes.
据检方介绍,这起诈骗涉及三十多名受害者、涉案金额超过 10 万美元。根据佛州相关法律规定,涉及金融诈骗的主犯克拉克(Graham Ivan Clark)虽然只有 17 岁,但依旧能够按照成年人标准被起诉。
According to the prosecution, the fraud involved more than 30 victims and involved more than $100,000. According to the relevant Florida law, Graham Ivan Clark, the main perpetrator of financial fraud, although only 17 years old, could still be prosecuted according to adult criteria.
3、苹果一夜之间下架超 30000 款中国区应用
3 with apples falling over 30000 overnight for the Chinese district application
8 月 1 日,移动推广数据分析平台据七麦数据官网消息,App Store 中国区1日发生大规模下架事件,截至 19 时左右累计下架 App 已超 3 万款,其中含游戏类 App 26643 款,占比近 90%。统计显示,下架的高峰时段为凌晨的 3 时-5 时,这个时间段下架的应用数量超过 1 万个。
On August 1, the Mobile Extension Data Analysis Platform reported that, according to the data officer's network, App Store had experienced a massive landing in China District 1, which had accumulated over 30,000 by around 1900, including a game-type App 26643, or nearly 90%. Statistics show that the top of the frame was at 3 to 5 a.m., the number of applications in this period exceeded 10,000.
4、2020 上半年全国游戏市场收入近 1400 亿,移动游戏成绝对主力
8 月 2 日消息,《2020 年 1—6 月中国游戏产业报告》显示,2020 年 1 月份至 6 月份,我国网络游戏用户规模近 6.6 亿人,全国游戏市场实际销售收入 1394.93 亿元,同比增长22.34%。在游戏原创方面,2020 年上半年,中国自主研发游戏国内市场实际销售收入达到 1201.4 亿元,同比增长 30.38%,较去年同期增加 279.97 亿元。 移动游戏实际销售收入占市场总收入的 75.04%,客户端游戏占 20.18%,网页游戏占 2.87%。移动游戏已成为市场营收的绝对主力军。
On 2 August, according to the Chinese Play Industry Report for January-June 2020, between January and June 2020, the number of users of online games in China was nearly 660 million, with real sales revenues from the national game market of 133,493 million yuan, an increase of 22.34 per cent compared to the previous month. In terms of original games, in the first half of 2020, real sales revenue from China's autonomous R & D domestic market amounted to $12.14 billion, an increase of 30.38 per cent compared to 30.38 per cent last year, an increase of $279.97 billion. Real sales revenue from mobile games accounted for 75.04 per cent of total market revenue, 20.18 per cent from client-end games and 2.87 per cent from web-based games.
According to the information received, this was a spontaneous act by some Team in Microsoft Sioux, who, while working, developed the Hackathon project, which allows staff within the testing department to work overtime and warn each night.
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