Bitcoin is the middle and highest value of a global digital currency, with a market value of more than $1 trillion. The founder of Bitcoin is Bint Bint, but this name is recognized as a codename, and it is one of the greatest enigma of the currency circles.
Since the creation of Bitcoin in 2008, the global search for middle-breathing has not stopped, with many well-known or unknown figures considered to be middle-breeding for 13 years and others jumping out of middle-breeding, none of which, unfortunately, is recognized.
彭博首席分析师Eric Balchunas在研究之后公布了他的发现,认为中本聪的真身可能是Hal Finney,他是一名程序员。
Eric Balchunas, the chief analyst of Bloomberg, published his findings after the study, believing that the true body of the medium-breathing could be Hal Finney, a programmer.
根据Balchunas的研究,Hal Finney早在1993年就在网上发表了一份文档,谈到了创建一种加密货币交易卡的想法,原理类似于现在的NFT代币。
According to a study by Balchunas, Hal Finney published a file online as early as 1993, addressing the idea of creating an encrypted currency trading card based on principles similar to the current NFT token.
在加密货币社区中,Hal Finney也是最早期的比特币支持者之一,他在2009年就跟中本聪进行了第一笔交易——如果他就是中本聪本人,那这就能解释得通了。
Hal Finney was also one of the earliest supporters of Bitcoin in the encrypt currency community, where he made his first deal with Nakamoto in 2009 — which would make sense if he were Nakamoto himself.
遗憾的是,Hal Finney自己是不可能出来证实或者否认自己是不是中本聪了,他在2014年就去世了,享年58年。
Unfortunately, Hal Finney, who had died in 2014 for 58 years, was unable to prove or deny that he was half-breathing.
如果这个推断是真的话,Hal Finney的英年早逝倒是可以解释为什么这几年来大家找不到中本聪本尊了,因为7年前就去世了。
If this assumption is true, the premature death of Hal Finney would explain why no one has been able to find China's brain in the last few years, because it passed away seven years ago.
There is also a reason why you are eager to look for Central Benz: he, as the founder of Bitcoin, left himself millions of bitcoins worth more than $60 billion, and the currency is rich.
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