2009年,中本聪建立了一个开放源代码方程,正式宣告了比特币的诞生。按照这个方程,比特币其实就是一堆方程所生成的特解。每一个特解都能解开方程并且是唯一的。以美元来比喻的话,比特币就是美元的序列号,你知道了序列号,你就拥有了这张钞票。而挖矿的过程就是通过庞大的计算,不断的去寻求特解,这个方程只有 2100 万个特解,所以比特币的上限就是 2100 万,中本聪是一位1949年出生的日裔美国人。他爱好收集火车模型,职业生涯中有多处保密,曾为大型企业还有美国军方执行保密的工作。
In 2009, Binteng established an open source equation, officially declaring the birth of Bitcoin. According to this equation, Bitcoin is actually a set of equations. Each solution solves the equation and is the only one. In dollar terms, Bitcoin is the serial number of the dollar, and you know the serial number, and you own it.
With the rapid appreciation of Bitcoin, a large number of players began to purchase large numbers of visible cards, forming specially designed mining computers and even computing clusters, which are called “miners”, while the owners of “miners” call themselves “miners”. There are “miners”, there are “miners”, there are “miners” and, naturally, there are “miners” (also known as “mines ponds”, “decorate pools”).
The main task of the miner is to package the transaction log into a data block, in which a certain amount of new bitcoin is allowed to be distributed.
However, as the number of participants increases, the difficulty of packing data blocks increases rapidly. The probability that a single miner can successfully pack a single piece of data for several years is decreasing, even as long as it lasts for decades, so that they integrate the scattered miners and deploy them in the vicinity of power-rich hydropower, fire power, wind power stations, forming a huge cluster of cloud computing, and then extracting the proceeds of the mine according to the contribution of computing capacity.
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