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Biden announced $2 trillion in cash-distribution plans.
On 1 April, the US dollar closed with a drop of 0.26 per cent in the dome, a 1.54 per cent increase in the dots, a 0.36 per cent increase in the index of pamphlet 500, and a renewal of history.
The share of technology has risen by 1.88 per cent, apples by 1.27 per cent, Amazons by 1.61 per cent, Google by 0.64 per cent, Facebook by 2.27 per cent, Microsoft by 1.69 per cent and Tesla by 5.08 per cent.
H&M ADR股价在美市场跌3.34%,该公司最新财季税前亏损达到13.9亿瑞典克朗(约合人民币10.4亿元),一年前同期的盈利额则为25亿瑞典克朗,预计今年将净关店250家。
The stock price of H&M ADR fell by 3.34 per cent in the United States market, with SEK 1.39 billion (approximately RMB 1.04 billion) in pre-tax losses in the company's latest fiscal season, compared to SEK 2.5 billion a year earlier in profit for the same period, and it is expected that 250 businesses will be shut down this year.
On the afternoon of March 31, local time, President Biden of the United States of America 根据此前披露的信息,拜登基础设施计划包括6210亿美元的交通基建投资;4000亿美元老年和残障人士援助资金;3000亿美元饮用水、网络宽带和电力基建投资;3000亿美元用于建造和翻新经济适用房、建造和升级学校;5800亿美元投资美国制造、研发和职业培训工作。 According to previously disclosed information, the Biden infrastructure plan included $621 billion in transport infrastructure investment; $400 billion in assistance to the elderly and the disabled; $300 billion in investment in drinking water, broadband and electricity infrastructure; $300 billion for the construction and renovation of affordable housing, construction and upgrading of schools; and $580 billion in investment in manufacturing, research and development and vocational training in the United States. 拜登在演讲中表示,基础设施计划将是“一代人只能看到一次的投资”,包括就业和家庭两个部分,将在未来几周内讨论美国家庭部分的计划。市场目前预计家庭部分的计划规模可能将达到2万亿美元,这也意味着总体规模将达到4万亿美元。 In his speech, 拜登强调,庞大的基础设施计划将创造“数百万个就业机会”,合同只给美国公司,将提升美国在芯片、生物技术、能源等领域的优势,未来还计划新建50万个充电桩,降低互联网服务价格。 Biden stressed that large infrastructure schemes would create “millions of jobs” and that contracts would only be awarded to United States companies, would enhance America's advantages in the fields of chip, biotechnology, energy, etc., and would also plan to build 500,000 new charged posts in the future to lower the price of Internet services. 此外,拜登在演讲中还透露了一些加税计划信息,和预期一致的是,拜登表示年收入低于40万美元的人不会被加税,并暗示会将公司税提高至28%。 In addition, 金价周三上涨逾1%,现货黄金收报1707.72美元/盎司,上涨22.43美元或1.33%,盘中最高触及1715.35美元/盎司,此前曾触及3月8日以来的最低水平1677.70美元/盎司;COMEX 4月黄金期货收涨1.8%,报1715.60美元/盎司。 Gold prices rose by more than 1 per cent on Wednesdays, while spot gold receipts increased by US$ 1707.72 per ounce, by $22.43 or 1.33 per cent, reaching up to US$ 1715.35 per ounce, after touching the lowest level of US$ 1677.70 per ounce since 8 March; COMEX recorded an increase of 1.8 per cent in gold futures in April, reporting US$ 1715.60 per ounce. 不过,3月份,现货黄金仍下跌26.17美元或1.51%。现货黄金第一季度累跌约10%,为2018年三季度以来首次录得季度下跌,且创2016年底以来最差季度表现。 In March, however, cash gold fell by $26.17 or 1.51 per cent. Cash gold fell by about 10 per cent in the first quarter, recording a fall for the first time since the third quarter of 2018, with the worst quarterly performance since the end of 2016. 嘉宾简佳观点 guest has a brief perspective 欧洲疫情再度恶化,全球避险情绪明显抬头 Europe's epidemic is getting worse again, and there's a clear rise in global risk avoidance. 3月17日以来,WTI油价回调了超过10%,全球股市整体下跌,美元则走强。这轮全球避险的背后基本面主要变化是,欧洲第三波疫情引发的封锁延长。3月16日,法国宣布发现或可逃避核酸检测的变异病毒,此后欧洲疫情数据整体恶化。与此同时,3月中旬以来,德法在内的主要欧元区国家疫苗接种速度出现了明显放缓。因此,3月22日以来,德、法国意大利均宣布再次延长区域或全国性的封锁。这种经济基本面美强欧弱的格局可能还将延续。央行政策预期也将维持欧宽美平的格局。短期来看,疫情带来情绪压制预期将延续,这将使得商品、股市承压,美元则仍有上行压力。 On March 16, France announced the discovery of a mutation virus that could have escaped detection of nucleic acid, followed by an overall deterioration in European epidemiological data. Meanwhile, since mid-March, there has been a marked slowdown in vaccination rates in major eurozone countries, including Germany and Germany. 日历效应显示,美股在3季度存在弱季节性 The effect of the 我们维持之前的观点,从中短期角度看,美股第二季度或仍有上行空间,第三季度调整压力较大。疫后的财政刺激对市场存在三重提振。但第二季度末到第三季度初事情将会产生变化。此外,美联储可能也将在第三季度削减QE的规模,届时美股估值矛盾将再次显现化。拜登有意在年内释放美股风险。日历效应显示,美股在3季度存在弱季节性,预计今年年内美股表现也有望呈现出与日历效应类似的节奏。 Moreover, the Fed may also reduce the size of the QE in the third quarter, when the United States dollar’s valuation contradictions will rediscover. Biden intends to release the US stock risk in the course of the year. The effect of the calendar shows that the US stock has a weak seasonal season in the third quarter, and the US stock performance is expected to show a pace similar to that of the calendar effect in the course of the year. 海外一览 Appearance overseas 苏伊士运河等候通过货轮将于4月2日前全部通过 The Suez Canal waiting for passage will all pass by 2 April 据央视,当地时间3月31日,苏伊士运河管理局主席奥萨马·拉比耶透露,苏伊士运河恢复通航后,截至3月31日中午,已有285艘货船顺利通过运河。拉比耶说,其余等候通过运河的175艘货轮将在4月2日前全部通过。 According to observation, on 31 March local time, the Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, Osama Rabiye, revealed that, following the resumption of navigation in the Suez Canal, 285 cargo ships had successfully passed through the Canal as at noon on 31 March. 中国与新加坡举行自贸协定升级后续第一轮谈判 2021年3月25日至31日,中国—新加坡自贸协定升级后续第一轮谈判通过视频会议举行。双方围绕跨境服务贸易、投资、电信等领域规则进行深入磋商,并就服务贸易和投资自由化谈判相关问题交换意见,谈判取得积极进展。 From 25 to 31 March 2021, the first round of China-Singapore negotiations following the upgrading of the FTA was held by videoconference. In-depth consultations were held on rules in the areas of cross-border trade in services, investment and telecommunications, as well as an exchange of views on issues related to negotiations on liberalization of trade in services and investment. 辉瑞:新冠疫苗对12~15岁的青少年具有100%的保护作用 辉瑞/BioNTech的新冠肺炎疫苗对12~15岁的青少年具有100%的保护效力和良好的耐受性。辉瑞将在未来几周要求美国食药监局(FDA)授权其新冠肺炎疫苗在12至15岁的儿童中使用。 Pfizer/BionTech’s new coronary pneumonia vaccine has 100% protection and good tolerance for young people between 12 and 15 years of age. Pfizer will ask the FDA in the coming weeks to authorize its new coronary pneumonia vaccine to be used by children between 12 and 15 years of age. 高盛即将向私人财富客户提供比特币投资工具 Goldman Sachs is about to provide private wealth clients with a bitcoin investment tool 据悉,高盛即将向其私人财富管理集团的客户提供比特币和其他数字资产的首批投资工具。最近被任命为高盛私人财富管理部门数字资产全球主管的玛丽·里奇(Mary Rich)表示,高盛计划在第二季度开始提供新兴资产类别的投资。 It has been reported that Goldman Sachs is about to provide its private wealth management group clients with the first investment instruments in Bitcoin and other digital assets. Mary Rich, recently appointed global director of Goldman Sachs’ private wealth management digital assets, said that Goldman Sachs plans to start investing in emerging asset classes in the second quarter. 财经要闻 /strang' 央行:所有贷款产品均应明示年化利率 Central Bank: All lending products should have an express annualized interest rate 中国人民银行官方网站3月31日发布《中国人民银行公告〔2021〕第3号》,其中要求所有从事贷款业务的机构,在网站、移动端应用程序、宣传海报等渠道进行营销时,应当以明显的方式向借款人展示年化利率。 On 31 March, the official website of the People's Bank of China published the Bulletin of the People's Bank of China (2021), No. 3, which requires all institutions involved in lending operations to display annualized interest rates to borrowers in a visible manner when marketing through websites, mobile end-of-end applications, posters, etc. 财政部:4月起对月销售额15万以下小规模纳税人免征增值税 Ministry of Finance 财政部发布关于明确增值税小规模纳税人免征增值税政策的公告:自2021年4月1日至2022年12月31日,对月销售额15万元以下(含本数)的增值税小规模纳税人,免征增值税。 The Ministry of Finance issued an announcement on the policy to clarify the exemption of small-scale VAT taxpayers from VAT: from 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022, small-scale VAT taxpayers with a monthly sales value of less than 150,000 yuan (including this amount) were exempted from VAT. 教育部:严肃查处违法违规培训行为 3月31日,国务院新闻办公室举行新闻发布会。在发布会上,教育部基础教育司司长吕玉刚介绍,对校外培训机构,坚持依法治理、综合施策,严格落实法律法规的有关规定,从严审批培训机构,强化培训内容监管,创新收费管理方式,规范培训服务行为,严肃查处违法违规培训行为,切实维护家长合法权益。 On 31 March, the Press Office of the State Council held a press conference at which Lu Yugang, Director-General of the Basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education, introduced training institutions outside the school system, followed the rule of law and provided comprehensive advice, strictly enforced the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations, approved training institutions, strengthened the regulation of training content, introduced innovative methods of fee management, regulated training services, and made serious inquiries into violations of the law and training practices, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of parents. 中方专家组组长谈在蝙蝠穿山甲中发现的冠状病毒 The leader of the Group of Experts of China on the coronary virus found in the bats through the nails of the mountain 3月31日,中国—世界卫生组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究中方专家组组长梁万年表示,在蝙蝠和穿山甲中发现了与新冠病毒基因序列具有高度相似性的冠状病毒,但相似度尚不足以使其成为新冠病毒的直接祖先;水貂和猫等动物对新冠病毒高度易感。提示蝙蝠、穿山甲或者鼬科、猫科动物,以及其他物种都可能是潜在的自然宿主。 On March 31, the Chinese-World Health Organization team leader for the joint study on the traceability of the new coronary virus, Liang Wan-Yin, stated that the discovery of a coronary virus with a high similarity to the genetic sequence of the new coronary virus in bats and piercing nails was not sufficient to make it a direct ancestor of the new coronary virus; and that animals such as moths and cats were highly sensitive to the new coronary virus. It was suggested that bats, punctures, or scavengers, cats, and other species could be potential natural hosts. 4月1日起云南德宏4个边境县市全员接种新冠疫苗 Since 1 April, the entire population of the four border counties of Yunandhorn has been vaccinated against the new crown 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心表示,4月1日起,包含瑞丽市在内的4个边境县市将全面启动新冠疫苗大规模人群接种。目前已设疫苗接种点65个,疫苗准备充足。 Four border districts, including the city of Reilly, have been fully vaccinated since 1 April. There are currently 65 vaccination sites in place, and the vaccine is well prepared. 深交所合并主板与中小板将于4月6日正式实施 The merged main and medium plate will be officially implemented on 6 April 经中国证监会批准,深交所合并主板与中小板将于4月6日正式实施。原中小板上市公司的证券类别变更为“主板A股”,证券代码和证券简称保持不变。在原中小板申请上市的企业已提交的发行申请文件的“中小板”字样视同为“主板”。主板风险警示股票价格涨跌幅限制比例为5%,退市整理股票价格涨跌幅限制比例为10%。 With the approval of the CSRC, the consolidated master board and the mid-sized panel will be officially implemented on 6 April. The securities class of the former small- and medium-sized firm will be changed to “master-A” and the securities code and acronyms will remain unchanged. The word “small- and medium-sized” in the issuance application documents submitted by the enterprises listed in the original mid-board application will be considered the same as the “main-board”. 北上资金31日净流出79.03亿 三一重工净卖出13.53亿,宁德时代净卖出9.73亿,爱尔眼科净卖出4.20亿,比亚迪净卖出2.85亿。 Three heavy jobs sold 1.353 billion net, Ningde $973 million net, El ophthalmology $420 million net and Biadi $285 million net. 中国中化集团有限公司与中国化工集团有限公司实施联合重组 Joint reorganization of China Central Chemical Group Ltd. and China Chemical Group Ltd. 3月31日晚,又传来一则关于央企的重磅消息!经报国务院批准,中国中化集团有限公司与中国化工集团有限公司实施联合重组。 On the evening of 31 March, another heavy-pound message was sent about the company in China! A joint reorganization was carried out between China's China Central Group Ltd. and China Chemical Group Ltd., with the approval of the State Council. 华为:帮助车企"造好"车,造"好车" to help car companies build cars, make cars 华为发布2020年年度报告显示,公司实现销售收入8914亿元,同比增长3.8%,净利润646亿元,同比增长3.2%。财报重申,华为在智能网联汽车领域的定位是增量部件供应商,目标是帮助车企“造好”车,造“好车”。 The annual report issued by China for 2020 shows that the company achieved sales revenue of $891.4 billion, an increase of 3.8 per cent over the same period, and a net profit of $64.6 billion, an increase of 3.2 per cent over the same period, reiterating that China's position in the area of smart networked cars is a supplier of incremental components, with the objective of helping car companies to build “good” and “good” cars. 小鹏汽车创造了最长的自动驾驶距离纪录 "Strong" car creates the longest autopilot distance record 小鹏汽车创造了最长的自动驾驶距离纪录,在国内完成了3000公里的试驾挑战。小鹏汽车CEO何小鹏在NGP远征活动上表示:我们的内部目标是2025年以前做到高等级辅助驾驶。 Pelican cars create the longest automatic driving distance record, completing 3,000 km of test driving challenges in the country. Pelican cars, CEOs, say on the NGP expedition: our internal goal is to achieve high-level auxiliary driving by 2025. 椰树集团涉嫌违法广告被立案调查 "Strong" Coconut Group was opened for investigation on suspicion of illegal advertising 近日,海南省市场监管局依法对椰树集团海南椰汁饮料有限公司(下称椰树集团)发布涉嫌违法广告的行为进行立案调查。今年3月25日,椰树集团在其官方微博上发布“椰树集团培养正、副总经理学校再招生!!!专业不限只要懂写作,入学就有车、有房、有高薪、肯定有美女帅哥追”等内容的广告,引发社会争议。 Recently, the Hainan Provincial Market Supervisory Board opened an investigation into the alleged illegal advertising of the Coconut Group Hainan Coconut Beverage Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Coconut Group). On March 25 this year, the Coconut Group published on its official microblogging, “The Coconut Group trains and re-recruits the School of the Deputy General Manager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 重要公告 /strang' 金刚玻璃:董事庄毓新因涉嫌违规披露、不披露重要信息罪被刑事拘留 中芯国际:4月2日取消股票简称特别标识U 成为科创板首家摘U企业 Middle Hing International : Elimination of the Special Identification U for Stock Abbreviation on 2 April to become the first U-picking firm on the groundboard 安道麦A:中化集团与中国化工实施联合重组 重组后公司控股股东和实控人未发生变化 A/strong>: China Chemical Group and China Chemical Reorganization. 顺控发展:近期股价连续上涨已一定幅度偏离公司基本面情况 Sponsored Development : Recent successive increases in stock prices have deviated somewhat from the company's fundamentals 豪美新材:欧委会对公司生产的铝型材征收21.2%反倾销税 : EC imposes 21.2 per cent anti-dumping duties on aluminium materials produced by companies 冀东水泥:拟136亿元吸收合并金隅冀东水泥47.09%股权 今起复牌 : 13.6 billion dollars to absorb 47.09% of the combined gold-stroking cement stock. 赣锋锂业:拟提前赎回全部未转股的“赣锋转2” 中化国际等3家公司:中化集团与中国化工实施联合重组 3 companies 近期家电终端景气延续稳步复苏态势,但原材料价格大幅提升致使部分投资者对行业后续经营较为悲观。但我们认为厂商全年净利率仍将保持平稳或小幅改善的趋势,成本冲击无需过于担忧。中长期家电产业拥有四大向上支撑:第一,白电新一轮格局红利;第二,新兴小家电加速普及;第三,海外价值链向上突破;第四,龙头公司治理新起点,这四大向上力量预计将使家电产业迎来一个更好的三年。当前时点,建议投资者坚守两条家电行业的配置主线。 But we believe that the net interest rate of producers will remain stable or modest throughout the year, and that cost shocks will not be too worrying. In the medium- and long-term, the power sector has four main upwards: first, the new white power cycle dividend; second, the accelerated spread of new and small electricity; third, the upturn in the offshore value chain; and fourth, the new starting point for leading corporate governance, which is expected to bring home power industries to a better three-year start.
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