Index futures and options
serials (HSI) and options (HSIO)
恆生指數是香港股票市場變化的指標,亦是亞洲區廣受注目的指數。同時,它亦廣泛被使用作為 衡量基金表現的標準。恆生指數是以加權資本市值法計算。 成份股分別屬於工商、金融、地產及公用事業四個分類 指數。而某一種股份價格的變動相對恆生指數的影響,乃視乎該家公司的市值而定。市值較高的股份對恆生指數上落 波幅的影響較市值較低的股份為大。 恆生指數有限公司網站亦有提供最新恆生指數成份股名單:http://www.hsi.com.hk/HSI-Net/HSI-Net
In addition, it is widely used as a measure of the Fund's performance. In addition, it is calculated as the market value of equity. The component shares are divided into four subcategories of business, finance, real estate, and public use. The effect of a change in the value of a stock is dependent on the company's market value.
鑒於香港股市日益受到注目,其相關對沖工具的需求亦不斷上升,香港期貨交易所早於一九八六年五月推出恆生指數 期貨合約。
In view of the growing interest in the Hong Kong stock market and the growing demand for competing tools, the Hong Kong Futures Exchange launched its Living Index (EOC) contract earlier than May 1996.
隨著恆生指數期貨的成功,於一九九三年三月亦推出恆生指數期權合約。而為吸納場外交易,具靈活性行使價及合約 月份的自訂條款指數期權合約於2010年2月8日推出。
As a result of the success of the Living Index, the ELD agreement was launched in March 2003.
Small abiders (MHI) and options (MHIO)
香港期貨交易所(期交所)自2000年10月9日已推出小型恆生指數期貨合約(小型期指),以滿足有興趣於香港股票 市場人士的需要。為配合小型恆指期貨,小型恆指期權亦於2002年11月18日推出。這個獨特設計的小型恆指期貨及期權合約,是根 據期交所恆指期貨及期權合約的指標相關指數,即恆生指數作為買賣基礎。小型恆指期貨及期權的合約乘數每點為港幣10.00,或 是恆指期貨及期權合約的五分之一。與恆指期貨及期權合約一樣,小型恆指期貨及期權合約亦以現金結算。對於本地一些不想承擔 太大風險及有需要作微調對沖的散戶投資者來說,小型恆指期貨及期權合約將會是他們的最佳投資及管理風險的對沖工具。
The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKSE) has since 9 October 2000 introduced a Small Emergence Index (SIP) to meet the needs of those interested in Hong Kong stock markets. Small ETC rights have been introduced on 18 November 2002 as part of the Small Employing Standard. This unique scheme is the Small Employing Standard (SMT) for futures and rights, which is related to the standard for futures and options, i.e., for local suppliers who do not want to take too much risks and need to make small adjustments to the market.
內地經濟迅速發展令投資者對中國相關股票的興趣漸增。H股指數期貨及期權的相關指數是恆生中國企業指數 (國企指數),它是由恆生指數有限公司編纂及計算的市值加權股票指數,國企指數反映主要H 股的走勢。H股為中華人民共和國 (中國)發行人根據中國法律發行的人民幣值股票, 除股票面值仍為人民幣外,H股在香港聯合交易所上市認購及買賣均以港元進行。 恆生指數有限公司網站亦有提供最新成份股名單 :http://www.hsi.com.hk/HSI-Net/HSI-Net
The rapid economic growth in the interior has led investors to become more interested in Chinese-related stocks. The H-share index is a permanent Chinese business index (the national firm index), which is a market value plus stock index compiled and calculated by the SLN, which reflects the movement of the major H-stocks. H-stock is a Chinese People’s Republic (China) issuer of the People’s Currency stock under Chinese law, which, in addition to the fact that the face value of the stock is still the Chinese currency, H-stock purchases and sales on the Hong Kong Union Exchange are conducted in Hong Kong dollars.
H shares for futures
The H-shares, which are linked to the state business index, were launched on December 8, 2003.
H stockhold
隨著H股指數期貨的成功,H股指數期權相繼於2004年6月8日推出。為吸納場外交易,具靈活性行使價及合約月份的自訂條款 指數期權合約於2010年2月8日推出。
With the success of H-shares, H-shares rights were introduced on June 8, 2004. In order to absorb off-site transactions, lively exercise of prices and self-imposed terms for the month of the contract were introduced on February 8, 2010.
小型H股指數期貨 (MCH)
Small H-shares (MCH)
散戶投資者對於有關H股的交易及對沖需求不斷增長。波幅及指數水平上升,市場的波動所引致的盈虧金額大增, 有礙散戶投資者參與標準H股期貨。小型H股指數期貨符合持有較低風險資金的客戶需要。其相關指數為恆生中國企業指數,該指數亦 即是H股指數期貨的相關指數。它是由恆生指數有限公司編纂及計算,指數根據每只成份股的市值而計算。
Portfolio investors continue to increase their demand for H-stock-related transactions and hedges. The rise in wave and index levels, and the large increase in the profits and losses resulting from market movements, have prevented disbursal investors from participating in standard H-shares. Small H-shares meet the needs of clients holding lower-risk capital. The relevant index is the survival Chinese business index, which is the relevant index for H-stocks. It is compiled and calculated by S.I.L., which is based on the market value of each component.
China 120 Index
China’s 120-point deal for trading services is the only relevant link between China’s A-stocks and Hong Kong’s listed stock stocks. It is intended to provide investors with a convenient and cost-effective tool that allows investors to access both the mainland and Hong Kong’s securities markets at the same time. China’s 120-point deal can also provide an effective risk management tool for institutions to hold Chinese stock against China’s stocks, as well as a major tool for exchange buying and selling fund (ETF) marketers to match ETFs.
The Chinese A50 Quantities, which are closely linked to the Chinese Stock Exchange Services Ltd. website, are also available at . http://www.cesc.com.
People's Dollar Contract
As the renminbi internationalization process accelerates, the demand for currency risk increases. The People’s Currency contract, which is bought by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange electronic trading platform, is the world’s first currency-receivable currency contract, allowing investors to manage the currency’s transfer risk more easily.
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