BCH币未来能涨到多少钱一个 2024-2030比特币现金(BCH)价格预测

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How much will the BCH raise in the future? Bitcoin cash BCH coins are separated from bitcoin forks and are now showing great prospects. One of the world’s largest encoded currencies. What is the future price level in the BCH market?

比特币现金(BCH) 是什么?

bitcoincash(BCH) what?

在我们开始详细的BCH 价格预测之前,让我们先分析一下它的价格历史以及基本面。

Before we start with detailed BCH price projections, let's analyse its price history and its fundamentals.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 中文名为比特币现金,它是 2017 年推出的支付系统的货币单位,透过比特币硬分叉分离出来。关键差异在于区块大小(32Mb)、网络复杂度的快速重新计算。该网络继续独立于BTC 存在并执行类似的交易。BCH有自己的合作伙伴,但就网络内部的交易额而言,它落后于比特币。

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Chinese is called Bitcoin Cash, a currency unit of the payment system introduced in 2017, separated through bitcoin hard fork. The key difference is the rapid recalculation of block size (32Mb) and network complexity. The network continues to be independent of BTC for similar transactions. BCH has its own partners, but in terms of intra-network transactions, it lags behind bitcoin.

有趣的是,该加密货币在2018 年11 月经历了另一次分叉,分裂为比特币现金ABC 和比特币现金SV(中本聪愿景)。这表明了比特币和加密货币总体上不断发展的愿望,但BCH 分叉的原因主要是由于比特币的1MB 区块大小限制。交易排队等待确认,因为区块无法处理交易大小的增加。

Interestingly, in November 2018, the encrypted currency went through another split between bitcoin cash ABC and bitcoin cash SV (medium-brain vision). This indicates the desire for bitcoins and encrypt currency to evolve as a whole, but the BCH split is mainly due to the size limit of one MB block in bitcoin.

为了解决这个问题,比特币现金建议将区块大小增加到8 MB 到32 MB 之间,使每个区块能够处理更多交易。与此同时,比特币每个区块的平均交易数量在1,000 至1,500 笔之间。在2018 年9 月的压力测试中,比特币现金区块链上的交易数量激增至每个区块25,000 笔。

In order to address this problem, Bitcoin cash proposes to increase the size of blocks to between 8 MB and 32 MB so that each block can handle more transactions. At the same time, the average number of transactions per block in bitcoin is between 1,000 and 1,500. During pressure tests in September 2018, the number of transactions in the Bitcoin cash block chain surged to 25,000 per block.

Roger Ver 是这个分叉的推动者,他一直在推动这样的想法:比特币的创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)希望拥有一种能够在压力下发挥作用的数字货币。Ver 和比特币现金的支持者表示,比特币区块大小的变化将使比特币能够用作日常交易的媒介,并帮助其与Visa 等跨国信用卡处理组织竞争,这些组织在处理跨境交易时收取高额费用。

Roger Ver, the promoter of this fork, has been promoting the idea that Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, wants to have a digital currency that works under pressure. Ver and Bitcoin cash supporters say that the change in size of bitcoin blocks will enable Bitcoin to be used as a medium for day-to-day transactions and help it compete with multinational credit card processing organizations such as Visa, which charge high fees when dealing with cross-border transactions.

BCH 币概述

BCH Summary


historical price analysis of bitcoin cash (BCH)

接下来,让我们来看一下BCH 币价格的历史表现。

Next, let's take a look at the history of the price of the BCH.

1、BCH 币价格历史

1, BCH Currency Price History

回顾过去,比特币现金的价格历史并不乐观。它一直保持波动,并与整体市场状况密切相关。2017 年12 月20 日,比特币现金诞生后不久,价值就超过了4,000 美元。令人惊讶的是,该代币开始迅速亏损,并看到其价格从今天的惊人水平大幅下跌。

Looking back, the price history of Bitcoin cash was not optimistic. It remained volatile and was closely linked to the overall market situation. On December 20, 2017, shortly after its birth, Bitcoin’s cash was worth more than $4,000.

自2018年中期以来,BCH价格面临逐步回调,到2018年底跌破100美元。然后,到2020 年,比特币的交易价格一直在167 美元到480 美元之间。此后,从2021年初开始,BCH币的价格一路飙升,达到了1549美元。

Since mid-2018, BCH prices have faced a gradual turnaround, falling by $100 by the end of 2018. Then, by 2020, Bitcoins had been trading between $167 and $480. Since then, BCH prices have soared since the beginning of 2021, reaching $1549.

随后遭遇大幅下跌,再次重新测试100美元。自去年以来,比特币现金一直保持在96 美元大关之上,迄今为止的强劲阻力位在300 美元左右。然而,当前的价格走势反映出BCH 代币价格可能很快就会回升的可能性。

Since last year, Bitcoin's cash has remained above the $96 mark, with strong resistance to date around $300. However, current price trends reflect the possibility that BCH's currency prices may recover soon.

2、2024 年比特币现金减半

2, 2024 halved Bitcoin cash

比特币现金每四年或每21 万个区块发生一次减半事件,目前定于2024 年第一季发生。目前一个区块的奖励为6.25 BCH,而下一个区块奖励将降至3.125 BCH。

Bitcoin cash has halved every four years or every 210,000 blocks, and is now scheduled to occur in the first quarter of 2024. The current incentive for one block is 6.25 BCH, while the next will be reduced to 3.125 BCH.

交易员和投资者都在关注即将到来的BCH 减半,因为这可能会对BCH 的价格产生重大影响。就比特币现金价格而言,第一次减半并没有获利,因为减半后不久比特币现金就大幅下跌。然而,市场情绪和当前的价格走势似乎对BCH 加密货币看涨。

Dealers and investors are concerned about halving the forthcoming BCH, which could have a significant impact on the price of BCH. For the first time in the case of currency cash, the first reduction has not been profitable, because shortly after it was halved, Bitcoin’s cash has fallen sharply. However, market sentiment and current price trends seem to be rising for BCH’s encrypted currency.

3、BCH 当前市场分析

3, BCH Current Market Analysis

随着币价上涨,BCH 市值到达$13,276,375,310,在所有加密货币中排名14。此外,其过去24 小时交易量为$1,381,971,030,流通供给量为19,685,313 BCH。

As the currency price rises, the market value of BCH reaches $13,276,375,310, ranking 14 out of all encrypted currencies. In addition, it has been traded for the past 24 hours at $1,381,971,030, with a flow supply of 19,685,313 BCH.


BCH forecast for different websites


Now, let's look at the BCH price forecast for different sites.

首先,根据Changelly 对比特币现金价格的技术分析,预计2023 年比特币现金的最低成本将为199.14 美元。BCH 价格最高可达220.88 美元,预计平均交易价格约为242.61 美元。而到2025 年,预计BCH 价格的最低价格和最高价格分别为558.91 和675.25。该网站预测比特币现金2023 年的平均交易成本为3870.04 美元,其最低价格和最高价格分别为3768.54 美元和4283.47 美元。

First, on the basis of a technical analysis of the cash price of Chargelly Bitcoin, the minimum cash cost is expected to be US$ 199.14 in 2023. The BCH price can be as high as US$ 220.88, with an estimated average transaction price of US$ 242.61. By 2025, the lowest and highest prices of BCH were projected at US$ 558.91 and US$ 675.25, respectively. The website projected the average transaction cost of Bitcoin cash in 2023 at US$ 3870.04, with the lowest and highest prices at US$ 3768.54 and US$ 4283.47, respectively.

而CryptoNewsZ 的BCH 价格预测表明,到2023 年底,BCH 的价格将突破458 美元大关。根据该网站对2025 年BCH 价格的预测,比特币现金的未来是光明的,到2025 年底可能会达到749.21 美元。到2030 年,比特币现金的价格可能会达到2350 美元的最高价格水平。以下是该网站的BCH 年度价格预测表:

CryptoNewsZ's BCH price forecast indicates that by the end of 2023 BCH prices will have passed the $458 mark. According to the website's forecast of the 2025 BCH price, the future of Bitcoin's cash is bright and could reach $749.21 by the end of 2025. By 2030, the price of Bitcoin's cash is likely to be the highest of $2350. The following is the website's BCH annual price forecast table:

Ambcrypto 的分析师认为,BCH 可能在2023 年达到360.03 美元。但在悲观的情况下,2023 年BCH 的估值为187.21 美元。该网站认为,比特币现金有可能在2030 年突破1000 美元,达到1133 美元的峰值。以下是该网站的价格预测表:

Ambcrypto analysts believe that BCH could reach $360.03 in 2023. But, in a pessimistic scenario, BCH was valued at $187.21 in 2023. The website believes that Bitcoin cash is likely to break through $1,000 in 2030, reaching a peak of $1133. The following is a price forecast for the site:

最后,Bitnation 同样给出的积极的价格预测,表明BCH 今年的最低价格和最高价格分别为280.54 美元和420.81 美元。到2030 年,比特币现金将突破2000 美元,最低价格和最高价格预计为1917.01 美元和2057.28 美元。

Finally, Bitnation's equally positive price projections indicate that BCH's lowest and highest prices this year are $288.54 and $420.81, respectively. By 2030, Bitcoin's cash will be over 2000 dollars, and the lowest and highest prices are expected to be $1917.01 and $2057.28.

在考虑BCH 币价格预测时,重要的是要记住,加密货币市场仍然极度波动,因此很难准确预测几个小时内代币或代币的价格,更难以给出长期估计。因此,分析师和基于算法的预测者可能而且确实会做出错误的预测。

When considering BCH currency price projections, it is important to remember that the crypto-currency market remains highly volatile, making it difficult to predict accurately the price of a coin or a coin within a few hours, and making longer-term estimates even more difficult. Therefore, analysts and algorithm-based forecasters may and do make erroneous predictions.


If you are considering investing in an encrypted currency, we suggest that you do your own research at all times.

2024-2030 比特币现金(BCH)价格预测

strong> 2024-2030 bitcoin cash (BCH) price forecast

接下来,让我们来看看BCH 币2024-2030 的详细价格预测。

Next, let's look at BCH 2024-2030's detailed price projections.

1、2024 年比特币现金(BCH)价格预测

1 2024 Bitcoin cash (BCH) price forecast

专家预测,到2024 年底,比特币的价格可能会达到10 万美元,其他代币也可能会上涨。

Experts forecast that by the end of 2024, the price of Bitcoin could reach $100,000 and that other currencies could rise.

根据宏观趋势线,BCH 可能会在2024 年底达到800 美元的高点。不过,目前比特币现金有几个对其有利的基本面因素。

According to the macro-trend line, BCH is likely to reach a high of $800 by the end of 2024. However, currently Bitcoin cash has several fundamentals to its advantage.

首先,如上所述,比特币现金是比特币的硬分叉,可以实现更便宜、更快的交易。与比特币的1 MB 相比,目前它的区块大小限制为32 MB。

First, as noted above, bitcoin cash is a hard fork of bitcoin, allowing cheaper and faster transactions. Compared to bitcoin's 1 MB, its block size is currently limited to 32 MB.

由于比特币序数的引入,最近比特币网络上的交易变得更慢、更昂贵。随着2024 年比特币价格上涨,这种情况可能会加剧,导致一些投资者寻求比特币现金等更便宜的替代品。

As a result of the introduction of bitcoin sequences, recent transactions on bitcoin networks have become slower and more expensive. With the 2024 price increase in bitcoins, this may increase, leading some investors to seek cheaper alternatives such as bitcoin cash.


Moreover, the cash use of Bitcoin proves a consensus mechanism, which means that it can be better protected from regulatory attacks. With this in mind, it may be welcomed by institutions and investors who wish to purchase encrypted currency with a less risk-averse degree of regulatory clarity.

总体而言,这些因素为比特币现金带来了巨大的看涨潜力。因此,我们的比特币现金价格预测预计到2024 年底最高价格为800 美元,最低价格为350 美元,平均价格为475 美元。

On the whole, these factors offer a great potential for growth in bitcoin cash. As a result, our bitcoin cash prices are projected to reach a maximum price of $800 by the end of 2024, a minimum price of $350 and an average price of $475.

2、2025 年比特币现金(BCH)价格预测

2, 2025 Bitcoin cash (BCH) price forecast

加密货币多头市场通常持续12-18 个月,因此,如果它从2024 年开始,我们预计2025 年底将达到顶峰。

The market for encrypted currencies usually lasts 12-18 months, so if it starts in 2024, we expect to peak at the end of 2025.

然而,比特币现金相对于比特币的优势(例如可扩展性和速度)是需要权衡的。如前所述,处理32 MB 区块的硬体要求可能会变得非常昂贵,这意味着只有矿场和机构才有能力开采比特币现金。

However, the advantages of bitcoin cash relative to bitcoin (e.g. scalability and speed) need to be weighed. As noted earlier, hardware requirements to deal with 32 MB blocks may become very expensive, meaning that only mines and institutions have the ability to extract bitcoin cash.


In other words, miners are willing to spend less energy to dig blocks, resulting in lower Hashi rates and less network security.

根据CoinWarz 的数据,比特币平均哈希率为377.70 EH/s。相比之下,比特币现金哈希率目前仅为4.04 EH/s,在最近BCH 价格上涨之前,去年全年都低于2 EH/s 。

According to CoinWarz, the average Hach rate in Bitcoin is 377.70 EH/s. By contrast, Bitcoin cash ratio is currently only 4.04 EH/s and before the recent BCH price increase, it was below 2 EH/s for the whole of last year.


Bitcoin cash sacrifices security and centralization to provide faster and cheaper transactions. In addition, bitcoin has a second-tier solution, the Bitcoin lightning network, which promotes safe, decentralized, fast and cheap transactions.


With this in mind, it may be difficult for Bitcoin cash to break past the previous high point, but recent institutional interest means that there is still potential for growth.

根据我们上述的考虑和历史价格点,我们对2025 年比特币现金价格的预测估计最高价为1711 美元,最低价为692 美元,平均价格为1151 美元。

On the basis of our above considerations and historical price points, our forecast of the currency cash price for 2025 is estimated at a maximum price of $1711, a minimum price of $692 and an average price of $1151.

3、2030 年比特币现金(BCH)价格预测

3, 2030 Bitcoin cash (BCH) price forecast


Long-term price projections are often difficult to make, especially for encrypted currencies that are undergoing significant changes, such as Bitcoin cash.

正如我们在最近的暴涨中看到的那样,较高的BCH 价格会带来更高的哈希率,从而使网络更加安全。考虑到机构利益及其21,000,000 个代币的供应上限,我们可能会看到需求增加和供应减少——特别是如果它成为普遍接受的支付方式。如果发生这种情况,哈希率最终可能会攀升,从而使网络安全并赋予其长期潜力。

As we have seen in recent surges, higher BCH prices bring a higher Hashi rate, thus making the network more secure. Given institutional interests and their 21,000,000-dollar supply caps, we may see an increase in demand and a reduction in supply & mdash; & mdash; especially if it becomes a generally accepted mode of payment.


Nevertheless, the price of bitcoin cash has not kept pace with bitcoin since its inception.


BCH continues to depreciate vis-à-vis BTC. While there is still a possibility of reversal, it is unlikely from past performance.

虽然这并不意味着比特币现金无法长期成长,但它限制了其潜力。考虑到这一点,我们对2030 年比特币现金价格的预测估计最高价为6292.56 美元,最低价为4137.11 美元,平均价格为196.47 美元。

While this does not mean that bitcoin cash cannot grow in the long term, it limits its potential. Taking this into account, our forecast of bitcoin cash prices for 2030 is estimated to be at a maximum price of $629,256 at a minimum price of $41,37.11 and an average price of $196,47.


While it has the potential to rise to higher levels, this seems unlikely given its lack of decentralization, security and past performance vis-à-vis Bitcoin.


bitcoin's cash is a good investment?

比特币现金有很多优点。BCH 的价格有很多起伏,让投资者可以从中获利。尽管如此,该代币的市值仍然很高,显示出该项目的良好前景。

Bitcoin cash has a lot of advantages. BCH prices have a lot of swings that allow investors to profit from it. Nevertheless, the market value of the coin remains high, indicating good prospects for the project.

不过,请记住,就像涉及任何其他加密货币或任何资产一样,我们无法确定BCH 是否是一项好的投资。我们不确定比特币现金价格是否会上涨,以及5 年后市场会是什么样子。您应该自己进行研究,并根据自己的分析和现有投资组合做出投资决策。

But remember, like any other encrypted currency or any other asset, we're not sure if the BCH is a good investment. We're not sure if bitcoin's cash prices will rise and what the market will look like in five years. You should study it yourself and make investment decisions based on your own analysis and the existing portfolio.




Bitcoin cash (BCH) has great potential and tends to become one of the most attractive encrypted currencies, mainly because of the high security and speed of transactions, but also the high risks, which, through more in-depth technical analysis, may reach a peak of $2,000.


However, like other encrypted currencies, it is difficult to say whether bitcoin cash is a good investment. However, its high market value, a solid technological base, and great potential availability can help it to keep prices floating in times of market collapse.




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