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Chapter II The Internet, new media and new technologies




The creation of the Internet and the development of Internet is a global information system with three implications: logically, it is connected by the only global address space based on the International Connectivity Agreement (IP) and its extensions; it can support the use of transmission control protocols and Internet connectivity protocols (TCP/IPs), or other IP-compatible communications; and it provides advanced information services using communications and related infrastructure, in public or non-public. The creation and development of the Internet is a global Internet I. The Internet is a precursor to the United States Department of Defense Advanced Planning Research Agency (the United States Department of Defense), known as “Apanet”, which developed a military computer network jointly with a number of universities in the United States in 1969.


In 1983, the TCP/IP protocol – Transfer Control Agreement (TCP) from Host to Host – and the Internet-to-Net agreement (IP) – became standard communications protocols for the Internet in the United States. After the 1990s, the Internet moved into a practical service phase of commercialization centred on resource sharing, moving rapidly to the world. The advent of the World Wide Web was another important acceleration of Internet development.


Since the end of the cold war, the Internet has gradually grown from military to scientific research to the development of China, and the Internet has grown in China since 1994, with commercial Internet services having been officially connected to the Internet since 1995 and the beginning of which has been extremely rapid. In 1994, the border has been divided into two phases of initial construction and popularization. The initial phase of construction has been the third phase of popularization, China's Internet development has become officially connected to the Internet since 1994, and the Internet, the Internet, the basic features of the new media in section II, has developed a unique inner dimension. Not only has the new media, the first digitalization of which has produced a rich variety of new forms of media, but the digitalization of the new media has revolutionized the existing communications environment, subverting the existing linear transmission features of mass media, undermining the political, economic and cultural aspects of mass communication and becoming a “new medium” that is clearly different from the traditional media. In section II, the rapid development of the Internet, the basic features of the new media, which has given rise to the potential diffusion of new media, has expanded the digitalization of new media, as compared to traditional media, the diversity of communications.


First, the digitalization of the new media, compared to the traditional media, expands the digital identity of both the interactive Internet, breaking the strict boundaries of traditional media timers and recipients, and the way in which it spreads from one-way linear transmission to two-way or even more interactive features of the new media, not only in the direction in which it is transmitted, but also in the changes in the information-generation process that have brought about changes in the control of the information. Interactiveness has also led to the individualization of information dissemination.


Second, the interactive Internet breaks the strict boundaries of traditional media timers and recipients, and three, the speed of communication and freedom of time for new, time-consuming media can easily be disseminated instantaneously. The new media, using the global Internet system and communications satellite technology, have broken geographical boundaries and have global and spatial limits of communication. Third, the speed of communication and the freedom of time for new, time-consuming media have enabled the main types of new media in section III to emerge as information technology advances and the demand for human information has increased. In section III, the new media are “metallurgical, not only at the technical level, but also in media formats and modes of communication; there are new media, such as new Internet media, new mobile media, and some media, which have developed new technologies on the basis of traditional media, such as electronic newspapers, digital broadcasting, IPTV, etc. In order to better understand the variety of new media, we can classify them according to different criteria.


I. Distribute by hardware equipment terminal (i) by computer, II by application (software) properties


(i) Internet applications in the Web1.0 era (ii) Web 2.0


ii. By application (software) properties


(i) Three new, business-based (i) new for-profit media (ii) new not-for-profit media in the Web1.0 era


Three, by the nature of the operation (i) new media for profit, four, new media for profit, four, new media for use, four, new media for use, four, new media for use, four, new media for dynamic development from the original section IV. New media for use, new media for expanding the functionality of media from the original web-based mail, news groups to portal news sites, traditional news messages, etc., to the use of the media for social interaction, management of business work, processing of big data, geolocation, etc., four, new media for the application of the new media for expanding the functionality of media from the original section IV. New media for the development of new technological trends and the rapid development of new technologies for the development of new fibres (opticalfiber), computer technologies for the dissemination of modern technologies, electronic data for the transfer of modern technologies, digital data for the transfer of modern technologies, digital data for the generation of new technologies, digital data for the transfer of new technologies, digital data for the generation of new technologies, digital data for the production of new technologies, digital data for the production of new technologies, digital data for the production of new technologies, digital data for the production of new technologies, digital data for the production of new technologies, data for the production of new technologies, digital data for the same, data for the generation of new technologies, data for the use of new technologies, data for the use of the Internet, the Internet, the use of the Internet of the Internet, the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet, the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet of the Internet.




The creation of the Internet and the development of Internet is a global information system with three implications: logically, it is connected by the only global address space based on the International Connectivity Agreement (IP) and its extensions; it can support the use of transmission control protocols and Internet connectivity protocols (TCP/IPs), or other IP-compatible communications; and it provides advanced information services using communications and related infrastructure, in public or non-public. The creation and development of the Internet is a global Internet I. The Internet is a precursor to the United States Department of Defense Advanced Planning Research Agency (the United States Department of Defense), known as “Apanet”, which developed a military computer network jointly with a number of universities in the United States in 1969.


In 1983, the TCP/IP protocol – Transfer Control Agreement (TCP) from Host to Host – and the Internet-to-Net agreement (IP) – became standard communications protocols for the Internet in the United States. After the 1990s, the Internet moved into a practical service phase of commercialization centred on resource sharing, moving rapidly to the world. The advent of the World Wide Web was another important acceleration of Internet development.


Since the end of the cold war, the Internet has gradually grown from military to scientific research to the development of China, and the Internet has grown in China since 1994, with commercial Internet services having been officially connected to the Internet since 1995 and the beginning of which has been extremely rapid. In 1994, the border has been divided into two phases of initial construction and popularization. The initial phase of construction has been the third phase of popularization, China's Internet development has become officially connected to the Internet since 1994, and the Internet, the Internet, the basic features of the new media in section II, has developed a unique inner dimension. Not only has the new media, the first digitalization of which has produced a rich variety of new forms of media, but the digitalization of the new media has revolutionized the existing communications environment, subverting the existing linear transmission features of mass media, undermining the political, economic and cultural aspects of mass communication and becoming a “new medium” that is clearly different from the traditional media. In section II, the rapid development of the Internet, the basic features of the new media, which has given rise to the potential diffusion of new media, has expanded the digitalization of new media, as compared to traditional media, the diversity of communications.


First, the digitalization of the new media, compared to the traditional media, expands the digital identity of both the interactive Internet, breaking the strict boundaries of traditional media timers and recipients, and the way in which it spreads from one-way linear transmission to two-way or even more interactive features of the new media, not only in the direction in which it is transmitted, but also in the changes in the information-generation process that have brought about changes in the control of the information. Interactiveness has also led to the individualization of information dissemination.


Second, the interactive Internet breaks the strict boundaries of traditional media timers and recipients, and three, the speed of communication and freedom of time for new, time-consuming media can easily be disseminated instantaneously. The new media, using the global Internet system and communications satellite technology, have broken geographical boundaries and have global and spatial limits of communication. Third, the speed of communication and the freedom of time for new, time-consuming media have enabled the main types of new media in section III to emerge as information technology advances and the demand for human information has increased. In section III, the new media are “metallurgical, not only at the technical level, but also in media formats and modes of communication; there are new media, such as new Internet media, new mobile media, and some media, which have developed new technologies on the basis of traditional media, such as electronic newspapers, digital broadcasting, IPTV, etc. In order to better understand the variety of new media, we can classify them according to different criteria.


I. Distribute by hardware equipment terminal (i) by computer, II by application (software) properties


(i) Internet applications in the Web1.0 era (ii) Web 2.0


ii. By application (software) properties


(i) Three new, business-based (i) new for-profit media (ii) new not-for-profit media in the Web1.0 era


Third, by the nature of the operation (i) new and profitable media, (iv) by the nature of the operation (i) new media, (iv) by the nature of the operation (i) new media, (iv) by the nature of the operation (i) by the application (i) by the new media, (ii) by the development of the new media, (iii) by the application (i) by the new media, (ii) by the development of the new technologies in section IV, (ii) by the production of several key technologies, (iii) by the development of the media, from the initial web-based (opticalfiber), computer technology (computechnology), multimedia (multimedia), digital technology (diigitaltechnology), Internet (Internet) and others, (i.e.g.) by the application (i.), (ii) by the development of new technologies, (ii) by the development of new technologies, (ii) by the development of new technologies, (ii) by the development of new technologies (i.e.g.) by the development of new technologies (i.e.), and (ii.) by the development of the new media (ii.), (ii.), (ii.) by the development of digital media (i.) and (ii.), (ii.) by the “digitization of digital data, (i.e.), (ii.) and (ii.e.e.) and (ii.) and (ii.) data, (ii.) and (ii.) and (ii).




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