今年儿童节,也许是 crypto 里程碑式的一天。
This year's Children's Day, maybe it's a crypto milestone day.
6 月 1 日,香港虚拟资产交易新规《适用于虚拟资产交易平台营运者的指引》正式施行,虚拟资产交易平台营运营牌照自开启申领,标志着香港大力推进的全球虚拟资产中心建设取得重大进展。
On 1 June, the new Hong Kong Virtual Asset Transactions Regulations, " Guidelines for Operators of Virtual Asset Transactions Platforms ", were officially implemented, and the Virtual Asset Transactions Platform Camp licence plate was self-opened, marking significant progress in the development of a global virtual asset centre, which Hong Kong has been making.
It's the first time in the history of the encryption industry that it's good in the continental region.
过去,中国市场也曾是加密行业不可忽视的力量。在 2014 年到 2016 年间,OKCoin、火币、BitMEX、Bitfinex 等一大批重量级玩家诞生于内地与香港,极大垄断了行业的流动性,在野蛮生长中留下无数繁荣与创新。
In 2014-2016, a large number of heavyweight players, such as OKCoin, coin, BitMEX, Bitfinex, were born in the Mainland and Hong Kong, monopolizing the mobility of the industry and leaving behind numerous booms and innovations in barbarous growth.
2017 年 9 月 4 日,央行宣布将 IC0 定性为非法金融活动,明确禁止任何 Token 融资活动,交易平台被关停,市场情绪瞬间崩溃,在一轮超过 50% 的暴跌中,东方加密开启长达数年的出海之路,而如今的行业霸主 Binance 也自那时起逐渐崛起于海外。
On September 4, 2017, the Central Bank announced the characterization of IC0 as an illegal financial activity, the explicit prohibition of any Token financing activity, the closure of trading platforms, the sudden collapse of market moods, and, in a wave of more than 50 per cent, the encryption of the East, which opened the road to the sea for several years, and the emergence of Binance, today’s head of industry, abroad.
随后数年,中国大陆在加密监管上继续加码,2021 年 5 月 21 日,国务院金融会议释放出「打击比特币挖矿和交易行为」信号,各地方政府开始关停矿场、明禁挖矿,曾占比特币全网 75% 的中国算力从此彻底在地图上消失。是年 11 月,比特币攀上 6.9 万美元历史最高点,在整个市场的狂欢中,Crypto 行业已无东方声音。
In the ensuing years, mainland China continued to add codes to its encryption regulations, and on May 21, 2021, the State Council's financial conference released a signal of "combating bitcoin mining and trading" and local governments began to shut down mines and cut down mines, with China, which used to account for 75% of Bitcoin's entire network, disappearing completely from the map. In November of that year, Bitcoin climbed to an all-time high of $69,000.
当 STEPN 让人们惊呼「华人之光」,一群 Crypto 从业者却在疫情中的大理当起「数字游民」;当发迹于香港的 FTX 回归北美,又在巅峰时戛然而终;当被誉为加密伯克希尔哈撒韦的 DCG 在 2022 年的崩盘中神话破灭,适逢 SEC 接连在 Staking 与稳定币监管上强势出手。斗转星移间,历史的齿轮已悄然转动。
When STEPN made people cry "The Light of the Chinese", a group of Crypto practitioners became "digital Travellers" in the epidemic; when the FTX in Hong Kong returned to North America and ended at the peak; when the DCG, known as the encrypted Birkhshiel Hasawave, broke its myth in the 2022 crash, it was when the SEC was linked to the Staking and Stabilization Currency regulations. The wheels of history were turned.
2022 年 10 月 31 日,港府发布《有关虚拟资产在港发展的政策宣言》,宣布下决心竞争全球虚拟资产中心,而后在数月内,政策一路狂飙,虚拟资产 ETF 获批上市、颁发新牌照,交易平台持牌上岗、甚至拟对散户开放虚拟资产交易,推进之快让人目不暇接。今年 4 月 11 日香港 Web3.0 协会成立典礼上,香港特别行政区行政长官李家超、香港立法会主席梁君彦、香港保安局长邓炳强等一众高级官员亮相站台,此次政策的空前力度被再度确认。
On October 31, 2022, Hong Kong launched the Policy Declaration on the Development of Virtual Assets in Hong Kong, declaring its determination to compete for the Global Virtual Assets Centre. In the months that followed, the policy was stunned, with the virtual assets ETF approved for listing, a new license plate issued, a trading platform placed on duty, and even a virtual asset deal opened to the diaspora. This year, during the inaugural ceremony of the Hong Kong Web3.0 Association, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiaqua, the President of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Liang Kyeong-hyun, and Hong Kong’s Chief of Security, Deng Bingqiang, among other high-ranking officials, the unprecedented strength of the policy was reaffirmed.
大力支持的背后,自然是对人才与资本的争夺,只是美国监管层对 Crypto 日趋严厉的针对,给予了香港借势的机遇,开创了当下加密世界「西方不亮东方亮」的政策格局。政策本身不等于创新,但政策无疑是行业创新的最佳土壤,在这个去全球化浪潮中日益四分五裂的世界,一个开放而包容的政策环境,其价值不言而喻。
Behind that strong support is nature’s competition for talent and capital, except for the increasingly harsh US regulatory response to Crypto, which gives Hong Kong an opportunity to take advantage of its current policy landscape of encoded world “The West does not light on the East.” Policies do not in themselves amount to innovation, but they are undoubtedly the best ground for industrial innovation, and the value of an open and inclusive policy environment in a world that is increasingly fragmented in the face of a wave of globalization is self-evident.
5 月 24 日,香港证监会发布了《有关适用于获证券及期货事务监察委员会发牌的虚拟资产交易平台营运者的建议监管规定的咨询总结》。这份总结在咨询期内收到了 152 份意见书,引起了广泛的关注,涵盖了来自业界和专业组织、专业及咨询公司、市场参与者、持牌法团、个人及其他持份者的意见。大部分的响应者对相关的建议规定表示欢迎,但也有一些人提出了需要澄清的问题。证监会在考虑了广泛的意见和建议后,对部分建议规定进行了修改和澄清。
On May 24, the Hong Kong CVM released its Advisory Summary of the Recommended Regulatory Provisions Applicable to the Operators of the Virtual Asset Trading Platform, issued by the Supervisory Board for Securities and Futures. 152 opinions were received during the consultation period, which attracted extensive attention and included comments from industry and professional organizations, professional and consulting firms, market participants, brand-holders, individuals and other stakeholders. Most respondents welcomed the relevant recommendation provisions, but some raised questions for clarification.
The vast majority of respondents support the SEC’s recommendation to allow licensed trading platforms to provide services to retail investors. The SEC will take a range of appropriate measures to protect the interests of these investors, including measures to ensure appropriateness, good corporate governance, enhanced due diligence and related disclosure.
相关指引订明多项适用于持牌交易平台的标准和规定,其中包括稳妥保管资产、分隔客户资产、避免利益冲突及网络保安。证监会将就新监管规定提供额外指引、其他实施细节,以及过渡安排的详情。香港证监会表示欢迎已准备好遵守证监会标准的虚拟资产交易平台营运者申领牌照。无意申领牌照的营运者,则应着手以有序方式结束其于香港的业务。至于现时存在的虚拟资产交易平台,蔡锺辉称,下周四前没有在香港营运的虚拟资产交易平台,不能继续营运;至于当天之前已在香港营运的平台将设有过渡期,须于 9 个月之内向证监会申请牌照。
The guidance sets out a number of criteria and provisions applicable to licensed trading platforms, including secure custody of assets, separation of customer assets, avoidance of conflicts of interest, and network security. The CSRC will provide additional guidance on new regulatory provisions, other details of implementation, and details of transitional arrangements. The CSRC welcomes the registration of the operators of the Virtual Asset Trading Platform, which are ready to comply with the CMS standards.
在这份总结最后的附录中,最受期待的法规《适用于虚拟资产交易平台营运者的指引》已于今天正式生效。在此,BlockBeats 整理了一些新规的重点内容,以便为读者提供更清晰的了解。
In the final appendix to this summary, the most expected regulation, the Guide for Operators of Virtual Asset Trading Platforms, has come into effect today. In this context, BlockBeats collated some of the key features of the new regulations to provide readers with a clearer understanding.
The classification of virtual assets may evolve over time, and the classification of a virtual asset may change from a non-synchronous to a securities-type currency (and vice versa). In order to comply with the requirements of the licensing system and ensure continuity of operations, it is prudent for the Virtual Asset Trading Platform to apply for approval under both the Securities and Futures Regulations and the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations under the current system.
To ensure the protection of retail investors, the licensed virtual asset trading platform follows a range of measures covering business relationships, governance, disclosure, and currency reviews before providing services to retail investors. Retail investors need to understand the characteristics and risks of virtual assets, and the SEC will continue to work with investors and the Financial Education Board to undertake relevant educational work.
At the same time, the CVM has considered proposals to relax specific provisions on business relationships with retail customers, agreeing that the platform operators should fully assess investors'knowledge of the nature and risks of virtual assets and revise the Virtual Asset Trading Platform Guidelines accordingly, and that the CVM would issue step guides in the form of regular questions? (e.g. how to evaluate clients? For virtual assets?
A licensed virtual asset trading platform should only return virtual assets when appropriate and without suspicion of money-laundering/terrorist fund-raising activities, and only after considering the results of due diligence reviews by virtual asset transfer counterparties and screening of virtual asset transactions and related wallet addresses. In addition, returned virtual assets should be returned to the accounts of money transfer agencies rather than to the accounts of money remitters.
The ownership or control of the non-host wallet may vary over time, and the ownership or control of the non-host wallet shall be determined periodically and on the basis of the risk sensitivity.
当持牌虚拟资产交易平台在向位于香港以外地方并为相关客户行事的虚拟资产服务提供者或金融机构提供服务时,跨境代理关系的规定适用于该平台。证监会已在《适用于持牌法团及获证监会发牌的虚拟资产服务提供者的打击洗钱指引》中新增第 12.6.5 段,以澄清持牌虚拟资产交易平台应持续监测虚拟资产交易和相关钱包地址。
The requirements for cross-border brokering are applicable to a licensed virtual asset trading platform when it provides services to a virtual asset service provider or financial institution located outside Hong Kong and acting on behalf of the relevant customer. The CSRC has added paragraph 12.6.5 to the Anti-Money Laundering Guide for virtual asset service providers who apply to licensed groups and the CVM to clarify that a licensed virtual asset trading platform should monitor virtual asset transactions and related wallet addresses on an ongoing basis.
证监会考虑到转账规则在其他司法管辖区的实施情况后认为,在虚拟资产转账后尽快提交所需数据是可接受的临时措施,直至 2024 年 1 月 1 日。持牌虚拟资产交易平台应从 2023 年 6 月 1 日起遵守其他转账规则和相关规定,并在采取临时措施的同时安全地提交所需数据。此外,部分客户使用非托管钱包进行虚拟资产转账可能带来更高的洗钱和恐怖分子资金筹集风险,因此证监会在第 12.14 段列出了管理非托管钱包转账的规定。
Taking into account the implementation of the transfer rules in other jurisdictions, the CVM considers that the submission of the required data as soon as possible after the transfer of the virtual assets is an acceptable interim measure until 1 January 2024. The licensed virtual asset trading platform should comply with other transfer rules and related requirements as of 1 June 2023 and submit the required data safely in conjunction with the adoption of interim measures. In addition, the use of non-custody wallets by some clients for virtual asset transfers may pose a higher risk of money-laundering and terrorist fund-raising, and therefore the CVM sets out in paragraph 12.14 the provisions governing the transfer of non-trust wallets.
Transfer rules are a major measure for virtual asset service providers and financial institutions in the fight against money-laundering/terrorist fund-raising, as they provide the basic information needed to screen sanctions and monitor transactions and other risk mitigation measures. This also helps to prevent the processing of virtual asset transfers for outlaws and designated persons, as well as to detect transfers when they occur.
The Special Organization for Financial Action (OSFA) reiterates the need for jurisdictions to implement the transfer rules as soon as possible, as the “sunrise problem” cannot be resolved until all virtual asset service providers and financial institutions operating in the main jurisdictions comply with the transfer rules.
其他主要司法管辖区(例如美国、新加坡、英国及欧洲)已经实施或即将实施转帐规则 9。如延迟在香港实施转帐规则,获我们发牌的虚拟资产交易平台的竞争力将会受到影响,因为在其他主要司法管辖区经营的虚拟资产服务提供者及金融机构将会为了风险管理的疑虑而不能或不愿与它们进行交易。
Other major jurisdictions (e.g., the United States, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Europe) have implemented or are about to implement transfer rules. Delays in implementing transfer rules in Hong Kong will affect the competitiveness of our licensed virtual asset trading platforms, as virtual asset service providers and financial institutions operating in other major jurisdictions will be unable or unwilling to deal with them for reasons of risk management concerns.
However, the development of systems to facilitate the immediate submission of the required information to recipient agencies may take time, even if the licensed virtual asset trading platform is well aware that special organizations have been advocating for compliance with transfer rules over the past few years. Given that the positive and rapid development of the network of science and technology programmes and transfer rules in recent years has gradually eased the difficulty of exchanging the required information between agencies, doubts about the prompt submission of information will be resolved over time.
Anti-money-laundering regulations will cover the centralized virtual asset-trading platform and therefore provide only virtual asset services (e.g. off-site virtual asset transactions and virtual asset brokering), while platforms without automated trading systems and additional custodial services will not be covered by anti-money-laundering regulations.
As a result, it is not appropriate to review exemptions such as tokens, which have already been included in other licensed virtual asset trading platforms. The SEC only requires platform operators to consider the regulatory status of virtual assets in Hong Kong, rather than the regulatory status of platform operators in different jurisdictions where they provide transactional services.
对于要求非证券型代币具有至少 12 个月历史记录的建议,相关规定是针对平台运营者在进行审查期间可能遇到的困难而设立的。虽然 12 个月的规定可能无法防止一些代币近期发生的崩盘事件,但设立该规定的目的是降低难以合理检测的欺诈风险,并减少代币首次发售前进行的市场推广。
For the recommendation that non-securit-type coins should have a historical record of at least 12 months, the provision was established in response to difficulties that might be encountered by platform operators during the review process. While the 12-month requirement may not prevent the recent collapse of some of the tokens, it was established to reduce the risk of fraud that could not reasonably be detected and to reduce market promotion prior to the initial sale of the tokens.
To ensure the protection of retail investors, the licensed virtual asset trading platform follows a range of measures covering business relationships, governance, disclosure, and currency reviews before providing services to retail investors. Retail investors need to understand the characteristics and risks of virtual assets, and will continue to work with investors and the Financial Education Board on related education.
The CVM has considered proposals to relax specific provisions on business relationships with retail customers. The CVM believes that the platform operators should fully assess investors’ knowledge of the nature and risks of virtual assets and revise the Virtual Asset Exchange Platform Guidelines accordingly, and that the CVM will issue step guides in the form of regular questions? (e.g. how to evaluate clients? For virtual assets?
Conflicts of interest involving members of the committee and the platform operator are also highlighted. To this end, the platform operator should establish internal policies and procedures to properly address these conflicts. The licensed virtual asset trading platform requires due diligence before it is included in each virtual asset. The SEC has fine-tuned the information disclosure responsibilities in the Virtual Asset Trading Platform Guidelines by requiring the platform operator to take all reasonable measures to ensure that the product-specific information disclosed is not false, biased, misleading or deceptive.
香港与新加坡之间的竞争关系自 Web3.0 之前就开始了,并经历了很多变化。在面积和人口上,新加坡和中国香港相当,都是经济发达的国家。它们的崛起轨迹高度相似,发展情况也十分接近。购物天堂、多元文化包容、金融、贸易和航运业在两地都十分发达,因此它们被誉为”亚洲的明珠”。
The competitive relationship between Hong Kong and Singapore began before Web3.0 and has undergone many changes. In terms of size and population, Singapore and Hong Kong, China, are relatively advanced economies.
As a highly open and outward economy, Hong Kong has undergone three industrial transformations over the past decades, and, despite its already high share of services in the Hong Kong economy, has concentrated on traditional areas such as finance, commerce, shipping logistics, and tourism fairs. However, this traditional and single industrial structure has become difficult to meet Hong Kong’s development needs, as some experts have called it #8221; the resource curse #8221;
Despite attempts to re-establish manufacturing, high-tech high-end manufacturing has little room for development in Hong Kong because of the high physical costs of land and manpower. Over the past two decades, Hong Kong’s global wave of Internet entrepreneurship has carried a large number of needs for the mobility of science and technology enterprises, but their business focus has often not been in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong has not benefited from the dividends of technology and innovation on the Internet.
At the same time, some Hong Kong’s financial institutions, even headhunters, have moved into Singapore and have taken away a large number of Hong Kong’s talent, especially those involved in asset management. Singapore’s rise has put pressure on other major Asian cities, particularly the former Asian centre, Hong Kong.
因此,发展 Web3.0 等金融科技创新产业,拥抱更广阔的数字空间,成为香港非常好的选择之一。新加坡和香港的战场也正渐渐扩展到了区块链和 Web3.0 领域。
As a result, the development of financial STI industries like Web3.0, embracing a broader digital space, has become one of Hong Kong’s great options. The battlegrounds in Singapore and Hong Kong are also gradually expanding to the area of block chains and Web3.0.
Web3.0 或成港新之争新阵地
根据 OKX 联合领英发布的《2022 全球区块链领域人才报告——Web3.0 方向》,截至 2022 年 6 月,新加坡的区块链人才增长较快,成为全球前五的区块链人才国家之一。在 2022 年 9 月,几乎所有亚洲的全球性活动都在新加坡举办,导致新加坡的住宿成本飙升。然而,香港也并没有袖手旁观,他们正在努力重回亚洲金融中心的地位,其中 Web3.0 成为了他们尝试的重要方向。
According to the Global Talent Report 2022 on Block Chains - The Web 3.0 Directions, released by the co-director of OKX, Singapore's block chain of talent grew faster as of June 2022, becoming one of the top five countries in the world. In September 2022, almost all global events in Asia were held in Singapore, leading to a sharp rise in Singapore's accommodation costs. However, Hong Kong was not on the sidelines, and they were working to return to the status of Asian financial centres, of which Web3.0 became an important direction in their attempts.
尽管 Web3.0 仍处于起步阶段,但新加坡和中国香港在这个领域的竞争日益激烈。根据中国移动通信联合会元宇宙产业委执行主任、香港区块链协会荣誉主席于佳宁的说法,新加坡和中国香港在 Web3.0 领域的竞争可以追溯到它们对金融科技和创新的重视。两地都是国际金融中心,拥有强大的金融和科技基础设施,具备推动 Web3.0 发展的良好条件。
Despite the fact that Web3.0 is still in its infancy, Singapore and Hong Kong, China, are increasingly competing in this area. According to the Executive Director of the China Mobile Communications Federation's Won-Cosmos Committee, and the Honorary President of the Hong Kong Block Chain Association, Jia Ning, competition in Singapore and Hong Kong, China, in the area of Web3.0 dates back to the importance they attach to financial science, technology, and innovation.
在 2022 年 11 月,中国香港金融科技周和新加坡金融科技周同时举办,将这场竞争推向高潮。中国香港和新加坡争相争夺人才、资金和公司,两地都力争成为”加密金融中心”或”全球 Web3.0 中心”。
In November 2022, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore, the competition culminated in a parallel Financial Science and Technology Week. Hong Kong, China, and Singapore competed for talent, money, and companies, both trying to become #8221; the Encrypted Financial Center #8221; or #8221; and the Global Web3.0 Center #8221.
在今年 4 月 11 日,香港 Web 3.0 协会成立典礼,行政长官李家超在典礼上致辞:「为了把握好 Web3.0 的机遇,香港特区一份新的《财政预算案》公布,拨款五千万元予数码港,加速推动香港 Web3.0 生态圈的发展,特别是推动跨界别业务合作。数码港亦已于今年初成立了「数码港 Web3.0 基地」,更好凝聚全球 Web3.0 的初创企业和人才。」
At the inaugural ceremony of the Hong Kong Web 3.0 Association, on 11 April of this year, the Chief Executive, Li Jiao, addressed the ceremony: “In order to seize the opportunity of Web3.0, a new Budget Bill of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced that $50 million would be allocated to digital ports to accelerate the development of Hong Kong’s web 3.0 eco-circle, in particular to promote cross-border business cooperation. The Digital Port also established the Digital Port Web 3.0 Base at the beginning of this year to better bring together starters and talent from around the world.”
同时李家超认为,Web3.0 的发展现时正值黄金起点,这项颠覆性的技术能改变许多原有的商业运作模式,同时创造更多新的机遇。面对 Web3.0 的发展大势,香港必须敢于成为这波创新浪潮的引领者。
At the same time, Li believes that the development of Web3.0 is now at the threshold of gold, and that this subversive technology can change many of the old business models while creating new and additional opportunities. In the face of the development of Web3.0, Hong Kong must be bold enough to be the leader of this wave of innovation.
五千万财政拨款、数码港 Web3.0 基地、香港 Web3.0 协会建立、虚拟资产新规颁布……从一系列动作可以看出,香港特区政府对 Web3.0 在香港的发展充满期待,希望能构建一个蓬勃发展的 Web3.0 生态圈,甚至在技术突破、模式创新和应用创新方面引领行业。
The 50 million fiscal grants, the Digital Port 3.0 Base, the Hong Kong Web 3.0 Association, and the enactment of the New Virtual Assets Regulations show that the HKSAR Government looks forward to the development of Web3.0 in Hong Kong in the hope of building a dynamic web 3.0 biosphere, even leading the industry in terms of technological breakthroughs, model innovations and applications.
我们必须承认,在 Web3.0 的发展上,新加坡具有一些先发优势,但中国香港也在努力迎头赶上。创新和变革的道路从来都不是一帆风顺的,但我们可以预见的是,华人在加密行业的地位能以香港作为基点,将我们的足迹拓展到东盟市场、亚太区市场甚至欧美市场,能在全球市场上获得更多的话语权。
We must admit that Singapore has some of the pre-eminent advantages in the development of Web3.0, but Hong Kong, China, is also trying to catch up. The path to innovation and change has never been easy, but we can foresee that China’s position in the encryption industry can be based on Hong Kong, expanding our footprints to ASEAN markets, Asia-Pacific markets, and even to Euro-American markets, and gaining more voice in the global market.
在香港嘉年华期间,BlockBeats 曾对 Waterdrip Capital CEO 大山进行了专访,他认为因为某些原因,在过去几年无论是资金方面还是人才方面,香港的流失都很严重。急需一个新的着手点去重新振兴经济,因此这两天的嘉年华,香港特首也很密集地出席了很多 Web3.0 的活动,以实际行动也给了大家很大的信心。
BlockBeats visited the Mount Waterdrip Capital CEO during the Hong Kong Carnival, arguing that Hong Kong’s loss of capital and talent has been severe in the last few years for some reasons. A new start is urgently needed to re-energize the economy, so that the two days of Carnival, in which Hong Kong’s Chief Executive attended a large number of web3.0 events, have also given much confidence in practical action.
So, as practitioners, especially on the mainland, there is not much need for "support" and we can do things confidently without being pressured. Moreover, Hong Kong as a whole now displays a very positive attitude of support, and the whole of Hong Kong, and the mountain feels that it is understandable. When the project comes, when the agency comes, when the money comes, when the traditional institutions like the family office see that a good environment comes in, everything is moving in the right direction.
In terms of regulation, Singapore believes that it is actually more stringent than Hong Kong. “Because, after all, Hong Kong has approved three compliance cases, but Singapore may now have none, a pure virtual currency dealership.
Publisher: Mirage Meta, reprinted from https://nft.aiju.com/news/76150.html , for work content, copyright and other questions, please contact the station!
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