5月20日,2018中国区块链产业高峰论坛在北京市召开。工信部联合起风财经、深链财经等单位发布《2018中国区块链产业白皮书》(简称《白皮书》),深入分析中国区块链技术在金融领域和实体经济的落地应用场景,系统阐述中国区块链产业的发展的六大特点和十大趋势。本文将以图片形式展示白皮书内容,获取PDF报告请关注先进制造业公众号(ID:amdaily),回复“区块链”即可获得。 On 20 May, the China Block Chain Industry Summit Forum was held in Beijing City. The Ministry of Industry and Communications issued a White Paper on the China Block Chain Industry, entitled " White Paper ", which provides an in-depth analysis of China's locational applications of block chain technology in the financial sector and the real economy. 以下为报告核心观点: is the core point of the report: 《白皮书》显示,目前中国区块链产业处于高速发展阶段,创业者和资本不断涌入,企业数量快速增加。与此同时,互联网巨头也在积极布局区块链领域,推动区块链产业的发展。 The White Paper shows that China’s block chain industry is currently at a rapid stage of development, with a steady influx of entrepreneurs and capital, and a rapid increase in the number of businesses. At the same time, the Internet giants are actively developing the block chain sector. 政策层面,各地政府积极从产业高度定位区块链技术,政策体系和监管框架逐步发展完善. At the policy level, governments are actively developing and improving their policy systems and regulatory frameworks from industrial highly positioning block chain technologies... 此外,区块链技术正在衍生为新业态,成为经济发展的新动能。区块链应用加快落地,助推传统产业高质量发展,加快产业转型升级。利用区块链技术可以为实体经济“降成本”、“提效率”,构建“诚信产业环境”,助推传统产业规范发展。 In addition, block-chain technologies are being derived from new industries and new dynamics of economic development. Block-chain applications are accelerating landings, contributing to high-quality development in traditional industries, and accelerating industrial transformation. 区块链技术正在推动新一轮的商业模式变革,成为打造诚信社会体系的重要支撑。 Block chain technology is driving a new round of business model changes and is an important support for the formation of an honest social system. 《白皮书》指出,目前我国区块链产业链条已经初步形成。 As stated in the White Paper, the industrial chain of our block chains is now in its initial shape. 截止到2018年3月底,我国以区块链业务为主营业务的区块链公司数量达456家,从上游的硬件制造、平台服务、安全服务,到下游的产业技术应用服务,到保障产业发展的行业投融资、媒体、人才服务,各领域的公司已经基本完备。 By the end of March 2018, there were 456 block chain companies operating primarily in block chains, ranging from upstream hardware manufacturing, platform services, security services to downstream industrial technology applications, to industry financing, media and talent services, which guarantee industrial development. 从公司的地域分布状况来看,北京、上海、广东、浙江依然是区块链创业的集中地,四地合计占比超80%。除此以外,中国区块链创业活跃度前十名的省份(含特别行政区)还包括香港、江苏、四川、福建、湖北、重庆。 In addition to the geographical distribution of companies, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Zhejiang still constitute over 80% of the total number of block-chain entrepreneurs. The top 10 provinces (including the Special Administrative Region) of China’s block-chain entrepreneurial activity include Hong Kong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Fujian, Hubei, and Chongqing. 从区块链产业细分领域新成立公司分布状况来看,截止到2018年3月底,区块链领域的行业应用类公司数量最多。其中为金融行业应用服务的公司数量达到86家,为实体经济应用服务公司数量达到109家。 By the end of March 2018, the number of industry applications in the block chain was the largest. Of these, 86 companies served the financial sector and 109 companies served the real economy. 此外,区块链解决方案、底层平台、区块链媒体及社区领域的相关公司数量均在40家以上。 In addition, there are more than 40 companies involved in block chain solutions, bottom platforms, block chain media and community areas. 从融资轮次分布状况来看,目前有接近90%的投资事件集中在早期阶段(A轮及以前),另外有9%的投资事件属于战略投资,B轮及以后的投资事件占比仅为2%。 In terms of the distribution of financing rounds, close to 90 per cent of investment events are currently concentrated in the early stages (A rounds and earlier), with an additional 9 per cent of investment events being strategic, while the ratio of investment events in B rounds and beyond is only 2 per cent. 因此,区块链产业目前还处于非常早期的阶段。 As a result, the block chain industry is still at a very early stage. 《白皮书》指出,区块链技术正在被各行各业所认可,几乎在所有的产业场景都能落地应用,具有降成本、提效率、优化产业诚信环境的作用。 According to the White Paper, block chain technology is being recognized by all sectors and is being applied in almost all industrial settings, with the effect of reducing costs, increasing efficiency and optimizing the industry's integrity environment. 其中,区块链技术应用落地的主战场是实体经济产业领域,区块链技术的价值也将集中体现为落地产业场景后带来的价值增量。 Of these, the main battleground in which block chain technology applications are found is in the real economic industry, and the value of block chain technology will be concentrated on value additions resulting from sited industrial scenes. 基于区块链系统,数据可以被有效地确权,且数据要被多方验证,同时不可篡改,基本上可以较为有效地保障数据的真实性。 On the basis of block chain systems, data can be validly authenticated and validated by multiple sources of data, which cannot be tampered with, and which can generally be more effective in safeguarding the authenticity of data. 这种数据上链的过程,称为“可信数字化”。 The process of this data chain is referred to as “credible digitization”. 区块链技术实际上为传统的实体产业提供了一种“换道超车”一步到位直接实现“可信数字化”的机遇。 Block chain technology in fact provides an opportunity for the traditional real industry to “reliably digitalize” directly by putting in place a “reciprocal outlet”. 在区块链产业发展初期,通过“交易上链”,区块链技术要实事求是地为产业解决一些“小问题”,可从“降成本”和“提效率”两个方面推动传统产业的发展。 In the early stages of the development of the block chain industry, through the “transactional upper chain”, the block chain technology needs to be realistic about solving “small problems” for the industry and can contribute to the development of traditional industries in terms of both “cost reduction” and “efficiency”. 然而,技术滥用也导致产业发展存在一定的风险,不可忽视。《白皮书》指出,区块链行业仍面临两类风险:一方面是合规性风险,在区块链发展的早期阶段出现一批通过ICO(首次代币发行)进行非法集资、传销甚至是欺诈的项目。 However, the misuse of technology also leads to certain risks for industrial development, which cannot be ignored. The White Paper states that the block chain industry still faces two types of risks: on the one hand, compliance risks, and, in the early stages of the development of the block chain, a group of projects that illicitly collect, distribute, or even defraud through the ICO (first issue of tokens). 另一方面是技术层面的风险,诸如51%攻击,私钥和终端安全,共识机制安全以及传统的网络攻击方式,造成网络堵塞,造成分叉等等。 On the other hand, there are risks at the technical level, such as 51 per cent attacks, security of private keys and terminals, security of consensus mechanisms and traditional forms of cyberattacks that result in network congestion and fork. 除了区块链本身的技术漏洞,网络参与主体责任划分、账本数据最终归属、成本偏高、交易区块具有选择性等问题,也会导致区块链技术落地应用时会面临较大风险。 In addition to the technical gaps in the block chain itself, issues such as network participation in the division of principal responsibility, final attribution of book data, high cost and selectivity of trading blocks can also lead to greater risks in the application of block chain technologies. 《白皮书》认为,尽管目前区块链技术的应用场景仍然主要局限于金融领域,但未来区块链技术与实体经济产业深度融合的项目,即“产业区块链”项目,将会有较大的发展空间。 The White Paper argues that, while the current landscape for the application of block chain technology remains largely limited to the financial sector, there will be greater scope for future projects for the deep integration of block chain technology with the real economy, namely the “Industrial Block Chain” project. 《白皮书》指出,区块链作为“价值互联网”的重要基础设施,正在引领全球新一轮技术变革和产业变革。 The White Paper notes that block chains, as an important infrastructure for the “value Internet”, are leading a new round of technological and industrial change around the world. 中国区块链行业的技术创新正在加速,并且在一些相关技术上处于领先地位。下一阶段,将继续加快公链等价值互联网基础设施的建设进展,积极建设具有中国特色的区块链产业生态。 Technological innovation in China’s block chain industry is accelerating and is leading the way in a number of related technologies. The next phase will continue to accelerate the development of valuable Internet infrastructure, such as the public chain, and actively build a Chinese-characterized block chain industry ecology. 区块链领域也随之将成为创新创业的聚集地,技术应用将在未来三年将在实体经济中广泛落地,成为数字中国建设的重要支撑。 The area of block chains will then become a confluence of innovative entrepreneurship, and the application of technology will be widely available in the real economy over the next three years, providing important support for the construction of digital China. 此外,区块链打造新型平台经济,加速“可信数字化”进程,带动金融“脱虚向实”服务实体经济。 In addition, the block chain creates a new platform economy, accelerates the process of “credible digitization” and drives the financial “off-the-shelf” service entity economy. 同时,区块链监管和标准体系也将进一步完善,创造良好的发展环境,为产业区块链项目深入服务实体经济提供有力保障,违法违规的项目则将会受到严格监管。 At the same time, the system of block chain supervision and standards will be further refined to create a favourable environment for development and provide strong guarantees for industrial block chain projects to serve the real economy, while projects that violate the law will be subject to strict supervision. 来源:起风财经,先进制造业公众号(ID:amdaily)推荐阅读,转载请注明,违权必究,如涉及作品版权问题,请联系我们删除或做相关处理!本文编辑:微明 Source: Exploiting Finance, recommended for reading by the Advanced Manufacturing Public (ID:amdaily), reprinted and noted, in case of copyright violations, please contact us to delete or deal with the matter. Edition: Miao Ming. |
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