一日13%USDT跌下神坛 暴跌脱钩美元揭开收割机本质

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(原标题:一日13%USDT跌下“神坛” 暴跌脱钩美元揭开收割机本质)

华夏时报 记者 胡金华 上海报道

The summer Times, journalist Hu Jinhua, Shanghai.


In the encrypted digital currency market, 1=1暴雷”的消息在加密数字货币圈流传,彼时没人当一回事,但三天后却成真。而诡异的是,作为市场稳定币的USDT出现暴跌,以比特币为代表的其它数字货币却出现前一轮大跌后的飙涨。

Following up on global encrypted digital money, it can be seen that on October 15, USDT was subjected to a massive panic sale, with prices falling from 6.9 yuan to 6 yuan, a 13 per cent drop that day. This appears to be a premonition crash, and on October 12, “USDT cannot convert USD” to


“The rules governing transactions involving the purchase and sale of digital currencies are that they are exchanged in legal currencies, such as the renminbi, at the rate of exchange between the renminbi and the United States dollar, and that a USDT is always equal to US$ 1 and then sells other United States dollar currencies. Speculators who are intoxicated by the transaction do not think that this ‘market anchor’ will collapse one day and that, when currency transactions are unprofitable, the USDT becomes a tool for extracting the exchange rate difference between the French currency.” On October 16, a senior digital money dealer in Shanghai was interviewed by Wang Super.


preview of the fraud

在加密数字货币圈, USDT被设计的初衷就是替代美元参与市场交易和兑换的功能,他与美元之间是不会出现大的波动,更不可能出现暴跌,但是这种被业内普遍接受的“共识”,在一夜之间就被打破了。

In the crypto-digital currency ring, USDT was originally designed to replace the United States dollar for market transactions and conversions, and there was no major fluctuation between him and the dollar, much less a collapse, but this widely accepted “consensus” was broken overnight.


In the afternoon of October 15, USDT prices jumped. From 6.9 yuan to 6 yuan, a 13% drop, a large amount of USDTs were sold, the price of the stable currency could not cover the risk, and market participants had to choose to hold bitcoins to avoid the risk. At the same time, Bitcoin rose by 5.65% to break the US$ 7,500 mark.


“In fact, a few days ago, foreign Twitter and domestic micro-message spread news that the USDT could not convert to USD (US$) and was on the verge of thunderstorms. Poor market conditions, perhaps the trigger for investors to sell USDT in large numbers, were unstable, and market participants could only buy BTC and ETH hedge risks.


The Wigand Times reporter also found that the five-day deal in the currency ring was exactly the same as Zhang’s judgement. The pattern was to release the USDTL, forcing the USDT to sell it, causing the USDT to collapse, the money poured into the currency to push up the market, and the bankers “carry out” other currencies into the USDT, making money at both ends, leaving the house with their own bad luck.

10月18日, USDT与美元之间价格比创下去年底以来最低水平。此前USDT连续下跌的时间最长不过4天,如今,USDT已经创造了连续10天下跌的记录。此外,USDT的价格已连续六周没有出现过“溢价”,一直徘徊在1美元下方。同时,USDT成交量也在下降。根据CMC统计,USDT每日成交量已经触及了20亿美元低点,七日滚动成交量十月已触及23亿美元低点,刷新四个月来最低水平。

On October 18, the price ratio between USDT and the United States dollar was at its lowest level since the end of the year. Until then, the USDT had fallen for the longest of four consecutive days, and now the USDT has produced a record of 10 consecutive days of decline. Moreover, the USDT price, which has not been a “overprice” for six consecutive weeks, has been hovering under a dollar. Meanwhile, the USDT turnover has declined. According to CMC, USDT's daily turnover has reached a low of $2 billion, the seven-day rolling volume has reached a low of $2.3 billion in 10 months, and the lowest level has been updated in four months.

基于此, 有业内人士表示,USDT的幕后发行公司Tether越来越急于套现,毕竟对这家公司而言,发行USDT没有任何成本。

On the basis of this, it has been suggested by industry that the USDT behind-the-scenes issuer, Tether, is increasingly eager to set it up, after all, with no cost for the company to issue the USDT.


USDT conspiracies


A collapse that exposed the last layer of fraud masked by United States company Tether, the publisher of USDT, could even prove that the design distribution of USDT, pegged to the dollar, had evolved into a super-Ponzi scheme for almost a year.


“Tether claims to be in strict compliance with the 1:1 reserve guarantee, which means that for every USDT token issued, there will be a $1 guarantee in its bank account. Prior to September 15, 2017, Tether did so. According to an audit report issued by Friedman, Tether and Tether related companies had bank accounts totalling $443 million and Euro1590 (approximately US$ 1970). According to Coinmarkcap data, the value of the total circulation of USDT on the market on September 15, 2017 was $422 million. This means that the assets of Tether account matched the quantity released by USDT. But the essence of the USDT is changing over a year and a half.


The first was the silent acceleration of the release of USDT by the issuer, the United States company Tether, which issued only 59 million tokens by April 2017, but as of 15 October this year USDT issued more than 2.5 billion copies, a dramatic increase of more than 30 times.


The surge has raised questions from United States market experts.

“比特币价格上涨的50%都与Tether被打入交易所有关。当比特币价格下跌时,用Tether发行的USDT买入的量通常都会增加,从而令跌势逆转。而在比特币价格上涨时,相反的情况却并未出现。这意味着Tether被用于在跌势中保护比特币价格,即Tether被用于支撑甚至操纵加密货币价格。”美国德克萨斯大学教授David Colins曾在此前发表论文指出。

“Fifty% of the price increase in bitcoin is related to Tether’s entry into the exchange. When bitcoin prices fall, the volume of USDTs issued with Tether usually increases, reversing the decline.


There is no shortage of complaints about the USDT in the country.

在业内人士看来,所谓的区块链共识早已经土崩瓦解,加密数字货币也沦为一潭死水, Tether这家公司存在着操纵币价、审计不透明、与美国交易平台Bitfinex实为一家公司、和Nobe Bank有关联交易。

According to industry, the so-called block chain consensus has long since collapsed and the encrypted digital currency has been reduced to a dead end. Tether, a company with currency price manipulation, lack of transparency in auditing, a real deal with the American trading platform Bitfinex, and Nobe Bank.

值得关注的是,今年6月20日, Tether在全球投资的压力下发布了一份《透明报告》,但是报告中诸多关键信息没有透露。比如,并未透露Tether公司存放几十亿美元款项的银行;报告中陈述仅针对单日行情,没有对长达一年的USDT交易进行说明;报告也没有对Tether经营合法性与合规性得出任何结论;FSS并非一家会计事务所,报告的所有观点没有使用公认的会计准则进行确认和审查。

It is a matter of concern that, on 20 June this year, Tether released a Transparency Report under pressure from global investment, but many key information in the report remains undisclosed. For example, banks with billions of dollars in deposits by Tether have not been revealed; the report describes only single-day transactions and does not account for a year-long USDT transaction; the report does not draw any conclusions as to the legitimacy and compliance of Teth's operations; and the FSS is not an accounting firm, and all views reported are not validated and reviewed using accepted accounting standards.


The journalist in this newspaper has learned that the deadliest “hole” of the issuer of USDT is that the issuer, United States Tether, did not deposit the same dollar reserves in the relevant bank for more than three years, in accordance with the 1:1 principle.

在10月7日,有外媒Proof of Reasearch发文质疑与Tether进行USDT兑换交易的平台Bitfinex已丧失偿还能力,并警告用户取回资产。10月8日,Bitfinex股东赵东发微博指出,经Bitfinex同意发布信息的Bitfinex/Tether的CFO Giancarlo展示了Tether在Noble银行的USD余额只有66.78美元。

On October 7, foreign media Proof of Reasearch sent a communication challenging the USDT exchange deal with Tether's platform, Bitfinex, and warned users to recover the assets. On October 8, Bitfinex's shareholder, Zhao Dong-Fai Weibo, stated that Bitfinex/Tethe's CFO Giancarlo, who had agreed to release the information, showed that Teher had only $66.78 of the USD balance at Bank Noble.


This number scares the global market participants, because the market value of the USDT was $2.7 billion in October, and if there was only one reserve bank, it meant that either there was no more USDT in circulation, or Bitfinex/Teth had moved the money for him. After that, Zhao Dong explained that Tether’s assets did not exist at Noble Bank.


But apart from the issuer itself, who does not know which bank has the USDT dollar assets?




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