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: In a rapidly changing virtual currency market, it is essential to understand and master its unique trading rules, operational strategies, and professional terminology. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the time-specific nature of virtual currency transactions, the surging and falling mechanisms, the principle of transactionalization, and to decipher the common professional terms used in a range of transactions, so as to help you to understand the market context and move forward.



1. **交易时间**:虚拟货币市场全年无休,24小时不间断运转,无论昼夜均可交易。

1. ** Transaction time**: Virtual currency markets are open throughout the year and operate 24 hours a day, day and night.

2. **涨跌无界**:不同于股票设有涨跌停板,虚拟货币价格波动无上限,如比特币曾于某日狂飙超20%,尽显其市场自由度之高。

2. **Step and fall **: Unlike equities, where there is a standstill on ups and downs, there is no ceiling on the volatility of virtual currency prices, such as the one in which Bitcoins jumped by 20 per cent on a given day, showing the high degree of freedom of their markets.

3. **灵活交易单位**:投资者可购买极小额的虚拟货币,如0.0001BTC(约0.6元),无需受制于股票“一手”(100股)的最低买入门槛。

** Flexible trading units**: Investors can purchase very small virtual currencies, such as 0.0001 BTC (approximately $0.6), without being subject to the “one hand” threshold for equities (100 shares).

4. **T+0交易**:买入当日即可卖出,无需等待次日如股票般的T+1交割,赋予投资者极高的资金周转灵活性。

4. **T+0 transactions**: On the day of purchase, they can be sold without waiting for the next day's stock-like T+1, giving investors a very high degree of liquidity flexibility.

5. **提币变现无时限**:资金进出畅通无阻,随需提币变现,凸显市场高流动性优势。

5. ** Billion realizations are open-ended**: funds are freely available and available as required, highlighting the advantages of high market liquidity.


1. **限价交易**:投资者可设定低于现价的买入价或高于现价的卖出价,静待市场价格触及设定值时自动成交。然而,若设定价格与市价差距过大,可能导致订单长时间无法成交。

1. ** Price-limit transaction**: An investor may set a purchase price below or above the current price, waiting for the market price to be automatically paid when it touches the set value. However, an excessive difference between the set price and the market price may result in an order not being paid for long periods of time.

2. **市价交易**:选择当前市场价立即成交,确保交易时效性。但投资者下单前无法预知具体成交价,尤其在行情剧烈波动时,市价交易的不确定性风险显著提升。

2. ** Market transaction**: Selecting the current market price to be paid immediately to ensure the timeliness of the transaction. However, investors cannot predict the specific transaction value, especially in cases of volatile behaviour, where the risk of uncertainty in the market price transaction has increased significantly.

3. **成交铁律**:“价格优先,时间优先”。买方高价优于低价,卖方低价优于高价;同价位委托单,先挂单者先成交,遵循公平、高效的市场原则。

** Iron rule of deal**: “Priority is preferred, time is preferred.” Buyers have higher prices than lower prices, sellers have lower prices than higher prices, and orders of value are dealt with first, on first hand, in accordance with the principles of fair and efficient markets.


1. **仓位**:反映投资者实际投资金额与总资产的比例,直观体现资金分配状况。

1. ** Location**: Reflects the ratio of actual investment amounts of investors to total assets, and visualizes the distribution of funds.

2. **全仓、减仓、重仓、轻仓、空仓**:分别描绘投资者资金与虚拟货币的持有比例关系,全仓即全力投入,减仓为适度减持,重仓侧重虚拟货币,轻仓偏重资金留存,空仓则意味着清仓离场。

2. ** Full warehouse, reduced warehouse, heavy warehouse, light warehouse, empty warehouse**: separate depictions of the ratio of investors'funds to the holding ratio of virtual currency, full-scale investment, modest reduction, heavy warehouse focus on virtual currency, light warehouse preference for retention of funds, empty warehouse means clearing out.

3. **止盈、止损**:投资双保险,前者在盈利目标达成时卖出锁定收益,后者在亏损达到容忍限度时果断离场,以防损失扩大。

3. ** End-of-life and end-of-life**: double-investment insurance, whereby the former sells targeted earnings when profit targets are achieved, while the latter departs decisively when losses reach tolerance limits in order to prevent them from widening.

4. **牛市、熊市**:分别象征市场长期上行与下行趋势,牛市生机勃勃,熊市低迷压抑。

4. **Cows and Bears**: Each symbolizes a long-term upward and downward trend in the market, a vibrant cattle market and a low level of depression in Bears.

5. **多头(做多)、空头(做空)**:多头看涨买入,待价格上涨后卖出获利;空头看跌卖出(或借币卖出),待价格下跌后低价回补获利。

5. ** Multiple head (manufacturing) and empty head (manufacturing)**: many head-to-head purchases, after price increases are sold for profit; empty head-to-face sales (or loan-for-money) are sold for profit when price falls.

6. **建仓、补仓、全仓**:建仓即初次买入,补仓为分批买入以摊薄成本,全仓则是倾囊买入,展现不同买入策略。

6. ** Warehousing, silos, silos**: While the silos are first purchased, the silos are purchased in bulk at a cost of amortization, the silos are bought in sacks, showing different acquisition strategies.

7. **反弹、盘整、阴跌、跳水、割肉**:描述市场短期价格行为,反弹为急跌后的回升,盘整指价格波动微弱,阴跌为缓步下滑,跳水为暴跌,割肉为忍痛止损。

7. ** Reverse, plate, fall, dive, cut**: describing short-term price behaviour in the market, rebounding to a recovery after a sharp fall, weak price volatility in the plate, a slow drop in the vagina, a sharp drop in the water and a painful loss in the flesh.

8. **套牢、解套、踏空、超买、超卖**:揭示投资者买卖决策与市场实际走向间的矛盾,套牢为买入后价格下跌或卖出后价格上涨导致暂时亏损,解套为后续价格上涨扭亏为盈,踏空为看跌卖出后价格反而上涨错失盈利机会,超买、超卖则分别指市场过度看涨、看跌,预示价格可能反转。

8. ** Collapse, dissipation, emptiness, overpurchase, oversale**: reveals the contradiction between the decision to buy and sell by investors and the actual direction of the market, the temporary loss caused by price increases that fell or were sold after buying, and the loss of profit from subsequent price increases, and the overspending and overselling that results in a loss or loss of profit opportunities after a fall. Oversaw, oversold and oversaw, respectively, a possible reversal of prices.

9. **诱多、诱空**:市场操纵手段,诱多为空方制造假象引诱多方买入后打压价格,诱空为多方拉高价格诱导空方卖出后反手推升,警示投资者警惕市场陷阱。

9. ** Multi-trigger, emptied**: Market manipulation, which induces the creation of false pretenses for open parties to buy and then press prices, and the sale of multiple high-price lurers to push back, alerting investors to market traps.


Having the above-mentioned trading rules, strategies and terminology, like having a golden key to unlocking the virtual currency market, will help you to find a way to meet the investment challenges in a changing market.




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