四川新闻网成都6月8日讯(记者 李丹 张宇 摄影报道)数字天府,智投未来!6月8日下午,2020中国数字经济投融资“云路演”活动在成都举行。此次活动旨在搭建投融资服务对接平台,推动科技创新与优质资本融合,加快网络强省、数字四川、智慧社会建设,助力四川省数字经济创新发展。
On 8 June, in Chengdu, China's Digital Economy Investment Finance “Yun Lug” event was held. The event aimed to set up a docking platform for investment finance services, promote the integration of science, technology and innovation with high-quality capital, accelerate the building of a digital economy in the province of Cyber Jiang, Digital Sichuan, and intelligent society, and contribute to the development of digital economic innovation in the province of Sichuan.
The event was one of the side events of the Sichuan Province Conference on Services Development, with the participation of representatives of well-known national investment financing institutions, experts and business representatives.
"The project that I brought with me today is a one-stop photo processing and peaceful design platform, Fotor." The road scene, which is a direct theme of the founder of the HeteroTechnology Limited, says, "The first time you think about PS is about image processing. But the PS is relatively complicated, and most ordinary users don't use PS."
He said that Fotor was committed to providing a simple, easy-to-use tool to help users with efficient and quick photo processing and graphic design, and that “many of our users are overseas users. Fortor now has access to international markets, has more than 450 million users abroad, has more than 1 billion cumulative photos processed, and accumulates more than $10 million in creative income.”
Ford is known to cover desktop systems (Mac and Windows), online image-processing websites (on-line image processing based on browsers) and mobile devices (iOS and Android) and to be the largest image products on global coverage terminal platforms. Companies have the only core proprietary technology in the field of digital image dynamic matching technology in the country, and focus on research and application of products and solutions in this area.
In this performance, the Rivers expressed their desire to introduce a new round of financing for Fotor technology, precision in algorithms, and expansion of the market size.
Journalists learned that the chart is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and high-quality image product and solutions for professional and average digital image users around the world, sharing with global users the wonderful experience of leading image technology, the sword being the world's leading digital image technology company.
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