On the morning of 18 June 2020, at about 7 a.m., Ho Chihua, who had just returned from Malaysia 14 days earlier, was arrested by the Shanghai Police after a hotel in Guangzhou had been released from medical isolation.
"I travelled there with my girlfriend, just the two of us." After that, he argued that he was on his March trip.
“Do you know her? When she comes back from the same flight as you, we already know what you did there.”
And at that moment, he was knocked out, and he wanted to do it with his heart. He came back for a few days, and he didn't get a moment of freedom.
In the early part of March, when Ms. Tao, who liked to play with the stock market, went to a video site, noticed that a stock investment video was rolling the "free offer, plus QQ" note. In a try-and-see attitude, Ms. Tao joined a group of QQs called "strong shares", and `strong' was then pulled into the live room.
The protagonists in the live room, Sun Chonghua, Han Shao and others, analyzed the stock market to the top of their head, and some often boasted that the teacher's lecture was good, that it was right, and that quickly gained the confidence of many of the shareholders in the live room.
In April of the same year, the Maestro told us in the live room that the stock market had been bad in the recent past, that 原本,陶女士这种老股民对“时兴货”虚拟币兴意阑珊。但直播间“大师”的一通力荐,却让她有些心动了。随后,“孙大师”“韩大师”相继找她私聊,又为她详细分析数字虚拟币的涨势。 Formerly, Ms. Tao, an old shareholder, was interested in the “time-changing” virtual currency. But she was moved by an introduction to the “master” during the live broadcast. {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}S] {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00}S] {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00}S] {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00}.
很快,群里名为“追风少年”的投资者也私信告诉她,自己买这两款虚拟币赚了不少钱。这下,陶女士真的“跃跃欲试”。恰在此时,群里的“助理雅洁”又来找她私聊,“手把手”教她下载BOX软件后,迅速在平台上购买了8万余元虚拟币。 > quickly, the group's investors, called "Stalky Boys", personally told her that they had made a lot of money by buying the two virtual coins themselves. Ms. Tao really wanted to jump on it. At this point, the group's "Associate Jajee" came to talk to her privately and "hand hands" taught her to download the BoX software, and quickly bought over 80,000 dollars of virtual coins on the platform. 买入后,平台显示陶女士持有的虚拟币价值持续上涨,一天不到的时间已经赚了4万多,顺利将“第一桶金”提现后,陶女士悬着的心总算放下了,之后两天内,她直接将购买金额追加到了300多万。 After the purchase, the platform showed that Ms. Tao's virtual currency value continued to rise, that less than 40,000 dollars had already been earned in less than a day, that Ms. Tao's heart had finally been lifted, and that in the next two days, 但这一次买入后,陶女士却被告知有45天锁仓期,再后来她就再也无法登陆BOX平台了,群里的人也都没了音讯。 But after this buy-in, Ms. Tao was told there was a 45-day lock-up period, and then she couldn't access the BoX platform anymore, and the crowd didn't hear from him. 300多万的投资就这样打了水漂,如此急转直下的“剧情”,才让陶女士意识到自己受骗了。 That's how the over 3 million investment went off, so quickly that Ms. Tao realized that she was being deceived. 事实上,像陶女士这样的被骗投资人不止一个,分布江苏、广州等各地。见损失难以挽回,5月下旬,陶女士等人陆续向警方报案,经过缜密侦查,一个组织严密、分工明确的跨境网络电信犯罪团伙浮出水面。 In fact, there are more than one defrauded investors like Ms. Tao, spread across Jiangsu and Guangzhou.
Except for Ms. Tao,
According to Ho Se-Wak, at the end of February, a friend, Jin-ho, invited him to participate in the “big deal” – using backstage manipulation of the BoX software, which was one of his recruits, through the payment of a base salary and a high level of financing, and the harmonization of travel and accommodation.
In March, when you arrived in Malaysia,
"We're divided into three groups, and he's usually using the Whatsapp software to give us a voice, a job, etc.." He and Chen Bong-song, Liu Xiaoting, who, according to Jin Jianlin, are also involved in each of them, acting as “masters”, “Asssociate dated” and “investors,” lured clients into investing in virtual currency on the platform. and the BOX platform's up and down is controlled by a behind-the-scenes company called the Great Zone, and the data are controlled by the back desk. "The first entry can be cashed, the second time the money can't come out, and we usually don't return the QQ.
After cutting off this big wave of stubbles, he started to “strong the corpses”, and on April 26
After handling the case, the Yangpu District Prosecutor's Office conducted a comprehensive analysis of the evidence and characterization of the case, produced a chart of the division of labour among the gang's member organizations and statistics of the amounts involved, and set up a tight evidence chain. It was found that Ho Chihua et al., with the aim of illegal possession, used an offshore network to recommend stocks, build confidence and induce investments, prevented victims from investing in virtual money on illegal websites and deceived five victims throughout the country, for a total of more than 8 million yuan, who were suspected of having committed fraud.
After the prosecutor's explanation, Ho Chihua et al. pleaded guilty and offered to return more than a million. The court handed down a verdict against six of them in accordance with the law, following an indictment filed by the Yangpu District Attorney's Office.
The prosecutor in charge of the case described the case as a typical case of telecommunications fraud, with a careful division of labour within criminal groups and a pattern of crime characterized by specialization, intelligence, etc.
The Prosecutor cautions that fraudsters, under the guise of financial investment, work closely together to ensure that the victim is deceived until it is discovered too late. The telecommunications networks of “live-in”, “high-interest returns” and “system lock-in” fraud of high-frequency terms must be kept more vigilant about such fraudulent methods.
It's all an alias.
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