(原标题:One of the Co-Founders of Bitcoin.com Has Sold All of His Bitcoin)
网易科技讯12月19日消息,据Futurism报道,比特币网(Bitcoin.com)是世界上最大的比特币网站之一,由于今年加密货币的价格疯狂飙升,它的地位也水涨船高。但是比特币网联合创始人兼首席技术官埃米尔·奥尔登堡(Emil Oldenburg)似乎对比特币的未来充满怀疑。
According to Futurism, on December 19, the Bitcoin.com is one of the largest Bitcoin websites in the world, and its status is rising because of this year's encryption 现金。”奥尔登堡还认为,比特币交易成本高,交货时间也过长。
In an interview with the Swedish technology website Breakit, Oldenburg stated: “I would like to say that the investment in Bitcoin is currently the most risky and risky investment you can make. In fact, I recently sold all bitcoin, instead of using bitcoin to be delivered over a very long period of time.
的确,从某些方面来看,比特币交易费用每三个月就会翻一番,而现在确认比特币交易的平均时间为4.5小时。科技媒体Ars Technica报道称,最近比特币交易费用达到了26美元。比特币网从事所有与比特币有关的服务。分析网站Similarweb表示,这个以东京为基地,但注册在S:t Kitts的网站,每月有数千万的独立访问者。比特币网最大的一笔收入流就是所谓的比特币“矿池”,它在这里锻造市场上发布的新加密货币。
Indeed, in some ways, bitcoin transaction costs are doubled every three months, and the average time for bitcoin transactions is now confirmed at 4.5 hours. The techno-media Ars Technica reported that bitcoin trading costs recently amounted to $26. Bitcoin’s network is engaged in all bitcoin-related services. Analysis website Simlarweb states that this site, based in Tokyo, has tens of millions of independent visitors per month registered at S:tKitts. The largest income stream on bitcoin is the so-called Bitcoin “silo”, where it produces new encrypted currency.
Oldenburg did not want to disclose any income figures, much less “a large amount of money”, even at the individual level. He said, “Like my 60 colleagues in Tokyo, salaries for the past three years have come from bitcoin.” But, according to Swedish experts in bitcoin, it is time to change bitcoin cash. One of the reasons for this shift is that bitcoin’s market liquidity – or lack of liquidity.
Oldenburg says that people do not understand the risks inherent in holding bitcoin for the simple reason that so far most people have only bought bitcoin but never sold or traded it. He says, "When people realize that this is how it works, they start selling it. The old bitcoin network may not work."
Oldenburg admits that trading or trading in bitcoins is not a problem today, but when bitcoin transactions are recorded in block chains, that is, using digital ledgers to record every transaction, the problem arises. At the heart of the problem is that the volume of transactions you handle in bitcoins is limited per second, depending on the “block size” of the memory.
As new investors rush into markets to pursue quick returns, transaction costs seem to be rising. While these major problems and “a 12-hour trading time” can be solved, Oldenburg sees no sign of change, because it is run by an old Bitcoin network, which he calls a “frenched bitcoin ban.”
Ironically, Oldenburg states that the Bitcoin network is distanced from Bitcoin, and has even stopped developing new services for bitcoin, focusing instead on the development of bitcoin cash. Bitcoin cash is the currency that was separated from bitcoin in August, and has recently gone beyond it to become the second largest encrypted currency in the world.
All in all, Oldenburg does not believe that bitcoin will become the currency people use everyday. He says, “So long as the network is run by these people (in the old bitcoin network), these solutions will be found in bitcoin cash, and I will see the future there.”
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