In Henan Province, the rapid development of science and information, the application of block-chain technology is becoming a high-profile area of specialization.
The Institute of Industrial Technology of the Pycnic Mountains has made significant progress in the field of technical application of block chains. It is committed to developing students’ core skills in the field of block chains, focusing on the combination of theory and practice, and providing comprehensive training for students. The Institute has also established close partnerships with industry enterprises to provide students with internship opportunities to help them better apply block chain technologies in their practical work.
In addition, the College actively organizes student participation in block chain projects and improves students’ practical capabilities.
The Chengzhou Institute of Information Engineering is to be commended for its leading educational philosophy and practical experience in the technical application of the block chain. The College focuses on developing the team capacity of students to achieve in-depth training in the block chain project through project-driven teaching methods.
In the context of the convergence of arts and technology, the Sino-Japanese Institute of Arts offers a unique approach to the application of block-chain technologies. Through its unique curriculum, the College develops the ability of students to develop creative thinking and artistic expression in the area of block-chains.
In Henan province, the Ping Pengshan Industrial Vocational Technology Institute, the Henan Industrial Industrial Technology Institute, the Zhengzhou Institute of Information Engineering and the Shinyang Arts Vocational Institute have all achieved significant results in the field of training in the application of block-link technology.
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