bitcoin is certainly well known. Do you know what kind of currency Maske also claims to bring a dog's coin to the moon because of the fact that this phrase has led to a recent increase in the market value of the puppies, you know what kind of currency they are?
A total of 120 exchanges are now on board, of which the most popular deals are 一、注册 如果你还没有交易所的账号,请先注册。 If you don't have an exchange account, sign in first. 1. 点击https://www.gateio.rocks/交易所官网进行注册,注意网上假冒的交易所很多,大家一定要小心辨别。 1. Registered by clicking on https://www.gateio.rocks/ exchange network, it is important to be careful to identify the number of fake online exchanges. 2. 进入之后,应该是下面的样式,大家可以选择用手机注册,或者用邮箱注册。接下来将你的信息填写好。 When you enter, it should be the following style, and you can choose to register on a mobile phone or in a mailbox.
3.全部填好之后,点击下一步,这里是设置你的资金密码,就像在银行设置的转账密码,点击立即注册。 When all are filled out, click on the next step, here is your money password, like a transfer password in a bank, to register immediately.
4.下一步完成谷歌认证。 4. The next step is to complete Google Certification.
5.完成谷歌认证。按照要求点击就好,这里很费眼睛,要花点时间 5. Google certification. Just click as required. It takes a lot of eyes. It takes a little time.
6.完成之后,这里他会给你注册手机发验证码: When it's done, he'll send you a license code for your registered cell phone:
7.填好验证码之后,就正式进入了交易所,到了这个页面: 7. Once the authentication code was filled, the exchange was officially entered to this page:
二、法币交易 II, transactions in French 在Gate.io交易所里,是不能拿人民币买到狗狗币的,只能先将人民币换成数字货币之后,再用数字货币去买狗狗币。 In the Gate.io Exchange > /strang >, the renminbi cannot be bought with the renminbi, but only with a digital currency after . 首先,我们选择购买方式,我们可以选择支付宝,或者微信,然后输入你想要买的金额,这里我想买1000块的USTD,最后点击买入。 First of all, we choose the way to buy, and we can choose to pay the treasure, or we can type in the amount you want to buy, and here I want to buy $1,000 UST, and then click on it.
三、币币交易 1.在左边搜索框,输入DOGE ,就是狗狗币的代码,这时候可以看到很多个交易对出来。 On the left, enter DOGE, which is the code for dog coins, at which point many transactions can be identified.
2.我们选择第二个:DOGE_USTD, 注意千万不要选合约,那个是去买期货。 We choose the second one: DOGE_USTD, be careful not to choose a contract, which is to buy futures.
3.选择之后,我们就到了正式买狗狗币的页面 After the choice, we went to the page where we officially bought the dog money.
狗币自有一套策略,它并不走比特币的赚钱路线,而是很好地利用了美国的“小费文化”。这种被视作是对服务者的捐赠或跪拜的谦卑姿态,也在互联网上广泛使用。比起昂贵的比特币,狗币门槛更低,而且更“萌”,系统上线一周后,狗币已经成为美国互联网中第二受欢迎的“小费电子货币”。在日益膨胀的电子货币市场当中,狗币算是定位到一个利基市场。 The dog coin has its own strategy, which does not follow 狗狗币(DOGE)经常被当成是加密社区的笑话,因为狗狗币本身是基于昔日的一个玩笑而诞生的。然而,许多粉丝和分析家声称DOGE及其成员不是一些可笑的人。相反,该项目由Jackson Palmer和Billy Markus 共同创建,应该是一个模型加密货币网络,即使在2018年的市场低迷时期,它仍然是一个相当活跃的网络。 However, many fans and analysts claim that DOGE and its members are not some ridiculous people. Instead, the project, which was created by Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus, should be a model-encrypted monetary network, which is still quite active even during the market downturn of 2018. 加拿大加密货币研究员凯文?罗克(Kevin Rooke)最近在推特发表观点认为狗狗币的基础网络经历了时间的考验。 Kevin Rooke, an encrypted currency researcher in Canada, recently posted on Twitter the view that the base network of dog money has passed the test of time. Dogecoin在2018年12月的平均每日活跃地址比2017年12月更多,除了比特币和以太坊之外,狗狗币是第三日常活跃地址最多的加密货币。 The average daily active address of Dogecoin in December 2018 was higher than in December 2017 than in December 2017, except for Rooke, citing data from Messari's On ChainFX, states that Dogecoin is second only to Bitcoin and , which has reached 72,955 in the past day. 加拿大加密货币研究人员还指出,Dogecoin目前的有效地址数高于2017年12月的平均值,表明DOGE用于小额支付,社区小费以及快速,审查和不可改变的交易仍然是加密用户眼中的一个有前途的项目。 Canadian encrypt currency researchers also noted that Dogecoin's current number of valid addresses was higher than the December 2017 average, indicating that DOGE was used for small payments, community tips and fast, review and unalterable transactions remained a promising project in the eyes of encryption users. 然而,这只是冰山一角,因为狗狗币在24小时交易价值方面表现优异。在过去的一天里,该网络有29,949笔交易共价值2.64亿美元 。 However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, because the doggies perform well in terms of the value of 24-hour transactions. In the past day, the network has had 29,949 transactions worth $264 million. 这不是第一次Rooke引起人们对Dogecoin作为网络价值的关注。9月份,他在推特提供了一个有趣的研究方法。当时,他赞扬了Dogecoin的交易吞吐量,比特币现金,8倍Litecoin,13x Dash,35x Decred和41x Bitcoin Gold的3倍 。 This is not the first time that Rooke has drawn attention to the value of Dogecoin as a network. In September, he provided an interesting research method on Twitter. At that time, he praised Dogecoin for trading throughput, which was eight times as much in bitcoin cash, 13 x Dash, 35x Decred and 41x bitcoin Gold. 其实狗狗币拥有其他币没有的气质,荒诞不经、没用可笑,现在美韭社区就是想用这种气质去打脸对冲基金,加上马斯克又多次给狗狗币助力打CALL,尤其是狗狗币过往价格、市值整体偏低,对于投资者来说,操控市值较高的主流币种需要更多投入,选择狗狗币是因为其操作空间大,拉盘压力更小,不过币圈老玩家觉得狗狗币没有太大价值,早期被用作打赏,后来也没推广开来,在这波DeFi浪潮中和大部分老一代的POW币一样几乎没有起色。 In fact, the puppies have the gas that no other currency has, which is absurd and ridiculous, and now the American community wants to use it to hit the hedge fund, plus Maske's many times to hit the collegiate CALL, especially the past price of the puppies and the overall low market value. For investors, the dominant currency, which controls higher market value, requires more input. The puppies are chosen because it has more space to operate and less pressure to pull, but . 上述就是狗狗币怎么买?DOGE/狗狗币买入和交易教程(Gate.io交易所)的详细内容,更多关于DOGE/狗狗币买入和交易的资料请关注币大师(www.99Hufu.com)其它相关文章! This is how dog money is bought. Details about the DOGE/dog money buying and trading curriculum (Gate.io Exchange) and more information about DOGE/dog money buying and trading can be found in other relevant articles of the Master of Currency (www.99Hufu.com).
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