
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:59 评论:0



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• The Technical Reference Framework for Block Chains and Distributed Accountancy (hereinafter referred to as the “National Technical Standards for Block Chains”) was recently officially released and will be implemented on 1 December 2023, the country's first approved national standards in the technical area of block chain.


International Finance Journal journalists have recently carried out interviews with a number of participants in the development of the standards, learning that the standards provide a frame of reference for the application of block-chain technology and industrial development, including user views, functional views, realization views and deployment views. In the functional architecture, they include user layers, service layers, core layers, basement layers and a set of cross-layer functions. Depending on the application landscape, it is possible to selectively add smart contracts that automatically implement preset logics.


“With the publication of national standards in the technical area of the block chain, we will promote the development and application of our block chain industry standards and the development of a technologically autonomous block chain system. The proposed standards will facilitate the development of a standardized product solution that will allow the block chain industry to develop from small-scale pilot to large-scale applications.” Those involved in the development of the standards expressed to journalists.


elaborates on national standards in the technical area of the first block chain


The block chain is a new database software that integrates a variety of technologies, such as distributed networks, encryption technologies, smart contracts, etc., and is an important component of the new generation of information technology and an important technological support for the development of the digital economy. National standards for block chain technology are the basic, universal criteria that guide technological applications and industrial development in the country and regulate the functional structure, core elements, etc. of block chain systems, which are currently being applied in hundreds of typical block chain enterprises.


The standard defines the block chain as a model for the implementation and management of transactions in a reciprocal network setting, through transparent and credible rules, of non-false, non-frozen and retraceable piece data structures. Chen Hong, the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Henbit Technologies Ltd. in Beijing, who participated in the development of the standard, said that the definition had three key words: a credible rule, i.e., a consensus mechanism; a data structure that guaranteed that data could not be tampered with, traceable and auditable through a multi-storage chain data structure; and a sector-chain technology that was used to deal with matters and that, through joint operation of smart contracts at multiple points, could make the handling of matters more equitable, reliable and efficient.


Journalists learned that the block chain technical national standards provide reference architecture norms for the technical application and industrial development of the block chain, including user views, functional views, realization views, and deployment views. In the user view, participatory role norms have been developed because the block chain is a multi-partite system. The block chain reference architecture defines three main players: the block chain service client, the block chain service provider and the block chain service interface, and identifies the business relationships between the various players, and regulates the content and process of the various services.


In terms of the functional view, in order to better serve the industry, the regulation of block chain functional components has been developed, and the functional structure describes the components through a stratification framework. In the tiered framework, specific types of functions are grouped into layers, where adjacent components interact through interfaces.


In terms of functional structure, the standard includes user layers, service layers, core layers and a group of cross-layer functions. User layer functional components include user functions, business functions and management functions. Service layer functional components include access management, node management and booking applications. Core layer functional components include consensus mechanisms, book records, encryption, summaries, digital signatures, time-series services and smart contracts.


Base-level functional components include e-networks, storage and computing. Cross-layered functional subsets include development, operation, security, supervision and auditing. Core elements are concentrated on the core layer, including, in particular, the mechanism of consensus among nodes and the data and account records above the consensus mechanism; time-series service modules provide a uniform time series for block chain systems; modules such as encryption, digests and digital signatures guarantee secure compliance with block chain systems and tamper-proofing. Moreover, depending on the application scenario, intelligent contracts that automatically execute preset logic can be selectively added.


“The standards, which provide guidance on the concept of a unified block chain for industry, the construction of a perfect block chain system and the use of the block chain service through the regulation of the functional structure, core elements, etc., contribute to the development of a set of complementary block chain standards and provide a technologically neutral reference point for defining the block chain criteria.” Dow, the head of the block chain laboratory and member of the Technical Committee on Technical Standardization of Block Chains and Distributed Accounts, informed journalists.


promotes block chain technology applications and industrial development


The national standards of the Block Chain and Distributed Accountancy Technical Reference Frame provide guidance for industry to harmonize their understanding of the block chain concept, to build a well-developed block chain system, to select the use of block chain services, and to promote the application of block chain technology and industrial development.


Du-woo noted that the technological application and industrial development of the block chain are currently at a fast-growing stage, but that there is a certain amount of blindness in the application of the block chain, owing to the fact that national and international standards in the area of the block chain are still lacking, the fragmentation of the industry and its application. At the same time, the complexity and diversity of the block chain technology and the lack of a well-developed system of standards and norms in the block chain industry are lacking.


“The technical application and industrial development of the block chain are now well advanced in all sectors, with a number of industry standards developed, but there are also problems related to the lack of uniform national standards, the large number of bottom platforms and the difficulty of operating across chains.” Chen Honghang noted that, following the issuance of national standards in the technical area of the block chain, guidance was provided for the development and revision of standards for the sector-by-sector block chain, the development and application of standards for the sector-by-sector industry was promoted, leading to standardized product solutions, replication in all sectors, cross-linkage promotion, the development of the sector-chain industry from small-scale pilot to large-scale applications, and the fostering of the country's application of sector-chain industries with significant economic and social benefits.


The Chairman of the IEEE Computer Association Committee for the Standardization of Block Chains and Distributed Accounts, who participated in the development of the standards, told journalists that this was the first national standard in the technical area of the block chain to be known what was a block chain, what was a distributed technology and what were the relevant parties in the block chain industry, what were the core components and functions of the block chain system (consensus mechanisms, book records, password services, smart contracts, etc.) that would help to build consensus in the sector chain industry.


According to Li Ming, “The building of consensus in the block chain industry requires more people to understand the standards, we plan to conduct a standard-setting exercise in the main cities of the country, we may also find projects for piloting, we will also evaluate the block chain projects in the current industry on the basis of the criteria, and we will hold competitions on a continuous basis to make the standards known and used more widely.”


Dowu stated that national standards in the technical area of block chains harmonized standards and norms, clarified the functional view and its relationship, and provided a description of user roles and functional components, which, when implemented, would promote standardization, standardization and scalability of block chain technology applications and industrial development. The future of standardization would help to reduce the risks of technology implementation and application, increase the credibility and reliability of technology and increase the confidence of users and businesses in block chain technology. At the same time, standardization would provide a common reference framework for industry, promote cooperation and innovation and facilitate cross-border applications and commercialization of technology.

记者 | 余继超





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