你可能认为自己从未听说过Laszlo Hanyecz,这名在线上零售公司GoRuck上班的佛罗里达程序员。而事实上你错了——Hanyecz就是在2010年5月22日用10000枚比特币从棒!约翰(Papa John’s)购买两个披萨饼背后的那个人,正是这次颇具启发性的购买才让我们有可能在上周举行比特币披萨节8周年纪念日庆典。
You may think you've never heard of Laszlo Hanyecz, a Florida programmer working for the online retail company GoRuck. In fact, you were wrong — Hanyecz was the one who bought two pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins on May 22, 2010. It was this enlightening purchase that made it possible for us to celebrate the eighth anniversary of Bitcoin Pizza last week.
但这笔交易不可能只涉及到一个人。Jeremy Sturdivant,也叫Jercos,也参与了那笔最初的比特币披萨交易,他就是那笔10000枚比特币交易的接收人,其交换物只是两个披萨。
But the deal cannot involve only one person. Jeremy Sturdivant, also known as Jercos, was involved in the original bitcoin pizza deal, he was the recipient of the 10,000 bitcoin deal, in exchange for only two pizzas.
With this record of the first physical transactions since the birth of T.I., the usage of Bitcoin has become popular, and customers can now make real estate transactions in Bitcoin, online shopping, aircraft reservations and, of course, pizza purchases.
This week, Cointelegraph had the opportunity to interview both Laszlo and Jeremy, who expressed their views on the impact of Bitcoin, the “bitcoin pizza” and what kind of pizza they preferred most.
Cointelegraph (hereinafter CT): You may be asked this question a lot, but I still want to ask. We all know that 1,000 bitcoins are worth about $80 million now. Would you regret paying two pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins?
Laszlo Hanyecz(以下称LH):额,这个嘛,我并不后悔。我认为能以这种方式成为比特币早期历史的一部分,这种感觉很不错。人们知道有关披萨的事,这个故事很有趣,因为每个人都会发出类似的感叹,比发,“哦,天啦,你花了那么一笔钱!”我还在论坛上给人们提供技术支持,将比特币带到MacOS上,要知道,还有一些其他的东西,比如修复漏洞等等,我一直推广人们使用比特币,用它买披萨只是我的一种方法。我没想到它会变得这样受欢迎,但它确实已经成为一个很吸引人的故事。
Laszlo Hanyecz (hereinafter LH): Well, I don't regret it. I think it's a good feeling to be part of Bitcoin's early history in this way. It's interesting to know about pizza, because everybody's going to make a similar sigh, and it's going to be like, "Oh, my God, you spent that money!" I'm also providing technical support to people at the forum, bringing bitcoin to Macos, knowing that there are other things, like fixing holes and so on, and I've been promoting the use of bitcoin, and buying pizza with it is just one of my methods. I didn't expect it to be so popular, but it has indeed become an attractive story.
CT: Do you now use bitcoin in your daily life?
LH: Yeah, I will, I'll do what I can to use bitcoin. I've bought a lot of things with it over the years, I've been dealing with bitcoin software or something like that, and I've tried to use it as a hobby.
But I'm not using bitcoin too much in face-to-face payments, and I'm mainly using it for online payments. That's one of the things I like to focus on. I prefer to use it online. As for face-to-face transactions, I don't think it's the best way. It's often more frustrating, because bitcoin should be better than it is now, right?
CT: What's your favorite encrypted currency?
IH: Bitcoin!
CT: 你最喜欢的披萨是什么?
What's your favorite pizza?
HT: 披萨?我喜欢至尊披萨。
HT: Pizza? I like the Great Pizza.
CT: In your original Bitcoin Pizza Post, you wonder whether you buy pizza or a hotel dinner. What's your ideal hotel breakfast plate?
IH: Oh, I don't know. I like eggs, bacon, pancakes -- uh, standard formulation.
Let me explain why I compared them -- a picture that appeared in my head, and I picked up the phone, and I said, "Hello, have breakfast in room 123," and I took it to my account, and I had the food in my hand -- and I don't care what they did. It was contractual or awesome! John's or who sent it. I wanted to make it clear that I didn't want anybody to send me a gift card! John's gift card, or a Domino credit card -- and I wanted food, and I wanted to pay for it in bitcoin. If I could buy food in bitcoin, it was as real as any money, right?
CT: Does your current work involve the use of encrypted currency?
LH: I don't like to do it as a major business, and it's just a side job for me. I know it's a little weird for everyone, but I think it makes me more interesting than saying, "Oh, well, let's do some encrypted money business" or something like, like, nine or five, and I don't want to be the kind of guy who starts an ICO scam or something like that.
In my recent work, I convinced people to accept Bitcoin, and as a developer, I integrated it into our website. We wanted to see how it worked. People here are excited, they're excited about everything I've done. So we're trying. I'm applying my hobby to work, so when you can do it, it's cool.
CT: In addition to bitcoin, have you ever thought about buying pizza in any other encrypted currency?
LH: I like bitcoin. Early on, I was in touch with bitcoin. For me, 90% of the code for bounties or any other currency you want to call was just a copy of the code that pasted bitcoin, and they changed the sign or slightly modified it. I'm not interested in that, and all I'm interested in is bitcoin.
CT: Do you think your original experience of buying pizzas in bitcoin directly affects your ability to buy pizzas and other foods in bitcoin now?
LH: I like to think about what I'm doing. But I think if it wasn't for me, someone else would have done it. It might not be for pizza. But I think Bitcoin is meant to be stronger, but I don't know what all the stuff that supports Bitcoin is -- I mean, I've been working for months and I've figured out how to dig mine, and I'm the first GPU to dig mine software -- and that's how I got these bitcoins so I can spend it.
CT: Do you think it makes sense now that people use bitcoin for pizza shopping?
LH: If everyone wants to pay pizza with bitcoin now, it's not realistic -- they'll try it this way, and then they'll find out their deal hasn't been confirmed for a long time, reducing their interest. That's the problem we're having today, isn't it?
Last December, everyone shouted, "Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin," and then, "Oh, my God, my deal has been stuck for 12 hours. What's wrong, this thing sucks." People know how it works, we actually know how transaction costs change, and so on, so I think it's really exciting, but I don't know how it goes, and I think it's really interesting.
CT: How can Bitcoin be used more widely?
LH: I know you're already reporting when I bought pizza on the lightning network. I feel that things like the lightning network or something like that will eventually become mainstream and useful to people. I think it's only then that the face-to-face use of bitcoin will be more interesting.
CT: How do you think the lightning network will mainstream Bitcoin?
LH: The lightning network is not perfect, it is problematic, and it can be abused in a variety of contexts. It points in the direction and takes a step, and for me, if something like the lightning network succeeds, I think you'll see every online retailer switch to it, because no one wants to use a MasterCard, a Visa or a Paypal.
I think that the lightning network is definitely the way forward, and it will bring more availability to people, because it does make immediate payments, and Bitcoin is not. If you accept zero confirmation payments, you're not right. If you trust people, that's okay – because credit cards are the same thing – you get only one commitment today, and you haven't really received the money. So, in some business activities, this is a good model, but it is not the spirit of Bitcoin, and you shouldn't believe anyone, and you should say, “Hey, I have this bitcoin, which is encryption proof.” The lightning network can also give us privacy, which people thought they had.
CT: In a photo of your family eating the Lightning Web Pizza, your children are wearing T-shirts with the words “I< 3Bitcoin”. Have you taught your children about bitcoin?
LH: Liam is my son, he is 7 years old, and my daughter Amy is 9 years old. They have their own banknote wallets, and they own a thousand bitcoins or something like that. I showed them how to use GDAX and similar exchanges. I made a bookmark on their computers so they could check prices. I showed them how to multiply one in a thousand bits of bitcoins by a price, something like that.
I spend time explaining to them, and they ask:
- Dad, what are you doing?
- Bitcoin.
- Oh, what's Bitcoin?
My children are very young, and I can't explain market forces and similar things to them, but they also know that the more bitcoins, the better, the bitcoins, the better. I'm in bitcoins. I try to teach them how to learn, and I think when they grow up, I'll try to teach them more technical knowledge.
Jercos ——将两个披萨卖掉,赚了10000枚比特币的人
Jercos -- the man who sold two pizzas and made 10,000 bitcoins.
Cointelegraph也有幸采访了Jeremy Sturdivant,他就是那名参与了最初的比特币披萨交易的称为Jercos的人,他将两个披萨卖出去,收到10000枚比特币。Sturdivant告诉CT,他将Hanyecz的比特币换成了价值数百美元的法币,并用来度了一次假。他说“在某种程度上”,他在日常生活中仍然会使用比特币:“做独立的订单分包工作带来了各种形式的钱,我已经用比特币、莱特币、甚至是狗狗币来支付了。我当地的杂货店不接受它,所以除了网购外,我经常把它们在网上消费掉[...] 我有时间玩电子游戏,Steam, Humble store和其他电子游戏零售商在很多时候都接受比特币支付。当然,我大部分Steam装备都是用比特币支付购买的。”
Cointellect also had the pleasure of interviewing Jeremy Sturdivant, who was the same person who was involved in the initial Bitcos pizza deal as Jercos, who sold two pizzas and received 10,000 bitcoins. Sturdivant told CT that he had swapped Hanyecz's bitcoins for hundreds of dollars in French and used them for a vacation. He said, “To some extent, he would still use bitcoins in daily life: “In making independent subcontracts, I have paid for them in all their forms, and I've paid them in bitcoin, Letco, and even dog coins. My local grocery store did not accept them, so I used to consume them online and I had time to play video games, and steam, Humbre store and other electronics retailers were paid for by bitcoins. Of course, most of my Steam equipment was paid in bitcoins.”
When asked how many bitcoins he had at most, Sturdivant estimated that the amount of bitcoins was close to 40,000: “I never thought of bitcoins as an investment, but rather as “I should have been a millionaire,” I think it's more important to think about the mentality of the bitcoin pizzeria, not as an investment, but as a form of currency use. If I wanted to hoard money, it was likely that the time or price I chose would be wrong.”
Sturdivant also mentioned that he was also buying or selling pizza in encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, LTC and Ether (ETH). He said that he preferred pizza with meat and red onions, and that he liked it very much "Hianian" even though people liked it differently.
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