9 April & #xff0c; Xinhua reprogramming block chains & #xff0c; meaning block chains as an information technology & #xff0c; not only at the productivity level & #xff0c; more importantly at the productive relationship level & #xff0c; with a tremendous force for change.
Since 19 years xff0c; block chains are frequently raised. New applications for computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms xff0c; block chain technology without relying on centralized managers to record data xff0c; data records are fully open.
There is no central manager recording data & #xff0c; how to ensure that data are made public & #xff1f; this needs to be used by the block chain browser .
What's a block-chain browser for ?
Speaking of browsers & #xff0c; more likely to be known as 100-degree, Google-type Internet browsers. If you compare 100-degree, Google browsers to windows that understand the Internet & #xff0c; that block chain browser is a visual window & #xff0c; it is also an important infrastructure for the industry. That is, xff0c; we can simply interpret the block chain browser as a tool product.
The block chain browser details each block in the block chain, every transaction, wallet, exchange address, etc.. However & #xff0c; each public chain has its own algorithm and ecology & #xff0c; this also leads to the initial block chain browser primarily supporting a single public chain information query. If the user wants to search multiple public chain information & #xff0c; needs to switch different browsers & #xff0c; increases the difficulty of information querying.
As technology develops xff0c;
Main Multi-currency section chain count
Blockchain - Old Block Chain Browser
There are more statistical charts & #xff0c under the Data page; xff0c is presented mainly in graphs; it is not intuitive for white and white users. And it is still shown in English under the Chinese language interface.
Multi-currency block chain browser
相比于Blockchain, Blockchair是属于新兴浏览器品牌。目前支持了14个币种。可以按区块、交易哈希、地址以及文本信息查询,数据较全面,准确度也较高。同Blockchain一样,对于中文社区用户来讲的使用难度也是在语言处理层面。
Compared to Blockchai,
BTC.com - Pool Auxiliary Products
Ocowin chainOKLink-
Chinese community user experience
How do block chain browsers use
Compared to several multi-currency browsers & #xff0c; let's see how to use a block-chain browser. Let's take the example of the Ocowin chain OKLink & #xff0c, which is more friendly to Chinese users; look at the current three main uses of the block-chain browser xff1a;
Assuming that we have transferred a sum of money to a friend xff0c; that it is more transparent to transfer money from a bank account only if the recipient and the bank know the account xff0c; that we transfer it on the block chain. By opening the block chain browser xff0c; by entering into the search bar the deal Hashi (one of the identifiers of the transaction xff0c; that a single transaction can be clearly identified) xff0c; by checking the number of confirmations under the transaction (how many blocks confirm your record of the transaction) xff0c; and by asking if the money has reached the account.
Next xff0c; let's see how the trace is done. The details of the transaction are on xff0c; you can see input and output xff0c; you can click on the small arrow xff0c in the graph; you can continue to trace the transaction up/downward.
As for the analytical application of block chain browsers, xff0c; you can refer to the rich person's address, the number of active addresses, and the number of transactional pens on the chain.
As block chain technology develops and is widely applied & #xff0c; as a basic tool product & #xff0c; as well as as the use of block chain browsers. Block chain browsers bring together a large number of chain data & #xff0c; users who focus on data integration and research on the chain have improved the basis for objective and accurate & #xff0c; their traceability functions, etc., also provide the technical basis for industry self-regulation.
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