幣圈小白血虧背后 揭秘資金盤花樣套路

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:50 评论:0



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From $10,000 to $1,000 to $1,000 to the dark cut of meat, the currency had invested in the last two days to tell the Beijing press about his blood and tear investment in the year, and, like him, many investors had never thought that it would be a game of roach hunting: the investor's “happily” currency price had risen, and the project focused on how to sustain the harvest. Promotion, control, harvesting, and journalists had tried to expose the many avenues of the money bank by conducting multiple investigations.


I've never seen anything like it before.


Quick money didn't make the inverted pickles.


“It's a good thing to change bikes.” A first-time investor, Tomin, cried to a Beijing correspondent. At the beginning of the year, he participated in an investment in a currency ring, with a friend's advice, to make a quick profit, but didn't think of himself as a “fish” on someone else's knife.

  陶敏是一名畢業剛滿一年的年輕人,上大學時就對比特幣等虛擬貨幣有所耳聞。 陶敏告訴北京商報記者,“因為不懂所以一直不敢碰,但每次聽到幣價大漲又后悔自己缺乏嘗試和冒險精神,以至於錯過了一波又一波‘紅利’”。

Tomin, a young man who had graduated a year ago, had heard of virtual currency such as Bitcoin when he went to college. Tomín told the Beijing news reporter that “he was afraid to touch it because he didn’t know it, but every time he heard the currency rise, he regretted his lack of taste and risk, so he missed a wave of ‘red money’.”


By the beginning of March, the price of Bitcoins had fallen rapidly after reaching the $10,000 threshold, and when short-term prices had fallen by $8,000, Domin had decided to open his account for $10,000. “I think the chance to take the bottom was to sell it when another $10,000 was made, making quick money.” However, what Domin did not think was that since his arrival, the price of Bitcoins had not risen as much as he hoped, but had fallen. It took less than two days to break down $7,000, $6,000, $5,000 or even $4,000.


By the end of March, the Bitcoins had been gradually readjusted to $6,000 after “touching down,” but prices were still on the rise, falling and falling. Tomín called them, “Looking at the Bitcoin prices at that time, there was little hope that the $10,000 would come back, thinking of making quick money from the very beginning, and then asking to return to the purchase price, 10,000 dollars would be enough to come back, and no more money would be needed”.


At the beginning of April, the Bitcoin price continued to hover around $6,500, with a coin ring recommending a project called AK to Tomin. The project was described as a new superpoint mining platform for the former public chain CXC and issued a virtual currency, AK. From the propaganda, the project itself was described as a new invention with a new technology and model; and, in addition, in the form of an investment, the project was described as an offer that could be made through a Bitcoin collision, mining, etc., and a promise that it would open up an up-to-line exchange.

  “這是一個挖礦項目,之前我就見朋友挖礦賺到過錢,后來上了交易所幣價漲了20倍。我當時想著也可以入場割一波韭菜,畢竟隻要能上交易所,肯定是穩賺不賠。” 陶敏向北京商報記者介紹道。

“This is a mining project, before I saw my friends dig to make money, and then I went up 20 times the exchange price. I thought I could come in and cut a wave of pickles, after all, and I'm sure I'll make a lot of money.


However, the “unfortunate” quickly reoccured on Taumin. At the beginning of April, Domin bought all of the money held in Bitcoin at a 40-dollar price, 198 pieces of it, and invested $7,970 in AK. After the online exchange, the currency rose rapidly from 26 on 8 April to 51 on 10 April. It was not so good as to think that the opportunity to flip was coming. On 18 April, the AK dollar fell to $30.


When asked why it was too late to stop damage, Tamin said: “There have been several times when he wanted to cut his meat, but he was happy that the price would go back until he was cut and then he realized that he was sorry.”


It is worth noting that, in the past, cases such as that of Taomi were not uncommon, with large and small micro-message communities gathering waves and waves of investors.


There is more to the money plate:


"Pilot" chronic harvest


How, unlike the pilot, is the project to attract a pickle? What are the main combinations?

  一幣圈人士林曉(化名)告訴北京商報記者,當前,根據投資人的投資需求,幣圈資金盤發行也會有固定的發行周期,一般3、4月是項目方推廣資金盤的黃金期,也就是 “韭菜”們過完年后,投資需求最為旺盛之時。他向記者透露了資金盤操作的基本套路,總體就是通過高收益吸引投資者入場,基於幣價的一次次控盤,給投資者嘗到一定甜頭后,再一步步進行收割。

One-currency man, Lin Xiao, told the press in Beijing that, according to the investment needs of investors, there would also be a fixed roll-out period, usually in March or April, when the project promoted the gold part of the tray, that is, when the investment was the best. He revealed to the press the basic routing in which the board operated, which was to attract investors through high returns, and a sub-plate based on a dollar price, which gave investors a taste of some sweets and then proceeded to harvest one step at a time.


In particular, the fundboard projecters usually packaged the project “beautiful” through the promotion of local chain technology, the advocacy team being a high-level foreign-level technologist, and the promotion of the project through high-yielding, stable, and non-profit-making channels to attract new capital. Lin Xiaoqiao said, “For the time being, it is the elderly and Xiaobing who prefer the project most.”


When the investors' funds are in place, the project usually does not harvest immediately, but chooses to do it again when the “celebrities” reach a certain amount of weight and the currency rises to a certain height. According to Lin Xiao, “the first wave, which is usually sold by the project, will control the currency’s price decline, but it will keep the user at a cost that is not too serious. For example, an investment of $10,000 would cost about $1,000, and the project would be able to implement itself without causing too much damage to the vegetables.”

  而在第一波小幅砸盤后,該資金盤會維持一定時間的橫盤或者微幅上漲狀態。林曉告訴北京商報記者,項目方此操作主要是給被割的 “韭菜”澆水,以維持原有“生命力”。一方面讓虧損的 “韭菜”們看到每日穩定收益,從而給他們營造 “試圖通過每日收益來挽回之前損失”的錯覺,也就是培養“韭菜”們的賭性心理。另一方面,也會通過社群對用戶進行心理安撫,如通過各種洗腦話術,挽回“韭菜”信心,以達到后者繼續持倉的目的。整個過程類似螳螂捕蟬黃雀在后的游戲,投資人“僥幸”幣價還能上漲,而項目方則看重的是如何持續收割。

Lin Xiao told the Beijing Chamber of Commerce that the operation was primarily to water the cutted “brooms” to maintain their original “life force.” On the one hand, the losers “brooms” saw a steady daily gain, and then created a “lost-up” illusion that they were trying to recover from their daily earnings, that is, to nurture the gambling mentality of the “brooms.” On the other hand, they also used the community to provide psychological relief to users, such as brainwashing, to restore confidence in the “brooms” so that the latter could continue to hold their positions.


According to Lin Xiao, in addition to comforting “wounded pickles”, the project is also expanding its financial resources under the line, such as advertising that currency prices are low and attracting more “new pickles” at a premium.


“As a wave of pickles arrives, the project harvests in waves and waves until the end of the period, when the currency will be blown to the bottom, when the project will be completed and no more effort will be devoted to the maintenance of the project, which will be self-destructed.” Lin Xiaoqiao called it.

  當前,幣圈資金盤套路層出不窮,林曉向北京商報記者透露,除了“控盤”這類慢性收割的方式外,還不乏更凶殘的“殺豬盤”模式存在,簡單來說就是基於中心化錢包包裝出來的一種模式,當用戶投的錢進入項目方手中,達到一定量的資金規模后,很多項目方會一次性卷錢跑路。此外,針對一些已經快爛尾的資金盤項目,還有項目方開發出 “換盤”等模式,即宣稱可用原來被砸盤的虛擬貨幣兌換新的幣種,從而“喚醒”用戶再進行二次收割。

In the meantime, Lin Xiao has revealed to Beijing business reporters that, in addition to the “control” method of chronic harvesting, there is still a more brutal “pig-killing” model based on a centralized wallet package, and that when a client invests money into the project and reaches a certain amount of money, many of the projects will run for a single roll. In addition, there is a “change” model for some of the funds that are already at an advanced end, as well as for the project's development of a “turn-over” model, that is, a virtual currency that is supposed to be used to destroy the plate in exchange for a new currency, and a second harvest from a “wake” account.


A distinguished expert told the Beijing Business Journal that the entire model has changed considerably now after borrowing the chain’s tactile economy. For the former, the usual promising low-risk gains, such as multi-level agents, low-cost (full) return earnings, have been used more often than not to reach the pool; and now, after integration into the chain, a series of chains have been used to cover mining, trading, and contract contracts.


China’s bank law research board director, Shaw Xiao, also pointed out from a legal point of view that, at the time, different types of money-plate models and routing patterns had to be set aside for practical legal relationships. In her view, different funds-plate models, investors and handlers were in different legal relationships and faced different legal risks, including, but not limited to, general property losses, fraud, and marketing organization activities.




Cutting off illegal transactions from the capital.


It is worth noting that multiple surveillance has already been hit by a machination in response to the currency turmoil. It is not only the financial supervision department that issued the “ban” by administrative means, but many public security departments have moved to enforce the law.


As has been the case in recent days, the Multi-Purpose Department has issued a reminder that some outlaws, under the banner of the “financial innovation” “block chain”, absorb money through the so-called “fiction currency” “virtual asset” “digital asset”, which is the concept of a chain that is illegal in the collection, distribution and deception of money.


Moreover, to avoid supervision of the “out-of-sea” business, close to the supervisor told the Beijing trade reporter that in the meantime, whether the company’s head office was located in the country or abroad, it was only involved in providing an illegal trade route for domestic consumers. Moreover, not only for the public sector, but also for companies that provide a flow, services, and financial access to virtual currency trading platforms abroad.


One of the killers is the “cut-off” of the money. According to the news reporter in Beijing, the bank cards of a large number of currency circles have been frozen in recent days, and the OTC deal in several currency circles has been “freezing cards” that, according to the information source, are mainly the result of the recent increase in the number of police charges against telecommunications frauds and money drives.


“Multi-sectoral mechanisms of coalition governance will play an important role. While fighting the chain fraud in the districts has yet to be perfected in law, the combination of supervision and supervision can help with precision governance.” Shaw Xiao Xin points out.


From the human point of view, there is a need to provide sufficient risk warning to those involved in the sector chain market to help participants maximize risk identification and investment decisions; from the financial point of view, the necessary supervisory, regular reporting and regularization of investments in illegal projects; and, from the point of view of the matter, the funding and operating model of the project needs to be understood in a way that allows for maximum risk identification and investment.






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