年度“概念股之王”!跨界区块链 还用工业大麻做人造肉 深交所发关注函:是否蹭热点炒作股价?

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:49 评论:0



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On 28 October, more than 100 shares in the two cities were stopped because of the block chain concept. Three concepts of industrial marijuana, man-made meat, and block chains were brought together by the United States and the United States, and the company’s shares had risen and stopped in two consecutive transactions.


On the evening of 28 October, a letter of concern was sent requesting the company to indicate whether the manufactured meat products processed in the industrial cannabis seed industry had obtained the necessary approval documents; the need for the company to engage in the sector of the block chain; and whether there had been cases in which stock prices had been set aside using the concepts of industrial cannabis, man-made meat, block chains and so on to match shareholder holdings.




On the evening of 24 October, Mi-Yesen issued an announcement that an “artificial meat product assessment conference” would be held on 5 November 2019 in tin-free areas, while Mi-Yesen's participation in this exercise included products such as the Plantmeat beef burgers (veal-flavored plant protein cakes) and the Plantmeat chicken willows (plant-protein chicken willows).




According to the announcement, on 28 May 2019, Miyun Sen and Jiangnan University completed the signing process of the Technical Cooperation Agreement, and Jiangnan University took advantage of its advantages in food science and engineering to provide technical assistance and support for the development and application of industrial cannabis seed in food beverages products, such as man-made meat, small-scale, experimental and small-scale production of new products, as well as small-scale experimental products. To date, the research and development of manufactured meat products by companies covered by the above-mentioned Technical Cooperation Agreement has achieved product milestones.


On 25 October, the “one word” of the two hot spots of “man-made meat” and “industrial cannabis” came to a halt.


According to Xinhua, on the afternoon of 24 October, the 18th collective study of the Central Bureau of Political Affairs of the Communist Party of China emphasized the importance of the block chain as an important entry point for core and autonomous technological innovation, defining the direction of the attack, increasing the investment effort, tackling a number of key core technologies and accelerating technological and industrial innovation in the block chain.


On 26 October, Mi Yee-sun stated on the interactive platform that the core product of Zhejiang Oracle Supercoded Technology Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Oracle Supercode) was in the area of block chains.




On 28 October, United States and United States stock prices again increased by “one word”.


In the first half of 2019, US$ 30.4 million of its own money was used to purchase 11,111.11 million shares of the Oracle Supercode, representing 10 per cent of the total equity after the Oracle Supercode was issued.

  甲骨文超级码主营业务是防伪溯源系统集成和软件产品的开发、销售及服务。据美盈森10月26日在互动易称,甲骨文超级码核心产品“两个平台一个载体”分别为以区块链为底层技术架构的“超级码PaaS 开放平台”和“超级农业大脑云平台”,以及“一物一码”产品身份证的应用载体。

The Oracle Supercode business is the integration of anti-prosperistic systems and the development, sale, and servicing of software products. According to MiYinsen, on October 26, the Oracle Supercode core product, “Two Platforms One Carrier” and “Supercode PaaS Open Platform” and “SuperAgricultural Brain Cloud Platform” with a bottom-line technical structure, and “One-Size” product ID application.




Oracle supercodes were listed in the stock transfer system in November 2016 and removed in October of this year.


In the last three years and the first half of 2019, the Oracle Supercode, which creatively applied block chain technology to the area of product protection against perjury, collected $50,998.83 million, $8,135.56 million, $9,801.69 million and $41,97.36 million, respectively, and the withholding of non-net profits attributable to the shareholders of the listed company, respectively, $16,191,10,08.8 million, $9,483.83 million and $35,65.9 million.


To get investors to talk about it.


The three concepts of industrial marijuana, man-made meat and block chains, Mi-Yin Sen, have also attracted the attention and enthusiasm of small and medium-sized investors —








“Before doing business” message of interest to the exchange


In the evening of 28 October, the company disclosed that it had earned 2,381 million yuan in operating income in the first three quarters of 2019; the net profit attributable to shareholders in listed companies was $302 million, an increase of $3.14 per cent.


On the evening of 28 October, in a letter of deep concern, the company was asked to provide a detailed update on developments in the industrial cannabis industry development project, with full warning of the risks involved.


The letter of concern also requires that the company's involvement in the block chain industry be explained in the context of the company's main business, what synergies exist with the existing main business, and whether the relevant decision-making is scientifically prudent and adequately identifies potential risks.

  此外,关注函还要求公司披露控股股东、实际控制人、董监高人员及其一致行动人在本函发出之日前 3 个月股票交易情况及未来三个月增减持计划,公司是否存在利用工业大麻、人造肉、区块链等概念炒作股价配合股东减持情形。

In addition, the letter of concern requested the company to disclose the stockholdings, the actual controllers, senior managers and their co-operators for three months prior to the date of this letter, as well as plans for the increase and decrease of stock holdings over the next three months, and whether the company had used the concepts of industrial cannabis, man-made meat, block chains, etc. to build stock prices to match stockholdings.




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