1. Foreign access restrictions in Indonesia
2. The Singapore Patent Acceleration Scheme may be authorized to apply for a patent within six months
3. EU trademark revocation and invalidity proceedings may only be commenced upon receipt of an application from a third party
4. Publication by the Ministry of Commerce of a national and self-trade pilot area version of the negative list of cross-border trade in services
5. Significant changes: as of 10 April, new requirements for the declaration of imports and exports
Good news! The results of the pre-decisions on the classification, prices and origin of customs goods can be extended.
New provisions to lead the cross-border flow of data “new developments”
8. Incentives were introduced in Beijing, with a maximum subsidy of $5 million for Asian start-ups
9. Beijing: Promoting the development of live electricity providers with the help of the Yuan cosmos, virtual anchor technology
Heavy pounds! The Global Partnership for Services was implemented in Beijing.
Introduction of foreign access restrictions in Indonesia
根据印尼政府《2023年第12号政府条例》(Government Regulation No. 12 of 2023)最新规定,中资企业在印尼设立经营主体,首先要确认相关行业是否有外资持股比例的限制或其他准入限制的要求。如存在法定的外资持股比例限制,中资企业则必须在股比限制之内与印尼当地公司共同合作,设立合资公司;如无外资持股比例的限制,则还需考虑印尼公司法下对公司股东不得少于两位的要求,在此种情形下,中资企业可自行决定与关联方和/或其他商业伙伴在印尼共同设立合资公司,并决定持股比例事宜。(贸法通)
Under Government Regulation No. 12 of 2023 (Governance Regulation No. 12 of 2023), the Government of Indonesia has recently established a business entity in Indonesia to ascertain, first of all, whether there are restrictions on foreign shareholding or other access restrictions in the relevant industry. Where there is a statutory limit on foreign shareholding, such enterprises must work with local Indonesian companies to establish joint ventures within the limits of the equity ratio; if there is no limitation on foreign shareholding, it is also necessary to take into account the requirement under Indonesian company law that there be no fewer than two shareholders in the company, in which case the capital enterprise may decide to establish joint ventures in Indonesia with associated parties and/or other business partners and decide on the issue of shareholding.
Common legal issues for the joint venture in Indonesia of the 02 新加坡专利加速计划可在6个月内获得专利申请授权 The Singapore Patent Acceleration Scheme may be authorized to apply for a patent within six months 新加坡以其强劲的经济、高技能的劳动力、政治稳定以及先进的工业和技术能力而闻名,经常被用作企业进入更广阔的亚洲市场的跳板。在新加坡开展业务和申请专利的好处很多,现在包括东盟专利审查合作组织 (ASPEC)、以及创新的专利加速计划可以让简单的专利申请在短短六个月内获得授权。(贸法通) Singapore is well known for its strong economy, highly skilled labour, political stability, and advanced industrial and technological capabilities, and is often used as a springboard for businesses to enter wider Asian markets. The benefits of operating and patenting in Singapore are many, now including the ASEAN Patent Review Cooperation (ASPEC) and innovative patent acceleration schemes that allow simple patent applications to be authorized within a short period of six months. 企业在新加坡开展业务及申请专利的优势 The advantages of 03 欧盟商标撤销和无效程序只能在收到第三方的申请后启动 EU trademark revocation and invalidity proceedings can only be initiated upon receipt of a third party application 欧盟商标撤销和无效程序的受理机构为欧盟知识产权局(EUIPO)。撤销和无效程序不能由欧盟知识产权局依职权启动,只能在收到第三方的申请后启动。撤销申请或基于绝对理由的无效申请(《欧盟商标条例》第58条和第59条)可由以下主体提出:任何自然人或法人,或;为代表制造商、生产商、供应商或服务商、贸易商或消费者的利益而成立的任何团体或机构,根据管辖该团体或机构的法律条款,该团体或团体有权以其自身名义起诉和被起诉。(贸法通) An application for annulment or an application for invalidity based on absolute grounds (Articles 58 and 59 of the EU Trademark Regulations) may be filed by any natural or legal person or body established to represent the interests of a manufacturer, producer, supplier or service provider, trader or consumer, which, in accordance with the legal provisions governing that body or agency, has the right to sue and prosecute on its own behalf. 欧盟商标撤销和无效程序简述 Brief description of EU procedures for the revocation and annulment of trademarks 04 商务部发布全国版和自贸试验区版跨境服务贸易负面清单 经党中央、国务院同意,3月22日,商务部印发2024年第1号令,发布《跨境服务贸易特别管理措施(负面清单)》(2024年版)和《自由贸易试验区跨境服务贸易特别管理措施(负面清单)》(2024年版),自2024年4月21日起施行。(商务部) On 22 March, with the agreement of the Party Central and the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce issued Decree No. 1 of 2024, issuing the Special Management Measures for Cross-border Trade in Services (Adverse List) (2024 Edition) and the Special Management Measures for Cross-border Trade in Services in the Free Trade Trial Zone (Adverse List) (2024 Edition), which have been in force since 21 April 2024. (Ministry of Commerce) 商务部印发2024年第1号令《跨境服务贸易特别管理措施(负面清单)》(2024年版)和《自由贸易试验区跨境服务贸易特别管理措施(负面清单)》(2024年版) The Department of Commerce issued Decree No. 1 of 2024, Special Measures for the Regulation of Cross-border Trade in Services (Adverse List) (2024 Edition) and Special Measures for the Regulation of Cross-border Trade in Services in Free Trade Trial Zones (Advanced List) (2024 Edition) 附件1:《跨境服务贸易特别管理措施(负面清单)》(2024年版)附件2:《自由贸易试验区跨境服务贸易特别管理措施(负面清单)》(2024年版) Annex 1 to : Special Management Measures for Cross-border Trade in Services (Adverse List) (2024 Edition)
The proclamation expressly amends articles 25 and 26 of the Code for the Filling of Customs Declarations on Import and Export Goods of the People's Republic of China (Observation No. 18 of 2019). Deletes three declaration items, such as the Quarantine Inspection Authority, the Quarantine Inspection Authority, and the Quarantine Licensing Authority.
Circular No. 30 of 2024 of the Customs Administration of
Good news! The results of the pre-determination of customs goods classification, prices and origin can be extended .
In the recent past, the General Customs Administration has issued a circular on matters related to the implementation of the extension of the Customs Prejudgment, which further clarifies the requirements relating to the pre-judgment process; (i) the applicant shall remain within 30 to 90 days (natural day, same) before the expiry date of the Decision on Pre- Adjudication; and (ii) the relevant aspects of the Decision on Pre-Decisions, such as customs matters and goods, shall remain unchanged as regards the extension of the application. (Customs Administration)
General Customs Proclamation No. 32 of 2024, on matters related to the implementation of the extension of the Customs Prejudgment, etc.
Annex to : Decision of the Customs Pre-Decision of the People's Republic of China
On 22 March, the National Internet Information Office published the Regulations for the Promotion and Regulation of the Cross-border Movement of Data, which are in effect as of the date of publication. The Regulations specify the criteria for the declaration of critical data for exit security assessment, stating that data entry security assessments are not required by the data-producers as important data if they are not notified or publicly published by the relevant authorities or regions. (National Internet Information Office)
The National Internet Information Office of publishes the Provisions on Facilitating and Regulating the Cross-border Movement of Data
Incentives were introduced in Beijing, with a maximum subsidy of $5 million for Asian shops
Today, the Beijing City Bureau of Commerce issued a circular on the issuance of a project declaration guide for the year 2024 to encourage the development of business brand start-ups, according to which Asian start-ups declared this year could receive up to 5 million yuan in financial support, China (in the interior) up to 2 million yuan in support, and Beijing lead shops, flagship shops, and innovative ideas stores up to 1 million yuan in support, and catering enterprises up to 20 per cent of the total actual investment approved for the project, up to 500,000 yuan in support. (Beijing City Bureau of Commerce)
Beijing City Business Bureau Circular on the publication of a project declaration guide to encourage the development of business brand start-ups in 2024 (Kyoto Disposit No. [2024] 12)
Annex 1 to
Annex 2. Telephone handling and address of district operations
Annex 3. Request for funding forms (including 6 tables)
Annex 4. Summary of the first instance of a business circulation development project
Beijing: Promoting the development of live electricity providers with the help of the Yuan cosmos, virtual anchor technology
Today, the Beijing City Bureau of Commerce has published Measures to Promote Quality Development of Beijing Live Operators (2024-2025). The measures state that, by 2025, cumulative guidance will have identified some 30 Beijing City-specific live electricity vendor bases, built about 50 demonstration cases or scenes of live electricity vendors, developed about 100 Kyoto brands with more than $10 million live sales, and managed to reach 1.5 trillion yuan in 2025 for the city's Nadu live electricity vendor. (Beijing City Bureau of Commerce)
The innovation link was co-sponsored in 2012 by the Beijing City Science and Technology Association, a global science and technology exchange platform with special features from the Association. The campaign aims to strengthen the global innovation resource link, support and guide the development of priority areas in the capital city, the Three Cities I Region, and create opportunities and platforms for deep engagement of scientific and technological talent from abroad in high-quality development in the capital. To date, a variety of activities have been organized around the scientific and human fields and global hotspots, such as outreach, academic exchange, research and development cooperation, business incubation, promotion of results, investment in entrepreneurship, etc., to effectively reach out to national and international science and technology practitioners, institutions, and to expand the channels of excellence (Beijing City Association).
Beijing City Business Bureau Circular on the Implementation of the Global Partnership for Services (Kyoto Letter [2024] 259)
Annex 3 to
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