In recent years, with the rapid development of technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, VR/AR, and artificial intelligence, Web3.0 has been able to achieve faster and more direct data processing and morphology. In addition, a number of technology giants have entered the field, prompting rapid developments in the field and expanding the market’s imagination of related industrial chains.
On board, the Web3.0 concept is of interest to the market. On November 11, Web3.0 shares continued to rise strongly. flass="xq_stock" (300071.SZ), (0024667.SZ), 尚处萌芽,更看好未来 /strong's better than the future. 事实上,Web3.0就是由区块链支撑的价值互联网。Web1.0时代是首页+超链,可以称之为互联网只读时代;Web2.0可以允许用户进行内容生产,进入“读+写+交互”的时代;而Web3.0则在区块链的支撑下,可以使互联网上的所有元素实现资产化,形成所有权,进入了“读+写+拥有”的时代,即价值互联网。 In fact, Web3.0 is a value Internet supported by block chains. The Web1.0 era is the first page + superchain, which can be called the Internet read-only era; Web 2.0 allows users to produce content into the "read + Write + Interact" era; and Web 3.0, supported by the block chain, enables all elements of the Internet to be assetized, form ownership and enter the "read + Write + Own" era, the value Internet. 针对Web3.0的定义,不同机构也给出了各自的见解。中信证券认为,Web3.0是以区块链等技术为核心的下一代互联网形态,被看作是未来互联网的重要发展方向之一;东吴证券表示,Web3.0致力于打造一个基于区块链技术、用户主导、去中心化的网络生态。在Web3.0中,用户通过交互操作满足自身需求,并在交互中利用区块链技术,实现价值的创造、分配和流通。 For the definition of Web3.0, different institutions have provided their own insights. The CSV believes that Web3.0 is the next generation of Internet patterns centred on technologies such as block chains and is seen as one of the key directions for the future of the Internet. The CSV states that Web3.0 is committed to building a network ecology based on block chain technology, user-led, decentralised. In Web3.0, users meet their needs by interacting with each other and use block chain technologies to achieve value creation, distribution and circulation. 但是,目前Web3.0的发展仍处于早期阶段,很多技术还有待完善。华泰证券认为,第一批可行的Web3.0应用有望在2025年落地。 However, the development of Web3.0 is still at an early stage, and many technologies have yet to be refined. According to the Washington Securities Agency, the first viable Web3.0 applications are expected to land in 2025. 虽然Web3.0在应用层尚处于萌芽状态,但市场对其未来的看好显然是毋庸置疑的。近期,埃隆马斯克斥资440亿美元收购推特,未来将把推特打造成为一个更加成熟的Web3.0社区;香港财政司发布《有关香港虚拟资产发展的政策宣言》,Web3.0有潜力成为金融和商贸未来发展的趋势,还将提升效率和透明度,香港金融开放迈入Web3.0时代;此外,红杉资本等知名投资机构也纷纷进场布局。 Although Web3.0 is still in its infancy at the application level, it is clear that the market looks forward to its future. In the recent past, Eron Mask has invested $44 billion in the acquisition of , which will shape Twitter into a more mature Web3.0 community; the Hong Kong Treasury Department's Policy Declaration on the Development of Virtual Assets in Hong Kong, Web3.0, which has the potential to become a trend towards the future of finance and commerce; it will also enhance efficiency and transparency, and Hong Kong's financial opening into the Web3.0 era; and well-known investment institutions, such as Redwood Capital, are also gaining ground. 展望未来,Web3.0无疑将会是巨大的风口。根据机构预计,到2030年,全球Web3.0区块链市场规模预计将达到335.3亿美元,从2022年到2030年的复合年增长率为44.9%。预计Web3.0用户数量在2030年前后有望达到10亿人。 Looking ahead, Web3.0 will undoubtedly be a big blow. According to institutional projections, the global market size of the Web 3.0 block chain is expected to reach $33.53 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 44.9 per cent from 2022 to 2030, and the number of Web3.0 users is expected to reach 1 billion by 2030. 上市公司抢先布局Web3.0 Web3.0 is pre-positioned by listed companies. 出于对Web3.0市场前景的充分看好,A股多家上市公司已经布局了Web3.0相关业务。 Out of full appreciation of the Web3.0 market outlook, a number of listed A companies have deployed Web3.0-related operations. 近期涨幅超过120%的天地在线(002995.SZ)在互动平台表示,公司推出的虚拟数字人-元启、沉浸式数字商业综合体-InfiniteBox(体验版)及数字藏品发行平台“无限数藏”都是基于Web3.0时代自主开发的尝试性商业化产品。据了解,天地在线是国内较早从事企业互联网服务的机构,在行业内享有一定的知名度和品牌影响力。 近2个交易日收获两个“20CM”涨停板的福石控股表示,公司旗下子公司迪思已推出“AUTOMarketingWeb3.0”营销体系,是通过整合元宇宙中前端认知、沉浸式体验和后端转化的营销全链路资源,可以发挥Web3.0实时演算、即时互动的特点,整合虚拟人、数字博物馆、数字藏品、虚拟4S店等元宇宙技术资源。 According to 以社会化营销为主业的天下秀在互动平台表示,Honnverse(虹宇宙)产品是一款3D版虚拟社交产品,产品是以Z时代的3D虚拟星球(P-LANET)为背景,为用户构建虚拟身份、虚拟形象、虚拟空间,将联合全球社交红人为全球用户打造一个沉浸式的泛娱乐虚拟生活社区。 “数字出版第一股”中文在线(300364.SZ)持续关注全球各个国家和地区关于Web3.0的最新政策和动态,公司与业内优质公司充分沟通交流,目前公司已在新加坡设立COLWEB全资子公司。 东方国信(300166.SZ)有Web3.0底层技术栈储备,包括区块链、云计算、数字孪生/元宇宙、人工智能等;东港股份已经开展Web3.0相关技术的研究,未来计划在数字金融、智慧办税等相关业务结合Web3.0有关技术进行产品化的应用和推广。
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