Most of the time, my article analyses and discusses hotspot events in the currency circles.
This would allow interested friends to gain an objective and professional perspective that would not be misled in bad faith by some ulterior motives, but, on the other hand, would be more conducive to the dissemination of the article, drawing on the hot blow-out flow.
In the last two days, there have been no hot spots in the currency ring or much discussion, so let's just write by sex today.
写文章之前,我合上电脑想了想,琢磨着最近业内有没有什么错误观点,影响了我们对市场的正确认知,从而影响了投资决策。在群魔乱舞的币圈里,这种事还真是禁不住想,只要想一定有,今天我就来较个真,揭露 3 个已经在近期割了不少韭菜的业内谎言。
Before writing, I came up with a computer and wondered if there was anything wrong in the recent industry that affected our right perception of the market, thus affecting investment decisions. In the choreography of currency circles, it's hard to imagine, but today I'm more serious, revealing three lies that have been cut off a lot of vegetables in the recent past.
Let's get to the bottom of this. If you don't want to be cut, take a good look.
Let's start with a lie about a foreign agency.
During the period of the epidemic, there was an institution called Strong's Greyscale
灰度信托走入大众视野,是因为有媒体指出,灰度在 3 月份币圈大跌后购入了 6 万多枚比特币,手笔之大,决策之果断,币圈闻所未闻,由此灰度便以一个币圈狠角色的形象家喻户晓。
The Greyscale Trust has moved into public view because the media have pointed out that it acquired more than 60,000 bits of bitcoins after the currency circle collapsed in March, and that it is so big that decisions are decisive and the currency circle is unheard of that way that it is well known as a vicious role in the currency circle.
then greyscales began to be consumed by a variety of inexplicable masters of behavioral analysis in the currency circles.
Bitcoin rises, claims that the grayness has increased again, that the bitcoin has fallen, that the grayness is empty, that the chips are in place for harvest, that the circle is shaking, that the greyness is easy to build its own warehouse while the price is under pressure, and that the bottom is afraid of its own loss. To sum up, my predictions are never accurate, and it is not possible that the greyness should be demonized.
The Greyscale was a bitcoin trust, and many bitcoins were bought by clients, and the Greyscale was just kept in custody, but the birth of the country was portrayed as a housekeeper, and it was Xue Ding Dynasty's house, and you never knew if the Greyscale was more or less empty.
任何投资机构都会同时布局多种资产,以便进行风险对冲,感兴趣的朋友可以查查由桥水基金首创的「全天候策略」,买入和卖出的决策不是只是由单一市场,而是要看多个市场的联动影响,为了几百美金的波动频繁操作的,只有韭菜。 Any investment agency would deploy multiple assets at the same time in order to hedge risks, interested friends could check the "one-day strategy" initiated by the Bridge Waters Fund, and the decision to buy and sell would depend not only on a single market, but rather on the combined influence of multiple markets, which would operate frequently for hundreds of dollars of volatility, but only on pickles. 第二个谎言,还是和交易相关。 The second lie is still related to the transaction. 很多所谓的大师说,此前几波牛市之所以会来,主要是因为投资者只能通过做多赚钱,但现在不一样了,市场做多做空都支持,做空也能赚钱,所以下一波牛市可能不会来了。 Many so-called masters say that some of the former bulls came mainly because investors could only make more money by making more money, but now it's different, and the market can make more money by doing more and more, so that the next cow may not come. 这种话要是说给在传统金融圈混过的人听,简直是笑话,但币圈里不少人,竟然还都相信了。 It's a joke to say something like that to someone who's been mixed up in traditional financial circles, but there's a lot of people in the currency that believe it. 乍听之下,这话其实还有那么点道理,毕竟币圈很多人都是新人,被忽悠了,也不怪你们。但实际上,这句话其实颠倒了因果,逻辑是不成立的。 At first hearing, there is still a point in saying that, after all, many in the currency circles are new people, they're being fooled, and it's not your fault. But, in fact, it turns out to be causes and consequences, and logic doesn't work. 做空这个事不是币圈的发明,过去那么多年蓬勃发展的股票市场和期货市场,哪个不支持做空?过去 10 年里无数优秀的美国公司股票涨了几十倍,难道是因为美股不支持做空导致的? It's not the invention of the currency circle. Who doesn't support empty stock markets and futures markets that have flourished over the years? 市场是双向的,有人买就一定有人卖,有人做多就一定有人做空,即使交易所印了一部分币导致交易量超过了市场存量,但多空也是一致的。完善的交易基础设施,是一个市场足够健壮的表现,但市场里做多和做空的立场不会变,没有哪个死多头,仅仅因为市场支持做空就变成大空头,这个逻辑是不成立的。 The `strong' market is a two-way one-way one-size-fits-all, the emptiness one-way, and even if the exchange printed a portion of the currency that led to the volume of transactions exceeding the market stock, the emptiness is the same. 区块链行业发展至今,点开区块站点 | BLOCKSITE 收录排名前 5 的任何一个交易所,不管是法币的出入金,还是现货和期货交易,功能都已完备。这样优质的行业基础设施,可以让更多的个人和投资机构低门槛介入区块链投资,从而让市场的流动性更充沛,只有这样,牛市才有可能来。 The block chain industry has developed so far, opening up a block site at BLOCKSITE to record any of the top 5 exchanges, whether in or out of French currency, or in spot and futures transactions, and is fully functional. Such a high-quality industry infrastructure would allow more individuals and investment agencies to invest at a lower threshold in the block chain, thus making the market more mobile, so that the cow market can come. 第三个谎言,是有些无德人士,不知道出于何种目的恶意看空中国投资者对币圈的掌控力。 The third lie of 有些论调是说国内的挖矿算力优势正在削弱,海外要崛起,还有说中国投资者疯狂卖出比特币,而国外却大量买入接盘,未来国内投资者将丧失主导权。 Some argue that domestic mining power is weakening, rising overseas, and that Chinese investors are selling bitcoin in a frenzy, while foreign investors buy large sums into the docks, and that domestic investors will lose their dominance in the future. 这个事虽然不是空穴来风,但确实是被恶意解读了。 This is not an empty story, but it has indeed been interpreted in bad faith. 之所以不少人有这个错觉,主要有两部分原因导致,一是看到灰度大量买入比特币,便以偏概全的以为其他投资机构也在大量买入;二是由于比特币减半原因,导致部分小矿工无力维持成本,停机歇业,于是武断的得出了中国算力优势正在丢失的结论。 There are two main reasons why many people have this illusion, namely, to think that other investment agencies are buying in large amounts of bitcoin because of the greyscale, and to think in general terms that some small miners are buying in large amounts because of the halving of bitcoin, which has caused some small miners to be unable to maintain their costs and shut down, and thus to conclude arbitrarily that China’s numeracy is being lost. 不论如何,这都是没有数据支撑的恶意解读。 In any case, this is a malicious interpretation that is not supported by data. 从实际情况看,美国疫情持续性蔓延和最近的示威游行,都在削弱美元的可信度,作为投资机构,布局其他资产理所应当,这是风控所致,并不是他们突然看好加密资产市场。国内疫情控制稳定,政治局势更稳定,我们不需要避险,我们需要押注未来。 As a matter of fact, the ongoing spread of the epidemic in the United States and the recent demonstrations are undermining the credibility of the United States dollar, as an investment agency with other assets, as a result of wind control, and not because they suddenly look at the encrypted asset market. Domestic control of the epidemic is stable, the political situation is more stable, we don't need to avoid risk, we need to keep an eye on the future. 关于算力流失,其实也没有必要过分担心。比特币减半后,有些矿工确实赔钱,大家都是生意人,赔钱的买卖不能做,赔钱就歇歇,熬过去了再赚回来。比特币算力的调整周期还没结束,妄下结论忽悠人的,不怕半夜鬼敲门吗? There is no need to worry too much about the loss of arithmetic. After halving Bitcoin, some miners do pay, and we're all businessmen. We can't buy and sell. We'll pay for it. 投资这个事,是用自己的真金白银为认知买单。 "Strong" invests in the business of paying for his own true silver and silver. 你可以不懂,但不能轻信,一定要锻炼出自己独立思考的能力。你看到的所谓的各种大师,都是为自己的利益服务的,如果他们有本事自己精准预测,炒币炒到财富自由,他有什么义务带你一起飞呢? You can't understand it, but you can't believe it. You have to exercise your ability to think independently. You see all kinds of masters serving your own interests. What is his obligation to take you off if they are capable of predicting their own wealth? 醒醒吧,这世界很公平,所有的回报,都只会分给付出过的人。 Wake up. The world is fair, and all the rewards will be given only to those who give it. PS: 本文支持全网内容挖矿,共享商业收益,每月数百元不等商业分成,等你瓜分!欢迎加我微信(blockchainpedia)了解详情。 PS: This paper supports web-wide mining to share commercial revenues, with hundreds of dollars and hundreds of dollars of commercial share each month, waiting for you to split!
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