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阿拉贡币(简称ANT,英文名Aragon)是Aragon Network的原生代币,主要用于管理阿拉贡网络、抵押阿拉贡网络成员协议。Aragon Network的链上组织将会使用Aragon Core进行搭建,它是由一个Solidity语言的去中心化自治组织(DAO)和网页端去中心化应用(dApp)组成。一开始,Aragon Core会专注于资本化的公司类组织,但它的模块化功能也足够适应其他种类的组织。

The Aragon Currency (ANT, English name Aragon) is the original token of Aragon Network, which is used mainly to manage the Aragon network and to secure the Aragon network membership agreement. The Aragon Network's chain of organizations will be built using Aragon Core, which is made up of a decentralized self-government organization (DAO) and a web-end decentralisation application (dApp) in Solidity. Initially, Aragon Core will focus on capitalized corporate organizations, but its modularization function will also be adequate for other types of organizations.

Aragon是以太坊区块链上的一个可以让任何人创建和管理任意组织(公司、开源项目、非政府组织NGO、基金会、对冲基金…)的dApp。Aragon Network(阿拉贡)是一个由代币控制的数字管理组织,专注于为经济增长创造最好的条件。本质上,Aragon Network是个可以让任意组织、企业家和投资人高效安全协作,并且没有技术漏洞和恶意参与方的生态系统。

Aragon is a dApp that allows anyone to create and manage arbitrary organizations (companies, open-source projects, non-governmental organizations, foundations, hedge funds, etc.). Aragon Network (Aragon) is a money-controlled digital management organization that focuses on creating the best conditions for economic growth. In essence, Aragon Network is an ecosystem that allows arbitrary organizations, entrepreneurs and investors to work together in an efficient and safe manner, without technological gaps and malicious participants.


The goal is to become a decentralised self-governing organization (DAO), allowing stakeholders to vote on the future development and direction of the project.

AragonCore由Aragon基金会(Aragon Foundation)提供支持,该基金会是一个负责帮助Aragon项目发展成熟的非盈利组织。Aragon One是Aragon项目的营利性开发团队。

AragonCore is supported by the Aragon Foundation, a non-profit organization responsible for helping the Aragon project develop its maturity. Aragon One is a profit-making development team for the Aragon project.

Aragon Core项目是一个去中心化的应用程序(dApp)平台,允许用户在区块链上开发和组织自己的去中心化组织或公司。其平台的模块化能够支持用户创建自己的dApp或加密货币协议。ANT代币模型允许利益相关者对新提案进行投票,拥有的代币越多,其投票的权重就越大。

The Aragon Core project is a decentralised application (dApp) platform that allows users to develop and organize their own decentralized organizations or companies on the block chain. Modularization of the platform supports users in creating their own dApp or encrypted currency agreements. The ANT proxy model allows stakeholders to vote on new proposals, and the more money they have, the greater their voting weight.


Create and operate decentralised organizations on the block chain.


Values of innovation: Decentralized organizations operate efficiently and effectively compared to traditional organizations.

使用场景规模:适用于公司(初期专注于资本化的公司类组织)、开源项目、NGO 组织、基金会、对冲基金等,使用者不需要专业的技术背景,可以通过人性化的图形界面进行操作。

The scale of the use scenario: applies to companies (groups of companies initially focused on capitalization), open-source projects, NGO organizations, foundations, hedge funds, etc., and users do not need a professional technical background and can operate through a humanized graphical interface.


Open the box as soon as possible:


Open up, Aragon provides multiple core functions. It has a module for identity management and a closely related module for ownership and access control. Other modules include shareholder voting, fund-raising through token generation, human resources entry and payroll, and accounts payable/receivables. In sum, Aragon's core functions cover key aspects of accounting, governance and identity that enable modern companies to operate.


Modular custom function:


Aragon’s modular design goes beyond standard core modules. Just as companies can edit existing modules, they can also freely develop completely new models. They can also develop data and structures for existing models to enable extension.


The combination of the modularity of Aragon with its open source spirit means that we can see an entire ecosystem using the free modules that can expand the capacity of the Aragon organization.


Digital jurisdiction:


Aragon’s stated goal is to establish digital jurisdiction. Just as the state has jurisdiction over its citizens in court, Aragon hopes to establish the first digital court, which will not operate on the basis of the state’s borders and enforce the organization’s digital contract on the Aragon platform.

Aragon基于以太坊建立,以太坊是一个永不宕机的全球公有区块链平台。其次,通过Aragon Core进行搭建,AragonCore是由Solidity语言的DAO和DApp组成的。Aragon目前实现了股东名册、代币转账、投票、职位任命、融资、会计等组织机构的基础功能。Aragon链上组织的行为可以通过修改章程来自定义。最后,Aragon组织可通过连接智能合约的第三方模块进行扩展。

Aragon is based on the Etherm, a never-ending global public block chain platform. Second, through Aragon Core, the AragonCore is made up of DAOs and Dapps in the language of Solidity. Aragon has now achieved the basic functions of organizational bodies such as shareholder rosters, token transfers, voting, job appointments, financing, and accounting.

Aragon是流动的、民主的,通过Aragon网络治理。Aragon拥 Aragon治理提案(Aragon governance proposal,AGP),每个AGP都详细描述了对Aragon网络共享资源进行管理、分配以及使用所要做出的改变。所有的AGP必须与社区的目标和价值相一致。AGP的目的是对Aragon网络共享资源的改变提供一个结构化的决策流程。对于共享资源的调整,需要DAO参与者共同决定同意 / 拒绝访问,或者批准 / 拒绝有关提案。

Aragon is mobile, democratic, and is governed through the Aragon network. Aragon & nbsp; Aragon governance proposal (Aragon government proposal, AGP), each AGP details the changes to be made in managing, allocating and using the shared resources of the Aragon network. All AGPs must be consistent with the goals and values of the community. AGP aims to provide a structured decision-making process for changes in the shared resources of the Aragon network.

Aragon网络上的原生通证被称为Aragon net- work token(简称为ANT)。ANT代表用户在其所在DAO中的通证份额大小。DAO中的成员可以就组织的规则和治理发起提案,之后其他成员根据自身所持有的通证份额大小进行投票,以决定是否接纳该提案。需要指出的是,提案的发起者也需要预存一定的ANT作为抵押,以促使提案者发起有益提案。

The original generality on the Aragon network is known as Aragon net-work token. ANT represents the user’s share of the pass in its DAO. Members in the DAO can initiate a proposal on the rules and governance of the organization, followed by a vote by other members on the size of their share of the pass to decide whether to accept the proposal.




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