The latest TP wallet registration curriculum, the tp wallet software, has a lot of functions, and many of them do not know how to register the software, and they finally know it through a piece of their own, so simply, let's take a look at it with the editor-in-chief and hope that this article will help you.
1. Open the TokenPocket wallet after downloading has been completed and click on [I don't have a wallet];
If there's anything you can import, the next one will tell us how to import the wallet.
Select the bottom wallet that you want to create; (here, for example, the Tatiya wallet)
General selection
Three, click [Creating wallets];
(iv) Set [the wallet name] and [the password] in turn, and then tick [services and privacy provisions], click [the wallet is created];
5、进入备份助记词页面后,全选 但不建议截图 因为会被别的app获取。一定准备好纸与笔
5. After entering the back-up word page, select all but not recommended because it will be picked up by another app. Paper and pen must be ready.
Click Next
6. Super-associated notes, back-up and then click [back-up complete, validation];
7. Fill in the last step in the order of the word reference, and then click [confirmation];
选择网络 默认即可
Select Network By Default
8. By now, your new wallet has been created successfully.
选择 左上角 的三个恒,然后选择 TRX
Select the three constants in the upper left corner, and then select TRX
点击右侧的 + 号
Click the + number on the right
就可以看到USDT trc20了
You can see USDT Trc20.
网络选择 ETH
Network Selection ETH
点击切换到 ETH网络
Click to switch to ETH network
选择 右侧 的 + 号
Select the + number for the right
因为币种较多,可以通过搜索框 输入 USDT 并点击 右侧加号 看好图标对应
Because there are more currencies, you can enter USDT and click the right plus mark and watch the icon match.
这样就可以转账或者收USDT ERC20了
So we can transfer or collect USDT ERC20.
Reminder: Too many wallets online are false and are recommended for official downloads or downloads at the script house.
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