我们日常通用货币是人民币 (RMB),美国通用货币是美元 (USD),俄罗斯通用货币是卢布 (RUB)。
Our daily common currency is the renminbi (RMB), the United States common currency is the United States dollar (USD) and the Russian common currency is the ruble (RUB).
So what is the common currency in the block chain?
是泰达币 (USDT)。
It's the USDT.
乍一看,泰达币 (USDT) 与美元(USD) 很像,那它们之间是不是有什么关系呢?
At first glance, it looks like the dollar. Does it have anything to do with it?
Yeah, it's connected, it's close.
泰达币是Tether公司发行的一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的数字货币。价值与美元同等。市场上,1 泰达币=1 美元
Tedar is a digital currency issued by Tether that pegs encrypted currency to the United States dollar, the legal currency. The value is equal to that of the United States dollar. On the market, 1 tadar = $1
It's like a Q dollar or a game coupon, with prices tied to real money prices. We need to exchange real money for a Q dollar or a coupon in order to make a deal in a world of games. Likewise, in a world of block chains, an encrypted currency is the currency in which transactions are made.
However, unlike the USDT, Q notes cannot be exchanged for cash, they cannot be traded for transfers, and they cannot be exchanged for products and services outside the company system.
Compared to the digital currency issued by one company, our country has a digital renminbi issued by the People's Bank of China.
数字人民币以电子形式支付,价值与人民币的纸钞和硬币同等。 1 数字人民币=1 RMB
The digital renminbi is paid in electronic form, the value of which is the same as the currency's banknotes and coins. 1 Digital renminbi = 1 RMB
USDT is directly linked to the United States dollar and is closely linked to the entire encrypted currency market.
When will the renminbi, like USDT, affect the economy of the entire world?
Digital renminbi
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