12月14日 比特币今日价格小幅走高 比特币发明者真实身份仍是谜
The real identity of the Bitcoin inventor remains a mystery.
Bitcoin prices rose slightly on Monday (14 December) and the strength of yesterday's continued high was generally maintained.
According to the quotations published by BITSTAMP, Bitcoin/United States dollar (XBT/USD) had risen to over 440 after it had seen it in the vicinity of 425 yesterday and had since retreated to around 430, but had again moved up to over 435 on the day of the transaction.
(比特币/美元分时图 来源:彭博、FX168财经网)
(bitcoin/United States dollar time map from: Bloomberg, FX168)
The offer issued by KRAKEN indicated that the Bitcoin/EUR (XBT/EUR) had soared to over 400 after it had seen the bottom of 385 yesterday and had since retreated to 390 levels, but again to above 395 for the Japanese chassis.
(比特币/欧元分时图 来源:彭博、FX168财经网)
(bitcoin/euro timescale map from: Bloomberg, FX168)
火币网公布的报价显示,比特币/人民币昨日自2780水平飙高至2933附近,此后虽回落至2850水平,但本交易日亚盘再度走高至2890水平。 南方财富网微信号: southmoney
According to the quotations published by the Democratic Republic of the Congo Network, while yesterday the Bitcoin/People's Currency rose sharply from 2780 to around 2933, and since then it has fallen back to 2850, the trading chassis has again gone up to 2890.
(比特币/人民币30分钟图 来源:火币网)
(Bitcoin/KWD 30-minute map from: gunnet)
行业方面,外媒报道,一位自称是比特币发明者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人士近日表示,数日前被澳大利亚警方突袭住宅的Craig Steven Wright并不是他本人。
In the industry, the foreign media reported that a person claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto, an inventor of Bitcoin, had recently stated that Craig Steven Wright, who had been raided by the Australian police several days earlier, was not himself.
Recently, the terms “bitcoin” and “Australia” have been closely related. As a result, it has been reported that Benz of the Bitcoin inventors is an Australian.
The Australian government and regulatory agencies have recently been trying to regulate issues related to Bitcoin in the country. The Economic Advisory Council’s summary report, published in August this year, provides an overview of the current situation, along with a series of reference recommendations.
The report argues that bitcoin should be considered a currency. The government should therefore amend the definition of currency in the new tax system (goods and services tax), which was introduced in 1999, and include virtual currency in the financial supply of the new tax system.
At the same time, the report recommended that further testing of appropriate tax treatment for virtual currencies should also be added to the White Paper on Tax Rates, taking into account, in particular, income tax and additional income tax.
The report states that the Australian government should consider setting up a virtual economic task force to gather further information on the use, opportunities, and risks of virtual currency. This would help regulators such as the Australian Federal Reserve and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) to judge whether appropriate adjustments to virtual currency transactions are necessary.
The report concludes with a recommendation to review the use of the AML/CTF regulations for virtual currency transactions.
14 December Beijing: 1307, Bitcoin/United States dollar: 436.00, Bitcoin/euro: 396.83, Bitcoin/euro: 2889.90.
Source: FX168
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