七年前,一名为Laszlo Hanyecz的程序员用一万个比特币购买了两个Papa John's披萨。如今一万个比特币价值2300万美金,够吃一辈子的披萨。 Seven years ago, a programmer for Laszlo Hanyecz purchased two Papa John & #39s in 10,000 bitcoins. Today 10,000 bitcoins are worth $23 million worth of pizza for a lifetime. 共识大会的成果刺激价格飙涨 consensus conference outcomes stimulated price hikes 历史数据显示,从今年2月到4月份,比特币价格一直在6000元-8000元之间震荡,在经历了接近3个月的横盘整理后,比特币价格在4月下旬开始启动,并在一个月内翻倍。原因何在?
在美国时间5月23日的2017共识大会上,来自全球21个国家的56个数字货币公司就比特币扩容问题达成共识。这些公司代表了全网超过83.28%的哈希算力。根据共识协议,SegWit方案计划于9月激活。他们将采取原有的“SegWit+2Mb”扩容解决方案,具体方案如下:SegWit激活阈值设为80%,并以bit4作为信号发送方式;在6个月内执行硬分叉,将区块大小扩大至2Mb。 At the United States Time 2017 Consensus Conference on 23 May, 56 digital money companies from 21 countries worldwide agreed on the expansion of bitcoin. These companies represent more than 83.28% of Hashi's power across the network. The SegWit program is planned to be activated in September, as agreed in the consensus agreement. They will adopt the original “ SegWit+2Mb” the expansion solution, as follows: Setwit activation threshold at 80% and use bit4 as signal transmission; implement hard splits within six months to expand the size of blocks to 2Mb.. 意义在于,该隔离见证2MB分叉计划意味着比特币区块链的拥堵现象将被缓解,比特币转账可以更快被确认。
比特币拥堵即比特币网络因网络转账数量激增导致网络堵塞,一次交易可能需要几个小时甚至十几个小时。为什么会拥堵? bitcoincrowding, i.e. Bitcoinnets, caused by the proliferation of network transfers, could take hours or even 10 hours to make a transaction. Why? 我们知道,比特币网络每10分钟形成一个区块,矿工将以前发生的交易信息写进新的区块,盖上时间戳,帮助完成交易,并收取一定的手续费。区块大小最大为1M。随着交易规模越来越大,能写进新区块的交易信息有限,矿工倾向于先帮助出较高手续费的投资者完成交易,出手续费较低的交易者则被延后。整个网络的交易大大延迟。这对于比特币的交易体验是比较大的伤害。 we know that the Bitcoin network forms a block every 10 minutes, where miners write up information about previous transactions into a new block, stamp it with a time stamp, help complete the transaction, and charge a fee. The size of the block is a maximum of 1M. As the scale of the transaction increases, there is limited information about the transactions that can be entered into the new block, miners tend to help investors with higher fees to complete the transaction, while traders with lower fees are delayed. The entire network is significantly delayed. This is more damaging to the business experience of Bitcoin.
比特币近几个月的价格走势 解决拥堵问题的方案有两种,直接进行链上扩容的硬分叉方案与采用SegWit软分叉方案。硬分叉与软分叉涉及去中心化的的节点软件、协议、版本升级的问题。 there are two solutions to the congestion problem: the hard fork solution, which directly expands the chain, and the soft fork solution, which uses SegWit. Hard fork and soft fork involve decentralised node software, protocols, version upgrades. 硬分叉是指,当比特币系统出现新版本,与老版本不能兼容,且新节点的算力超过50%时,老节点无法接受新节点挖出的全部或部分区块,导致系统内实质存在两条链。
但软分叉也有缺点: 1.软分叉的前提是老的节点总是能够接受新节点的区块,这就要求把系统设计成向前兼容(forward compatible);
“SegWit+2Mb”扩容解决方案可以说是软分叉与硬分叉之间的一种妥协性方案,据粹客网报道,SegWit+2Mb 扩容方案虽说是一个折中方案,但它并不是此次会议的临时决定,而是早在今年 3 月底就由 Rootstock 智能合约安全专家 Sergio Demian lerner 提出,他在 3 月 31 日称详细阐述了这些想法: & ldquo; SegWit+2Mb” magnification solution can be described as a compromise between soft and hard fork. According to the populist network, the segWit+2Mb magnification scheme, although a compromise solution, was not an ad hoc decision of the meeting, but was proposed by Rootstock Smart Contract Security Specialist Sergio Demianlerner at the end of March this year, who described these ideas in detail on 31 March: Segwit2MB 项目将为比特币添加一个非常小的补丁,旨在解决 Segwit 激活与通过标准区块大小增加提升链上交易之间的政治立场冲突。这并非是一个新的解决方案,但是这应该被看作是他们之间的最小公分母。 Segwit2MB will add a very small patch to Bitcoin to resolve the political position conflict between Segwit activation and transactions in the chain of upgrading by standard block size. This is not a new solution, but it should be seen as the smallest common denominator between them. 尽管解决方案不完美,也不稳固,但毕竟对于解决拥堵问题有积极意义,流动性会更好。 国际认可的增加也助涨比特币 此外,比特币的国际认可度在增强,也使得做多比特币有了更多理由。据报道,今年3月27日,日本国会通过《支付服务法》修正案,该法案支持比特币支付。此外,根据日本最新的《资金清偿法》,比特币买卖将免于征收消费税。受此影响,日本在线交易所、基金以及汇款公司便开始竞相向日本金融服务局(FSA)注册比特币服务。一旦完成注册,原来青睐于每年40万亿美元交易额外汇保证金交易市场的渡边太太们,将会投入到比特币投资中。 同时,美国证监会计划于5月15日再次审核Winklevoss双胞胎兄弟的比特币ETF上市申请。如果比特币ETF上市申请通过,比特币ETF将与黄金ETF一样成为标准化的金融资产,正式确立合法投资地位。目前该审核计划已延期。 利好消息不断,不过这些年来比特币价格上蹿下跳已经习以为常,比特币除了投资,现实中的使用场景很少。价值如何评估也没有套路。现在要入场的投资者要注意风险。 good news keeps coming, but it's been a habit to jump over bitcoin prices over the years, and bitcoin has little real use except for investment. There's no way to assess value. Investors who come in now need to be aware of risk.
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